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Everything posted by Coyotedancer

  1. The gals' hair-styles aren't really much better.... There are some serious turkeys in that selection list, just like on the guys' side. 😝
  2. While I wouldn't want to go back to the world of Dumpster Diving or herding every hydra in Perez, I do think the aggro cap could stand to be a little higher than it is. When you're with a full team (or have your smaller team set on a higher team-size difficulty) there *always* seem to be one or two more goons than you can keep a handle on. Which is to say, there always seems to be a goon... usually a Lt... who's absolutely determined to wander over and do terrible things to your Defender or Blaster while all of his buddies are ganging up on the Taunt Bunny. While I suppose you could argue that that's "A Challenge For The Squishies!", it usually makes me, rather I'm playing the tank OR the squish in question, wonder why the aggro cap and the spawn sizes so rarely seem to be in synch once you get past a certain point. Especially when the group actually doesn't have a second aggro-magnet to deal with the overage.
  3. Eh, Emps can already be mailed to other characters on your account, so just add a way to turn threads back into Emps and we're golden.
  4. Dennu the rogue-like, Void-touched Agony Mage exists now... Middle Coyote-nephew decided that he wants to run around red-side with "something really Knockback-y" (We're thinking Energy Blaster), so I figured a tar patch was a big, easy-to-spot target zone for teaching him the fine art of Pinball Wizardry. 😆
  5. Among my crew... Semnai has the most individually (She's my non-farming Broadsword/Bio Brute-) at 60-something. The three versions of Kai, my main arguably, have her beaten collectively. Her Kaikara, White Thorn and Void's Thorn incarnations have 71 between them. My farmers both turned XP off at vet level 99, just because Ver and a few others lamented once-upon-a-time that it wasn't fair for farmers to really keep track and compare farming-driven numbers to theirs. 😝
  6. The HC launcher handles dual-boxing just fine.
  7. Since the characters will be level-locked at 38, the last set of SOs you get for them will be the last ones they ever have to have. They'll never out-level them, so it's not "wasted" INF to buy them like it would be on a character going to 50.
  8. Hmm... Second pass at rolling says Gravity/Dark Controller. Sort-of an odd pairing, but given the Singularity changes it might be an interesting one to build over on the test server...
  9. I've got... About 150m scattered on various characters, at a guess, plus another 250m stashed in email. That's a fair bit less than I typically keep around, but I've really been slacking on my farm runs lately, I just finished equipping a pretty wallet-busting Brute (Looking at you, Caliph. <_<) *and* I have a couple of newbie players (One of them a full-on budding alt-o-holic! 😝) that I've been financing. So... Expenses. I has them.
  10. For whatever it's worth, back in the Liberty days I used to level all of my characters on SOs and a couple of favorite specials and procs... None of them even used common IOs. They never got their "real" set-build until they hit 47. They played perfectly well that way. Now, I wasn't soloing team task forces at +4/x8 with them, granted... But for all of the regular game content I did play, either solo or teamed? They were fine. They certainly weren't dying left and right, like proverbial flies. I seriously doubt that's changed much over the last couple of years. The only reason I stopped doing that and switched to using common IOs when I'm leveling someone here on Homecoming was purely economic. Starting over from scratch meant having to conserve resources, and the Commons I didn't have to replace every few levels were just more cost-effective.
  11. You were beaten to this idea almost a year ago, Troo... 😝 A random idea - Everlasting - Homecoming (homecomingservers.com) That original thread is how I ended up with an Archery/Time Corruptor, an Ice/Dark Blaster and a Street/Shield Scrap. ETA: Your version says I need to make a Beast/Kin Mastermind. Which I'm NOT going to make. (I'm just not a Beasts fan and that paired with Kinetics would be miserable.)
  12. The existing in-game Circle ladies are all minions (or Demons... but I'm not going to count the Succubi, here, just the human Circle folk-). That annoys me a lot... There really shouldn't be an apparent "glass ceiling" there, with no female magi or Thorn Casters. Not given what we know about their history and *everyone* having been a magician back-in-the-day. So.. yeah. Lady mages, Thorn Wielders and Casters. The only ones who exist in-game SHOULDN'T all have to be Player Characters.
  13. My nephew wants me to add "Those ice-slides from Frostfire's map!" to the list. They're pretty much his favorite thing in the game so far, so naturally he wants me to put them in the Wolfepack base for him to play with. 😆
  14. Bad puns and movie quotes... You can do a lot with bad puns and movie quotes.
  15. Nice! That was always the one big problems my tabletop crew had with Champions. Combat just took *So.Freakin'.Long.* to resolve... and heaven help you if you're the person playing a SPD 5 character in a group of mostly SPD 6 or 7 characters! (*raises hand* One of mine... an intentionally moderately-paced spell-casting magician-type... was like that. In one 6-on-6, team-vs-team fight, he ended up facing an also-SPD-5 witch. The slowest member of the opposing group. The player who was controlling her for the battle and I ended up having the two of them head down the street to the local diner for coffee while they were waiting for their turns to come up. That was the fight that took almost twelve real-time hours to finish. 😆 Ah, gaming in our college days.)
  16. I'd love to see more "cross-over" between the various sides of the City... Heroes getting to go bust goons in missions in the Isles, Villains coming to Paragon to break the heroes' stuff... That kind of thing. I do *not* want open, every-zone PvP, mind, (I got burned out on that idea with the shared zones and rifters in Aion, and wouldn't want to duplicate the experience here-) but having missions or whole arcs set in the "other side" zones? Oh, heck yeah. I feel like that's long over-due.
  17. Interesting idea... but not really something I would jump into. ('Just not a fan of the low-level game, I'm afraid. Whiffing constantly with my three mostly unslotted powers while living the zero-END life to boot just isn't my cup of tea. 😅 )
  18. I may actually have time to get in-game tonight or this weekend... The last week has been pretty wild... So maybe the timing will be lucky. I'll try to ping you when I'm on the Bird-things.
  19. Pulling in anybody who's ever posted anything in a balance thread is one way to keep your proposal at the top of the thread list, I guess... 😆 For the record, I'm very much in the "More Options are Good"-camp, and I like quite a few that have been suggested. ... Just as long as they actually are *Options*, anyway, and don't become Standard Expectations or a defacto requirement. What I don't want to see is low- and mid-range characters tossed out like the baby with the bathwater. (And yes, those kinds of characters absolutely do still exist. They're not even all that uncommon from what I've seen on Everlasting. I'm another habitual bio-reader, and there are still a fair number of characters out there with few-to-no set bonuses listed, even on higher-level teams. At most, those players are running Common IO builds with maybe a couple of the procs or specials that don't show up on the list, so nothing even close to the supposedly-ubiquitous UBERBuilds.) Anyway, like I've said about a hundred times over the last couple of years, I think it's just way too easy to look around at the forum regulars, the MIDS Gurus and the TF speedsters and just assume that they're "everybody"... the joe-average CoH player. If those very skilled and very vocal power-builders are the people that you usually talk to and run with, it's only human to start thinking "Well, EVERYONE on Homecoming runs indestructible, soft-capped tank-mages who can solo Lusca on the regular these days. Let's build everything around that!" Which would not be a Good Thing for anyone who wasn't playing Captain PermaL33T or her side-kick Soft-Cap Lad. So... Options. Options are the way to go here.
  20. I've somehow found myself mildly addicted to a very pretty little turn-based, "collect the creatures" monster-battle game called Onmyoji. A friend suggested it as a casual F2P time-waster that I could play either desktop or on my phone, because she thought the characters involved would appeal to me. She was not wrong. 😆 Now I'm in the process of assembling and leveling a collection of stabby/blasty/ridiculously-stylish shikigami to go forth and slap around other summoners and their pets. <_< >_> I wish my katana scrap had Onikiri's attacks. I ❤️ my stabby, stabby Onikiri. Pretty-boy sword-bro be FIERCE, man.
  21. Nice for my little guys, who are the ones I tend to keep in Bodyguard. 👍
  22. Fair enough. I'll admit that I pretty much ignore the resistance effect. I'm entirely in it for the mez protection, especially on that Mastermind I mentioned earlier.
  23. Hmm... Maybe this is too obvious and has already been mentioned somewhere (I admit I haven't paid perfect attention to every single post on the issue so far-), but if it's the combination of mez protection and broad resistance that makes RoP look so vastly over-powered, at least on paper, why not address that bit directly? Since a lot of us in that mighty 5% who take and use the power seem to do it much more for the mezzy bits than the resistance, how about just leaving the duration and recharge as-is and remove the resistance component completely? It seems like that would solve the "better than Armor T9" issues and any resistance-stacking on melee types that might be worrying the dev crew, while still leaving anyone who uses it to keep from becoming mushroom bait fine using it in that role.
  24. Hard no on that. The Indy Ouro exit is the one closest to a train station. That makes it useful.
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