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Everything posted by Herotu

  1. After Honoree is defeated in LGTF, would it be possible to put a semi-official storyline together for the cure? I mean... Montague has you cure the lost, so... [trying not to give too many spoilers here] (I presume that Paragon didn't sneak in this story before the game shut down, and I just haven't come across it).
  2. It appears that the playerbase is getting wise to the notion of selling everything in order to fund Attuned enhancements. Would it free up the market to replace the fixed fee for crafting enhancements? Perhaps if the market fee were higher to make up for the loss of this inf sink, this would encourage much more crafting of enhancements. What do you think of these ideas?
  3. It's also a useful power on a stone tank/brute. It's teleport.. WITH DAMAGE! :) Can confirm, Spring Attack is a fun AoE that does good knockdown. Great for tanks, it compliments Foot Stomp when it's on cooldown. The only thing I don't like about it is that often I end up miles away by accident because it's not PBAoE. :D This should be the right set up for that: /macroimage Jump_SpringAttack powexeclocation target Spring Attack If I have that right, it will create a macro with the Spring Attack icon, that when clicked will activate on your current target. It works if you change it to this: /macroimage Jump_SpringAttack SpringAttack powexeclocation target Spring Attack The button needs a name. But also it doesn't get a timer on it or a small icon to indicate it's on cooldown.
  4. True. However, one of CoH's strengths is the ability to have basically unlimited alts. Once a character is leveled to 50 and gets fully slotted, that character doesn't need further enhancements. However, when the player starts leveling a different character, they are back on the market purchasing enhancements (funded with earnings from their previous character). That helps keep demand up, which keeps prices from falling too far. As more and more wealth is created, especially by players using this guide, prices will start to fall, because the demand will drop (people using this guide know how to get rare's for cheap, and won't pay inflated prices for them) and supply for the rares will increase. There won't be a steady supply of new players to fuel the market... I'm not being negative about this guide (which is awesome), or players who engage in "flipping" (because who could say anything negative about Shinobu), just realistic that it's an economy subject to the same forces of supply and demand as any other... Whilst I agree that this *should* be the case, ultimately it comes down to this question; -Will farmers get bored and quit the game faster than people who want to level/gear up new alts?
  5. It's also a useful power on a stone tank/brute. It's teleport.. WITH DAMAGE! :) Can confirm, Spring Attack is a fun AoE that does good knockdown. Great for tanks, it compliments Foot Stomp when it's on cooldown. The only thing I don't like about it is that often I end up miles away by accident because it's not PBAoE. :D This should be the right set up for that: /macroimage Jump_SpringAttack powexeclocation target Spring Attack If I have that right, it will create a macro with the Spring Attack icon, that when clicked will activate on your current target. Holy smokes! THanks a lot. I look forward to trying it.
  6. I think it would be sad to pressure players into skipping the only remaining story content that they have to "endure"... Why not just make the entire game into a single AE farm map?
  7. Herotu

    WP/SS Tanker

    Great stuff, thanks. I got rid of leadership and stealth and rebuilt the whole thing from scratch. Does it look ok now? The numbers look a bit unimpressive tbh. :( I'm just bad at this. :(
  8. Focused Accuracy is insanely expensive in Endurance terms, but it would possibly (only POSSIBLY!) be worthwhile at HALF that cost.
  9. Herotu

    WP/SS Tanker

    Did this turn into one of those crazy half-billion inf builds? Is it bad?
  10. @Profit I forgot to thank you for posting your build so: Thank you :D
  11. Make everyone deal with the Kheldian problem of randomly adding massively-overtuned enemies to otherwise-normal missions, even when there's no valid reason for said enemies to be there? Hell NO. Thanks for stating what you DON'T want to see. It does seem as though you're making a pretty big leap from my suggestion to your idea of how it might be implemented, however. "Big leap"? More like "logical first step". The ONLY time you see a superhero's weakness mentioned in a comic book is when he's about to be screwed over by said weakness. And as mentioned upthread, the only functional way to implement this mechanically is the Kheldian approach of arbitrarily granting enemies a "screw you" power - be it an attack that slices through your defenses (hello invuln psi hole), or being all-but-immune to your offense (stupidly-high smashing, lethal, or psi resist in lategame enemies). Works great for a comic book where the writers can BS their way past the problem somehow, but player characters in a video game don't have plot armor to deal with this RNG-you-lose system. You want to see PC weaknesses implemented beyond what's already enforced by the game? Come up with something that doesn't hose the players and we'll talk. Oh wait, that eliminates EVERY possible implementation of a weakness system. You make an awful lot of assumptions here. I agree that there is a difference between comic books and video games, but I believe it's important to get as close as possible to comic books in order to be authentic in the superhero genre. That includes weaknesses. It's important to note that heroes DO sometimes lose. It's vital to put them into dangerous situations where any amount of planning still sees them lose. "Hosing the player" is something that SHOULD happen. I don't share your perspective of making an invincible character that never loses. That would be a boring comic book. Now, I'm not going to say that you should auto-lose in fights necessarily. There are ways and means. Look at the way villains get captured in CoV - they are put in police cells that they instantly break out of - that could be ONE way of doing things... alternative ways are clichéd villain death contraptions. So there are lots of ways to play with the idea and YES, some DO HOSE THE PLAYER and I'm not ashamed of that. Don't you conjure new rules for me!
  12. Make everyone deal with the Kheldian problem of randomly adding massively-overtuned enemies to otherwise-normal missions, even when there's no valid reason for said enemies to be there? Hell NO. Thanks for stating what you DON'T want to see. It does seem as though you're making a pretty big leap from my suggestion to your idea of how it might be implemented, however.
  13. I have a spreadsheet of sounds that Zombie Man provided a link to back in some other thread. I think it's small enough to attach. Thanks for this, it's super-cool. I have all I need to replace those existing sounds with either silence or my audio of my own creation, (it's ALIVE, IT'S ALIVE MUAHAHA!). I'm still looking for the original audio, though, so if anybody finds those files, please let me know where you extracted them from.
  14. I was told that NPC costumes are all one model: they aren't made up of bits that can be easily transposed. Having said this, a determined 3D modeller could possibly edit the model, so I wouldn't write off the possibility of one day seeing them as playable pieces. One thing that I would like to see as a backpack is the black jump pack.
  15. I like the idea. I'm not sure how to make it work mechanically unless you can convert it to a damage type, of which you take extra damage. Which might work, even for "hubris" (Psychic Damage). Perhaps it could tie in with an Arch_Enemy/nemesis system?
  16. If you have found it to be successful and not total trash, how about sharing how you did that? You know, instead of just sarcastically mocking the OP. I'm British, I love sarcasm almost as much as I love a nice cup mug of (builder's) tea.
  17. I didn't know anything to do with content that was added late in the game but I asked help chat and was given the following advice: If the prices are the same (I've noticed that they are not), then attuned are certainly the way to go because set bonuses will then be available at any level unlike regular invented sets.
  18. How about this for an idea .. remove origin and replace it with... WEAKNESS Every superhero has one - now how do we make THAT a thing in the game without falling into the two traps that we have with Origins; 1. Limiting creativity too much _ note that super heroes have weaknesses varying from the colour yellow, to kryptonite to "hubris". 2. Irrelevant content - hello origin enhancements.
  19. I'm just wondering about regular events... Just regular in game stuff like, for example, a weekly Mothership Raid might be a reasonable start... What do guys think?
  20. This channel is doing great! We need to keep getting the word out for people, though. 8-)
  21. The. counter to special origins content seems to be that; 1. More freedom is always good, and, 2. By making a character's CHOICE of origin funnel them into exclusive content, the player will miss out on the other origins'' content. But More freedom is NOT always better. Consider the idea that all Archetypes had freedom to pick all powers. It makes Archetypes redundant. Special, exclusive, content determined by prior decisions is fun because of it's exclusivity. It makes a particular character feel special, with some element that many other characters can't be/do. It makes characters more variable and hence interesting.
  22. While I appreciate the notion of being able the play however one likes, I think it would be wise to consider the effect that farming has on both recipe AND inf supply. I wonder what the net outcome from all of this activity is?
  23. It appears there aren't too many outspoken, helpful, confident and knowlegble tankers at the moment. Good luck in your search for advice, I'm still looking for help with my WP/SS build.
  24. Yes on well I'll find a file there on my Dropbox that silences all the demon sounds I could find. If you discover which sounds are which, you might share with us what the most annoying ones are called.
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