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Everything posted by Herotu

  1. DreadShinobi makes a fortune writing small fortune cookies.
  2. What level is that scrapper you don't like?
  3. Here we go! Reichsman invades Praetoria to combine himself with the other two versions of him ... or he's been manipulated into falling into his alternate self's (or ... someone else's) plot to do so.
  4. ... keep going ... an alternate Reichsman (no going back to Tyrant/Statesman, you cheater!).
  5. I would love to see some weird recursive Nemesis Plot where he ends up being his own nemesis, and that Nemesis's nemesis is another Nemesis... and so on. It would be called "The Nemesis of My Nemesis". Or The Enemy of My Enemy... which has me as my ally. I love the "Field Agent Keith Nance" arc, as you might imagine.
  6. I am a very slow reader. I don't mind reading, but CoH has walls and walls of text, SO... A long time ago I switched to text-to-speech for CoH missions. Just copy/paste and head off to the mission while you listen to the story (having two monitors makes this very easy - seriously, when I switched from my CRT (many years ago), I used it as a second monitor and the difference having two makes blew my socks off). I use this website: https://ttsreader.com/ Perhaps your friends might like to try it? Got to give this a hard disagree, but the rest of your post is strong.
  7. Is it half-assery? Or is it the work of a SUPER VILLAIN?! Muauahahahahahahaha hah.
  8. Known unknowns? or known unknown but really knowns, I mean who doesn't own a clock... or a phone with a clock on it? If we REALLY want to cut down on carbon, we'd get rid of time. it's bullshit anyway. Someone just made it up. Like money. #TimeDenier
  9. The computer works out which supergroup has the best name and ranks them in that order.
  10. Is Grandma wearing fishnets? Why Grandma, when you said "Special Sauce", I thought you meant something else entirely!
  11. Climbing, Spider-man webslinging, "surfing"-style flying.
  12. Are there batteries in your mouse? Are they flat?
  13. Oh, I forgot interactables! More things to click in the world!
  14. 1. My #1 is voiced characters, even if it has to be Text-to-Speech. I love the missions and the stories but they're quite wall-of-texty - I tend to copy them into ttsreader.com (english uk female voice) and have it read them to me as I travel to the mission. 2. Bin levels. No more levels, they're a horrible way to make the game because you end up with this auto-level to match zone-level and sidekick level to match exemplar and all that awful bandaid guff. It's just silly. No levels - done. Instead of levels you can be trained when you have done enough missions or stories or another "achievement" (number of enemies, if you want to maintain the grindy aspects of the game). The game can still have level-style calculations behind the scenes if it's needed for difficulty scaling, but the important part is that players don't see the word "level" on their screen. It makes the game too numerical IMHO - it's more science than art. More mathematics = less fun. Everybody knows that equation. 3. More scope for actual puzzles. You know, something a bit cerebral. 4. Difficult choices. Letting someone die to save someone else. Going to one place means another place burns, etc. Then your nemesis rises from the place to had to abandon. 5. Nemesis. Of course. Did you know that WB copyrighted their Nemesis system now? 6. Fewer powers. You heard me - FEWER powers. More items, though. Items that don't have limited charges. Items that can be traded. Items that you can lose or find. 7. Dynamic stories. Something I came up with years ago - we know that pretty basic AI can generate believable stories. We know how narrative works, we know 3 act structure, 5 plot-point stories. It's possible to generate stories dynamically! 8. A force/damage vs speed trade-off system, so slow clunkers like me can compensate by hitting harder. 9. MANY more destructibles. Let's have the whole place falling apart in big battles. It's FUN! I like to see things flying all over (except when you have lots of players, then it gets ridiculous). 10. No pets. None. At all. I know they're fun but they're also messy and horrible. The effect spam is bad enough with players. Pets only make it worse. ...
  15. His nemesis (or real identity!) is a dear old lady called Auntie Life? Edit: I just realised that might be a very region-specific joke. In northern england we pronounce Auntie as Anti. I'll get me coat.
  16. So... I was thinking about a faction standing system. Might be cool redside, not so much blue side, where heroes are powerful individuals - (a notion that was repeatedly hard-sold to us throughout the 20th century). Villains are usually team players (you know, being reds, communists and all that). I was wondering if it might be possible to emphasise this by having red side players gain faction standing when they do missions for prominent villains - perhaps they could rise through ranks, like the NPCs do. Maybe they get a temp power depending on their rank - if they rise, they lose that one and get the next one up. Maybe they get an exclusive texture they can put on their outfit to show rank/faction? - I liked the idea of a character being someone in a faction, not just an outsider who gets merc jobs. Seems a lot of work, but might be kinda fun?
  17. I don't want more difficult fights, I want more interesting fights. They can be easier, if that makes them more interesting! That's why I like runners so much - you don't see them in many (any?) other games. Difficult != Interesting
  18. The ONLY album I ever bought immediately after hearing it played in the store. Fu Manchu - Urethane
  19. You've got a point, there's some merit there. Perhaps we can read it as the buildings being reflective of the character-feel they're supposed to evoke; Sky-scrapers were seen as grand accomplishments, towering monuments to human progress and suchlike, super-human effigies, taking us beyond our normal physical forms. Like heroes. The more human-scale brick dwellings, on the other hand, remind us of something more functional and mundane, restricted by the simple building materials and limited by affordability. That grim backdrop could perhaps be seen as justification or cause for criminal activity.
  20. Still not sold on this. They seem to be drab brick and Arachnos buildings instead of drab cityscape skyscrapers. This. I've said before that it should be a party atmosphere, at least in some areas - lots of neon, lots of chaotic party - it's what Freakshow and Skuls and Outcasts all do on Blue side when you're 'arresting' them. Aside from environment, I think the fundamental issue is the one which the OP puts their finger on, we all fundamentally see ourselves as good people, or at least doing bad things short term because it's necessary to achieve a good outcome long term. That is not what the text says when I'm doing red side missions, the story on red side is that of a villain seeking to become ever more powerful - that's a pre-scripted story that doesn't really work with most of the head-canon stuff people have going on when they create a character.
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