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Everything posted by Herotu

  1. Do you think it might be feasible to make the game feel a bit more responsive? I understand that the game was made in a time of dial-up, where lag was enormous and the weird rubber-band feel of some powers didn't really matter. It's now the far future, 2021, post apocalypse and also pre at least another one or two. Lots of us don't even know what dial-up was! With that in mind, do you think that a more responsive game might be feasible by reducing come cast times, or is the rubbery feel of the game part of the way the client and server communicate on a fundamental level? Is the rubbery feel desirable? Maybe it is? Has the snappy, responsive alternative already been tried and rejected?
  2. Would you say that due to the asymmetrical nature of the sets, that there's necessarily a stronger set? Let me put it another way... do YOU see ice being used as much as fire?
  3. Would you like another go?
  4. Why is Hot Feet a toggle, but Frozen Aura (it's counterpart in Ice Manipulation) a click?
  5. Please can we have a simple cape pattern that's just a big star in the middle of a plain background? This would look good on single shoulder capes as well as others who use stars as their motif.
  6. Stealth sounds like the player is working hard and being unseen is their reward, Invisibility sounds like cheatmode. My vote is therefore for; INVISIBILITY
  7. I can't finish my builds - I get build paralysis, so while the answer should be 10 it's more like zero. 😞
  8. I turned his frown upside down. Literally. That's why he looks weird - but happier!
  9. I love SS, but I love elec because late on it feels amazing and I like the feel of the early stone attacks. All of these are impactful. I'm not keen on energy melee, though, it feels weak and pathetic. Perhaps some of this might help you find an alternative?
  10. If you knew, it wouldn't be private/secret, would it?
  11. If WWE taught me anything it's that if your villain doesn't look bad enough, put a man in a suit next to him.
  12. Ugh, why did it have to be DDS format?! Yuck! 😞
  13. It seems there is a whole host of new players who don't know what a MISSION is. Ugh, wall of text! Give me TL;DR or give me grinding!!111 Let's not forget that many players might not even understand english, so ... a lot of the story will be wasted on them. Not that you get chance to read stories during task forces anyway ... I'll shut up now.
  14. Energy Melee -> Whirling Hands animation doesn't trigger/cancels if I move, though the damage still happens.
  15. Whilst I agree that the generic skyscraper zones are very similar to one another, we should remember that they are reflective of the early days of the game. Remember also that as real world architecture has become more interesting, the developers did make newer buildings reflect that, too. Wentworths and AE are good examples. My perspective of villain zones is that they are mostly docks, rubble and brick buildings interspersed with (to different degrees) arachnos architecture.
  16. Maybe it would make sense to have a "Recommended" villain server?
  17. You lost me here. Sorry, what? No. Here's my experience: I've only ever solo'd red side for obvious reasons, so all I've ever done are missions. But the zones are all extremely similar to one another. There's no way you can refer to them as "Unique". I don't know about enemy variety, but because the zones are so generic I don't really notice much variety in the dockworkers or builders or goldbrickers attacking me. Internally, the offices are much MUCH more interesting (and yes I know it's just a skin-job) than the vanilla game had, but later missions blue-side had some good variety in them, too.
  18. I get the impression that gotham's about darkness, not grittiness. And inside every building? A PARTY!
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