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Everything posted by Herotu

  1. That's an interesting perspective and I agree with it, but I don't envision the devs doing something unpopular, do you?
  2. I was watching a stream by Statesman's Pal Jimmy where he describes one of the powers on another server as being a combination of existing powers. It didn't seem a "ton" of work, but yes, I understand that work and time don't magically appear from nowhere.... except... ye well let's keep the existentialism to a minimum, eh?
  3. I really like this idea. It's what I believe pool powers *should* be!
  4. Badge: The Once and Future Hero.gender You know what's weird tho? It's the only badge in the list that I can see the name of, all the other badge names are dim when I highlight them and barely legible. See this example, the badge next to it...
  5. Isn't the usual criticism of Knockback that it makes enemies get stuck in walls? Would Knockup do this too? Naiive question: How much of the knockback gets converted to upwards motion? At least with knockdown you know they can't go lower than the floor, so it's always the same amount (probably). It that the same with knockup?
  6. Guns, Guns, Guns. Where are guns (pistol/rifle/beam - there are lots of existing animations to play with)?
  7. This is going to seem stupid. I am irked by the way the game down-levels content. I appreciate that it's a very clever system and it's also the fairest way of making out-levelled content doable. But I find that losing powers that I've earnt is really frustrating - especially at Incarnate level where I have an amazing AoE power and can't use it in much content. Hah! Joke's on me! So my wish would be to keep all powers but downscale their effects. Ofc, that means having Veteran players that can AoE a lot more than other players at that level - which is an additional problem to be worked out... hmm...
  8. .... or rejoin the group with your Energy/ blaster with knockback enhancements.
  9. What do custom colours do on Dual Pistols, please? I can't see.
  10. ... but you know what would happen... people would ask for the animations to be available on the other archetypes in the name of "Freedom". Freedom = meaningless choices. I know that won't be a popular statement, but let me give you an example; I was watching a video where Woodenpotatoes was explaining why naming your pet as a Ranger in WoW was more meaningful than doing so as a GW2 Ranger - it's because you can only rename the pet once. Sometimes, limitations are really important.
  11. What choo talkin' 'bout, Iron Willis?
  12. I'm just curious - I note on the AH that there are +Resist insps for all tiers. T1 - Discipline T2 - Strength of Will and T3 - Iron Will I've never had one from the Inner Inspiration power or from open play. Are they new? I note there are heaps of others that seem to never drop (for me at least) ; namely Team and Dual (and Team Dual) insps. Where do all these insps come from? I mostly play low level/marketeering, so I don't see much end-game stuff, so if that's where they appear, it'd explain why I never get them.
  13. This is what I never understood about regen. Always on character creation I think... "ooh passive regen would be cool". Then I remember that it's a super-active click-oriented nightmare.
  14. https://www.looper.com/313650/wandavision-slipped-a-marvel-comics-supervillain-reference-right-past-you/
  15. I was just wondering if there's an existing blapping guide? I can't didn't see one using the search function...
  16. I know a lot of people say "Origin doesn't/shouldn't matter", but I want it to mean at least something. It's supposed to be the manner in which my powers are manifested. Ideally (I know, ideally, but not realisticall), there would be unique animations depending on origin type - Technology uses devices a lot according to the text on the creator, so THAT would determine the animation rather than the power itself. Perhaps this is off-topic, but I want origin to mean SOMETHING, and if it can't be animations, perhaps enhancements can remain that thing. Else what's the point? They're all that remains of a great, and CENTRAL idea in the superhero genre, that got edged out of the game over the years.
  17. I hope we have developers with grand ambitions like this in mind. Regardless of whether they're able to implement such radical alterations to the game, I'd like to know that the people behind the curtain are trying to do wyrdness with the engine. Always push the boundaries! :)
  18. Why not use the new Athletic Run instead?
  19. Just to play deviil's advocate, the stealth thing sounds a bit silly, because you CAN put stealth into sprints... oh it's because in Inherent Powers it's permanent stealth that you can't turn off?
  20. Is there a reason why we can't use set enhancements in Swift and Hurdle inherent powers? It seems like an oversight or something. I'd like to use sets so I can just slap an attuned in there and forget about them.
  21. I know we have traps and trick arrow as a secondary for masterminds. I was wondering if it might be feasible to consider another set or sets that utilise the weapons which the mastermind primaries do? We currently have bow on Ninjas. Zombies have dark powers. But, Robotics has a laser Rifle Thugs has a Pistol Mercenaries has Assault Rifle - Please can we have these weapons as secondaries for MM? I know people have requested whips (from Demon Summoning), but that's another topic entirely.
  22. Is the Unrelenting power's self rez working? It doesn't seem to happen. Am I reading it incorrectly or something... "You can also use this power to fight your way back to the living after defeat - if you are defeated when you use this power, you will be revived with 50% health."
  23. ohh... ...is it? It's interesting, I liken this suggestion to the, "I want more powers that can be set to Autocast". I guess it's convenience, but back in the day it was core gameplay to keep casting hasten or whatever as soon as it was off cooldown. This is the difference between strategy (casting it because it will be useful in the current circumstance) and convenience (casting it because either it's useful all the time or it has a cooldown shorter than it's duration).
  24. Interesting insider information, I feel like I got a glimpse inside the machine! Arrrghhh my mind will never be the same again - I am forever changed.
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