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Everything posted by Herotu

  1. I've tried to do a harlequin type character time and time again - This blows all my efforts away. Amazing.
  2. That's all well and good, but what if you're doing story missions because the game actually exists before level 18? Like I said before, it is what it is/there's nothing you can do about it/that's CoH for you/etc. I'm not going to disagree, but I'll ask what does game-breaking mean in a game where being OPAF doesn't matter, and in fact happens naturally because some class/powerset combos are just plain better than others?
  3. Can we have a flaming pitchfork reaction for when we want bloody revolt? In a sombre and respectful manner, of course.
  4. Grinding to a specific level to get an ability your playstyle depends upon is tiresome. The most clear and obvious example here is Phantom Army. Insert thought-terminating cliché.
  5. Wrong. You can't make Unwipedbuttfacegasattack.
  6. Communication. You can chat to whole maps - you can't do that in pen and paper games. With VOIP you can talk to anybody on any map. That might not be a bad thing, but when you think about how cool it might be to have to send a message via a courier, then wait. It's like life before mobile phones!
  7. It's got to be; Lightning Rod Nothing compares.
  8. Shield/Elec - Teleport+PBAoE is just insanely fun.
  9. Conversely, I'd like to be able to wear the temp jetpack as a costume piece. There must be some technical limitation, I suppose, or it'd be one of the first things into the costume designer. Perhaps they can't get the jets to turn off when you aren't flying. Sorry - went off topic. Er, ye sure. Seems like a pretty simple-ish change? Invisible jetpack for sale?
  10. You're talking about newbies who've just watched their favourite influencer. It's extremely likely that they're oblivious to the problem. They need to be made aware in a manner that isn't overly aggressive. This issue can be seen from both sides. It's on the publisher to realise that these ARE homages to the characters of their IP. It's not as if some kid playing Homecoming is going to become incredibly wealthy by playing out their fantasies in some sticky corner of the internet. These are the target audience of the publisher and they risk alienating them if the publisher attacks Homecoming. That's lifetime of buying tasteless plastic dolls of <Insertname>man down the pan. Not to mention that the quality of some of these rip-offs is sometimes really high. I've been quite impressed.
  11. It's hard to understand where cast times end and lag begins (or vice versa).
  12. Nah, it's always been a part of the game - it's not a Homecoming thing specifically It's not actual rubber-banding. It's a rubbery feel. Like there's a cast-time on all the powers - so there's a buffer or something - a lack of snappiness. You know, it's like when you run miles away and around a corner and then 10 seconds later some power hits you. Or when you shoot at a mob and your shot follows them around a corner. Or when you do a knockback on someone who's getting up off the floor and it doesn't knock them down again. But it's not rubber banding where people run forwards and then do the exact same movement over and over. That's not happening at all, the ping seems great, in fact! There's something there that I, evidently, haven't defined sufficiently in the OP. Something that always felt a bit... weird.
  13. Is the mobility due to powercreep that's occurred since the game was new? I remember that many encounters had to be prepared for, with dedication to repeatedly buffing (boring!), herding (fun for tanks) and suchlike.
  14. Or even said newbie's evil counterpart? Or alternate self from another dimension or timeline or ... both?
  15. Do you think it might be feasible to make the game feel a bit more responsive? I understand that the game was made in a time of dial-up, where lag was enormous and the weird rubber-band feel of some powers didn't really matter. It's now the far future, 2021, post apocalypse and also pre at least another one or two. Lots of us don't even know what dial-up was! With that in mind, do you think that a more responsive game might be feasible by reducing come cast times, or is the rubbery feel of the game part of the way the client and server communicate on a fundamental level? Is the rubbery feel desirable? Maybe it is? Has the snappy, responsive alternative already been tried and rejected?
  16. Would you say that due to the asymmetrical nature of the sets, that there's necessarily a stronger set? Let me put it another way... do YOU see ice being used as much as fire?
  17. Would you like another go?
  18. Why is Hot Feet a toggle, but Frozen Aura (it's counterpart in Ice Manipulation) a click?
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