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Everything posted by Xaeon

  1. With WoW seeming to halve its subscriber base with every new expansion, Overwatch losing steam, Heroes of the Storm already dead, Starcraft 2 a decayed wight of a game, and Diablo fans having nothing but scorn for Blizzard after Blizzcon 2018 I'm actually kind of worried about Blizzard's future in the 2020s. I'm kind of expecting the day that Activision ends up doing to Blizzard what EA does to every studio it buys.
  2. I mean, from what I've heard, Battle for Azeroth is basically the point of no return for WoW and the fandom currently absolutely hates Blizzard. I wouldn't say that "Don't you guys have phones?" Blizzard is anything like Peak WOW Blizzard and player confidence in Blizzard being able to turn things around is very low. Estimates by decently reliable methods have suggested that WoW has declined to about Launch numbers of subscribers: and based on the current trend of irreversible decline I'd expect Activision to take Blizzard behind the shed sometime in the 2020s so Bobby "Has Devil Horns" Kotick can suck out what life there is left from the decaying zombie of the company.
  3. If you listen to half the people who played BFA modern Blizzard couldn't even find its own arse with a map and a flashlight. It's not even sure if you have phones.
  4. Heh, was thinking it was more thematic for Doms TBH :p Inb4 people ask for Whip Doms to step on them.
  5. I'm pretty sure Positron said the reason was because he knew the CoX fandom was full of the horniest people imaginable who'd immediately use it to get their rocks off. And if there's anything Positron feared most; it was CoX being associated with internet horniness.
  6. If CO had a nine figure budget and was the tentpole release for one of the big five publishers of the entire year it'd have made headliens too.
  7. HEAT and VEAT power sets please.
  8. Pure defense or resist sets feel terrible in the lower levels before you reach the point of being able to take SOs/level 25 IOs at level 22. This is not a problem unique to Energy Aura. Non-layered protective sets just have a rough beginner's curve in general. However once you can get those numbers up to the ED cap it'll feel a million times better and that's even without sets.
  9. Because CoX was the Warframe of its genre and CO was the Anthem.
  10. My main issue with Dark Astoria is so nakedly drawing from Silent Hill for its aesthetics and feel and yet never having any truly silent hill esque enemies. The creatures of Mot are at worst; generic teeth monsters and the spook factor is kind of lessened by appearing next to kind of silly looking tiki torch witch doctors and scooby doo masks. Hell even the zombies all disappear in new DA for some reason. There's just nothing like this to go with the zone's imagery: (Warning, images of blood and gore) http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/silent/images/b/bc/Needler.png/revision/latest?cb=20150322095944 I dunno, I thought it'd have been cool to have a faction or two of grotesque silent hill style monsters and ghosts in DA.
  11. So basically you want to be able to play the traditional Paladin class in fantasy MMOs in CoX? I don't see anything wrong with that. +1
  12. I've suggested something similar in warframe in response to their ideas for trying to balance impact and puncture damage with slash damage. The issue there being that Slash damage's special proc is an irresistable bleed that ignores resists, armour, and shielding that scales to the damage dealt while Impact's is just a stun and Puncture only reduces the damage the enemy deals. They wanted Impact to also do KB if the damage is high enough and Puncture's DR to scale up to -75% but DE was met with many saying that this would not actually solve why Slash is the king of physical damage types. If they wanted people to consider KB as anything but a goofy gimmick for some weapons and an annoyance for some herd focused frames and weapons; KB would have to do damage. And honestly it really should, being thrown across the room with that much force isn't going to be harmless as many video games show it as being. It's not a momentary issue that just means you need some time to reorient yourself; it's going to be a big chunk of blunt force trauma. Having KB actually hurt would also make it more desireable for melee toons who traditionally have generally disliked KB because it is inherently at odds with their preferred combat ranges. While this wouldn't make KB accepted for every Melee toon regardless (Brutes are likely to still pass over powers that have a lot of KB because their inherent demands nonstop fighting in dense spawns of enemies and tankers similarly are likely to prefer to keep enemies close and easily aggro managed), it would make KB heavy powers or sets more attractive for ATs that fight in CQC. It would also make the KB to KD IOs be more of an involved choice as you're sacrificing a slot and some damage. Though to compensate, the IOs could have +damage or +recharge or +accuracy or a smashing/energy damage proc or the like added to them.
  13. The amount of aggro my rad/rad brute already draws with Irradiated Ground and Beta Decay makes taunt very much unnecessary in most cases. Once I have ground zero and atom smasher I will basically pokevoke everything even vaguely near me anyway.
  14. Yeah, but the bosses micromanage you, they won’t pay overtime, and your responsible for buying your own red and white costume. Check out the Glassdoor reviews...you don’t want to work for Hero Corp Hero Corps' colours are two tone blue, Freedom Corps which is a non-profit organisation (although financed in large part by NATO donations) is the one backing Longbow and its Red Cross coloured uniforms. :P You still get paid in Freedom Corps though, to allow for heroes to work full time if they want. Unpaid vigilantes with secret identities (or even public identity heroes who choose to go unpaid for some reason) definitely exist though.
  15. I still can't quite get alongside the idea that Brutes = Tankers. I daresay that an optimised IO'd Brute can tank as well as a Tanker but levelling with SOs or even basic IOs a Brute really compares more to a Scrapper (only a bit tougher) than an actual Tanker. Not for nothing were Masterminds regarded as the original redside tanks, and I recall more than one occassion on live when a Brute had to explain to the rest of their team that soaking up alphas and holding all the aggro wasn't really part of their job description. Which is to say I think both ATs still have a role - certainly my experience on a Tanker is different from a Brute in many ways. Still I guess Brutes are the new hotness (literally in the case of spines/fire...) Jack wanted MMs to be the Redside tanks but didn't give them any aggro management so almost nobody actually used them for tanking, especially when most MMs in the early CoV days were skittish with their minions and would tend to pull them back out of danger rather than risk them getting defeated to tank for team mates. Leaving the Brute who actually had the taunt power to aggro manage as well as solid survivability stats to do all the tanking on a team. Because Jack is a weird man with weird ideas like that the Shadow Shard is good level design, you should feel weaker as you get higher in level, and a well built character should be able to take on three minions maximum when solo. As for Brutes and Scrappers. The issue is that Stalkers also exist and much more cleanly compare to Scrappers than Brutes do. With the end of side exclusive ATs the four melee ATs though all settled into rather separate niches. The Tanker is a tarpit who locks down enemies and slowly drowns them while the rest of the team pounds on the stuck enemies, the Brute is a chainsaw that gradually eats through obstacles and stops for no obstacles, the Scrapper is a fast moving sledgehammer and the Stalker is a very keenly aimed rapier that eliminates any priority target. They all play very differently and occupy different roles on the team. The issue with tankers though is that they just don't really do a lot of damage on their own and later on in the game Brutes and Scrappers can replicate Gauntlet pretty well with a decent Taunt aura. They also have to compete with Kheldians who are also extremely versatile. The difference between an purpled out Tanker and a purpled out Khedian or Brute in terms of survivability is generally not an appreciably large one in most content, and they bring other stuff to the table. Some people on the discord and I have brainstormed a concept for the Tanker that puts a bit more emphasis on Bruising. Spreading it to every attack tankers get to varying degrees, the first attack getting a -30 debuff, the others getting a -20, AOEs getting a -5 and the debuff lasting a bit longer. This means that the tanker holding down a large spawn of enemies has the added benefit of making them easier to down and also helps the tanker have a way to do more damage on their own; making them both more solo and team friendly without treading on the other melee AT's toes.
  16. I'm guessing you missed the horde of horny catgirls in Pocket D.
  17. Roleplaying SGs have been as strong if not stronger than ever.
  18. Interesting. That suggests the color limits aren't just a UI thing but are somehow vetted by the game code at runtime. You would be amazed by how many decisions were made because Positron was really afraid of CoX being used as a tool for horniness.
  19. Is that a motherfucking Homestuck reference?
  20. To my knowledge heroes under Hero Corps get paid like any other job.
  21. "Fashion is the true end game" - Warframe mantra.
  22. The true endgame is developing enough patience to go through all four shadowshard TFs in one sitting.
  23. Why are you doing this to another thread about the market? The market is currently an absolute mess. The lower tier IOs aren't worth crafting because the higher tier IOs are selling for so cheap courtesy of converters. "Oh no the plebs can make their builds without turning CoX into a second job! Woe is me!"
  24. You barely have enough melee attacks to make a good attack chain for most sets (and some secondaries literally cannot make a melee attack chain at all). A pure blapping build is also regarded as something of a meme as Blasters don't really have the melee damage scaling to get the most out of it (inferior to Dominators who also get much better CC to ensure nobody hits them back) and many blaster secondaries do not provide for any significant melee capability.
  25. The CoX timeline explicitly works on "wibbly wobbley, timey wimey stuff" where you can see Praetoria be destroyed by Hamidon at level 30 but then beat the god out of Tyrant in an incarnate trial but because you put off the maria Jenkins arc you have to save Positron from an Olympian Guard. Just go with whatever feels best to you. Dumping on someone's character concept like you did in the tone you did is kind of a douchemove. The number one rule of criticism I learned while honing my craft as a professional is that unsolicited criticism is nearly always useless.
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