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Everything posted by Herotu

  1. So when you say tricked out, do you mean on level 50+ content? Or do you mean any content using attuned enhancements?
  2. Question #1 Is the change to Full Auto in Beta, which says the cast time will be shorter... does it mean the animation will be shorter? Question #2 This is more of an aesthetic/mechanics question. Why does Assault Rile Powerset have only 3 Rifle powers? There are 4 powers that fire a grenade and 2 powers that fire a flamethower. I realise there's only so much you can do with a gun, but surely there could have been more than just three (and if 4 animations can be recycled for grenades, can't others be replicated for more shooting?)? Perhaps there could be a new powerset that utilises that more varied set of munitions, and we could have AR be actually about the AR? I have my tinfoil hat, you can't hurt me! Have at you, internet!
  3. I agree with that. Let me give you an example; I love Electric Melee, but it starts out pretty crappy and most of the time when I'm downscaling to do Ouro/SK/TF... omg SO MUCH lowbie content.. I have to endure the crappiness again and miss out of the wonders of Lightning Rod! I guess Lightning Rod vs lower level content would be too powerful. So my powers are correct for that level of content. I'm being a bit of a pedant in saying that "Completeness" isn't really a thing. Were I in your shoes, and knowing that the leader was reliant on you and having had your request for lower difficulty turned down, I'd probably offer an ultimatum.
  4. Hey there. I thought I'd post this to you. It's a channel that has some sfx on it that you may like (you might have to scroll down a bit).


    1. Solarverse


      I appreciate that, Herotu. Thank you.

  5. No, that's not my point - it's that your build, even though "incomplete", is right for content of any given level, see? So it's really complete *for the content* from level 1.
  6. That's another topic entirely - builds are complete at every level because, well, Ouroboros/SKing. I'm off-topic and I didn't mean to create an argument, I'm just suggesting that CoH levels are a really weird thing.
  7. This is why I'm confused about the idea here. So many sets seem to have very similar/the same playstyle - lots of the early power sets for a given Archetype are different only in terms of animation. So for me, Playstyle means Archetype. Is that right? I was always confused by the Kheldian/VEAT stuff they added, it seems super-complicated and unappealing to me. I know I'm missing out by not exploring these options, but ... I think what I'm asking is - do we want more Archetypes if they're going to be that complicated? That's nothing to do with new Archetypes so maybe I've got the wrong end of the stick?
  8. https://juiceboxinteractive.com/blog/color/
  9. Okay that wish has been poo-poo'd. I want my wish back! I wish for Rifle to be an animation customisation - so we can have animations to make Energy Blast (for example) emit from a Rifle. Did you see the beta patch notes?
  10. ... and yet I see posts like this on the forum, which in this case was comparing Ice/Ice Blaster to Ice/Ice Dom... This seems pretty straight forward. What am I not understanding?
  11. Umm... I believe it's the topic of the thread,
  12. That's possible. Does anybody here work in behavioural research or even professional games development? Perhaps we can get some information from you?
  13. As I recall it did when RWZ was new. ... and that's why there are so few teams. People stay in their comfortable corners, away from everybody else.
  14. True enough. That's a decent retort, but I still disagree. What's good about multiple currencies is that you can direct, encourage, cajole the player into specific content/play-styles. In this instance, if you don't want to lead, you get no reward - you don't NEED the reward, it's just some guff. It's interesting that; players see that as a grind to achieve the shiny, whereas the developer sees it as incentive for players to do type of content/play-style.
  15. So be it! That just means I make more electric toons and energy (for me) remains in the bin. :)
  16. Eh ... no. More currencies are industry standard. ... and too much freedom is still bad. No more "Free at all costs". Ironic as that might sound as a slogan.
  17. Did greeks have laurel wreaths for being champions? Perhaps the big boss secretly has that medusa hair, that's why they've garnered all this fanatical support? Maybe there's a room of statues somewhere...? I know nothing about the group, as you can see.
  18. I loved it so much, I'm reluctant to play it now. It's level 48, and I don't want it's journey to be over. SO I might remake it on another server!
  19. I agree with the first part but disagree with the second assertion. Players can be encouraged and cajoled into doing many things that they wouldn't do otherwise. Want players to lead? Invent a new item/currency that is only earnt by leading. (mini rant: I thought earning costume parts was a cool concept - I don't know why they got unlocked by default on HC).
  20. Sometimes I feel like, "Team" means, "madly rush through all the missions ASAP". It's not like on early live where people had really terrible builds and not much idea - except for one thing, they STILL don't herd very well/at all, for the most part. I remember Freakshow and Crey missions being about the point in a character's progression where everybody seemed to "get it" and start playing together - you know, complimenting each other. Maybe that's because they have decent powers at that point - maybe it was the players getting used to the game. Maybe I mis-remember it.
  21. I concur. It's great! Shame about the cooldown tho.
  22. Shield isn't an Offensive Melee set (yet). Ooh, I'll check them out. Thanks!
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