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Everything posted by ForeverLaxx

  1. Pretty sure Snark also complains that Blasters aren't all range-only characters and that recoloring powers to fit his concept isn't acceptable because those recolors don't translate into an "appropriate" damage type change. A lot of his issues are self-inflicted and I can't tell if he actually enjoys it or not.
  2. I've been saying for a long time that if it were to be made into its own set, it would likely be something akin to a "Hellfire Assault" set for Dominators. There are 4 animations they can recycle, and the rest can be filled with appropriate fire melee/ranged options with tweaked fire effects and damage types to suit a "hellfire" theme. Would that be perfect for everyone? Of course not, but it would at least give people (like me) who take Demon Summoning purely for whip attacks a set that actually works for that purpose.
  3. That's because the audio for landing a hit plays from every enemy that's hit by the attack. The more enemies that the AoE hits, the louder it becomes. I don't think there's a way to fix that in-game, but you might able to edit the sound files and replace the sound with something less annoying than the default one. Beyond that, it comes down to whether the devs can code in something that mutes target hit audio if "too many" targets are hit at once.
  4. I can't remember what game it was I was playing at the time, but I found people blaming PvP for nerfs to their game when it didn't even have PvP. No, I'm not kidding -- the mere existence of PvP in other games meant that any nerf to their game was caused by it. Some people are just going to hate PvP no matter what form it's in and no matter what game it's in. As someone who plays both PvE and PvP (though admittedly, I haven't touched PvP in CoH since shutdown), I've found way more toxic players, with higher levels of aggression, in the "high end/progression PvE" spectrum than I ever have in a PvP setting. Some of those people who believe themselves to be PvE Gods are downright deplorable in how they address anyone who is doing worse (or better!) than they are when it comes to DPS meters and any other measurable metric in an MMO. The only time I've had a comparable experience to that in a PvP setting was when I beat the guild leader of a low-level PvP guild with my character who wasn't fully geared out yet, but his was. I got kicked from that guild, and it only made me laugh. Interestingly, I've also had more experiences with PvE players talking down about me as a player because I dare to play the game on Non-Set IOs while leveling, handling endurance issues with my Dark Armor/Stone Melee Tanker just fine or pointing out that my Titan/Dark Scrapper on Live didn't have sets and didn't suffer much from what is apparently an "unbearable amount" of endurance drain. The concept of moving a tad slower to recover between spawns is a foreign concept to people, and I get attacked fairly frequently when I mention how I play in the global channels and my suggestions for endurance management. To them, the very idea of not being at 100% HP and Endurance at all times means there's a problem, I guess, but now I'm just on a tangent. I guess my point is that some people are just opinionated and aggressive about it and I find most of those people are in PvE. The people who taunt others in PvP, in my experience, almost always do it as response to someone getting mad at them first. YMMV of course, but I've been in "that world" for over 20 years and that's just my personal experience spread across multiple games and genres over the decades. That said, I will say that mixing PvE and PvP will always be a mistake.
  5. I personally don't like that the entire set has to be "balanced" around Double-Stacked Rage, and even when it is, it's apparently only in the realm of other "high tier" sets that don't have to deal with Rage's mechanics and downsides. If you're not stacking Rage, then the set is anemic outside of Foot Stomp. Which, by the way, is another issue I have with the set -- it seems much of the set's power comes from two powers and the rest of it, except perhaps Knockout Blow, doesn't feel like "super strength." Doesn't Boxing still perform better than Jab, or did that get changed? I don't really like Super Strength's feast or famine gameplay system so I've never used it, but I hear this point touted about it all the time.
  6. That's great. I already waited 30-45 minutes for that team because I'm not interested in leading one myself and would rather not let those merits and badge be left unclaimed if the Tank/Brute wants to be so generous as to solo the TF for their team.
  7. I used to get annoyed at players who would insist that being on a team was still secretly a solo mission with 7 other players who are only there to witness their brand of perfection. When it became clear, long ago, that these players will never take what the rest of the team says into account, I just stopped getting annoyed and started watching them without helping much, if at all. If they're going to solo the mission anyway, I can multitask and do other things while my character is along for the ride. I'm mostly there for the merits and badge anyway. If they feel like they have something to prove to a bunch of faceless people on the internet, more power to them.
  8. King? They're ideal for fire farms, which has more to do with fire armor than anything else. Pretty sure Super Strength is more popular than either outside of farms.
  9. There's only been one time I can remember of a player playing in first person and that's because they were complaining about motion sickness. They had no idea they could go into third person, and when I told them to try that, they stopped feeling sick while playing. I cannot recall any other time I've ran into a player playing first person, intentionally or otherwise. It just sounds like a really bad way to play considering how the camera works.
  10. Well, Shinobi-Iri isn't the movement power in the set anymore. It's "just" a stealth power with all positional defenses attached. I believe the movement bonuses were given to the Mez Resist power, Kuji-In Rin, instead. That said, it doesn't suppress any of those defenses when in combat if I remember correctly, while Infiltration costs more to run and has reduced defense when in combat. For reference, the "Ninja Run" power (just like Beast Run and Athletic Run) is the same base speed as Infiltration. You can run that power plus Shinobi-Iri and basically have an unslotted Infiltration. That said, Infiltration does allow slots, including movement enhancements, so you can boost its speed while Ninja Run is stuck at base. Really comes down to what you want to do and have room for.
  11. Unless something changed and I didn't notice, Shinobi-Iri cannot be on at the same time as Infiltration as Infiltration is still considered a Stealth power.
  12. Since you can only slot one Overwhelming Force anyway, I tend to use it for powers that are meant to be damage powers but deal radial knockback centered on the detonation point. It lets me "save" a slot in things like Explosive Blast, Meteor, Explosive Arrow, etc. That's really the only use I can justify it for, though. If all you care about is fixing knockback and spending a whole slot just for that purpose, go with the Sudden Acceleration one since it's not limited to one slotted per character.
  13. I run a Dark Armor/Stone Melee Tank built entirely around stacking stuns. It's like playing a melee-ranged Controller that doesn't fall over in melee range. Sounds like it might be what you're looking for.
  14. You don't have to "wallow" in it. I know this has nothing to do with the actual thread topic, but just so you know, you don't have to farm or even have a higher level character bankroll your lowbie alt to do what BillZ is saying to do. I play every character (yes, every character) from level 1 -22 without enhancements. I run Posi1+2, and sometimes a Synapse, between soloing missions after using Double XP on DFBs up to around the point where the exp you get isn't worth the time (what level that is escapes me at the moment). In short, I do activities that actively reduce my influence gains yet I have no issue buying a Performance Shifter proc, knockback protection procs, and sometimes even a Panacea proc or a single LotG recharge proc. How do I do it? By buying Converters with the merits I earn from doing story arcs and running TFs, then selling those Converters on the market at "sell it now" price (ie: 1 influence). That's an easy bankroll for every character, no real effort required, to get those IO procs and a full set of Basic 25 IOs for my current suite of powers. If someone can't manage that, they just haven't been told about Converter/Booster selling. It's the most low-effort, passive way to pay for your stuff and all you have to do is run content, buy Converters, and put them on the market when you're ready to buy stuff. The idea that getting influence is some herculean task is silly to me.
  15. And if you go back to the beginning of this thread, which many of the people screaming about farms at this point probably haven't done, you were one of the reasons this happened. Most everyone else came in afterwards and started hammering the "you just want to delete farming" strawman that they always employ when the subject of AE comes up and that's partially your fault for happening. Until you made the claim, no one else had said anything regarding the wholesale deletion of AE. When the AE was first mentioned, and I'm paraphrasing, it was that maybe new players shouldn't be catapulted to the level cap right out of the gate. The followup to this was that someone agreed and suggested that the AE in starting zones be shut down (I assume to lessen the focus and accessibility of it for new players) and you, in response, decided to lay your chips at the "farming needs to stay in the game and removing it is bad" side of the table. Which, I'll remind you, no one was claiming that all farming needs to be erased to protect new players; only the AE buildings in starting zones were suggested to probably be not such a good idea. After that, the wolves were set loose and the usual suspects appeared to argue about AE and its merits for general game health, which is outside the scope of this thread and was only an issue because you decided it needed to be. You don't get to lament the direction of a thread you assisted in moving in said direction. For what it's worth, this is going to be my last post in here. The topic has shifted and I already made my original point of concern regarding CoH and its ability to retain new blood in our modern gaming climate. Continuing this AE "debate" further only lessens the value of this thread, but I felt compelled to bring up this revelation a second time since I guess the first time didn't stick. EDIT: And just to be clear, I made sure to go back and read the thread from the beginning to make sure I was remembering correctly and not taking crazy pills. Your decision to double down on your insane interpretation, then move the goalpost when called out on it, only confirms you stopped reading at "remove AE..." and ignored the rest of that sentence. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that this was not done maliciously, but this error made in your zeal is invariably the reason the thread went off the rails.
  16. While I recognize this is probably never going to change, I will continue to say that this mentality was always a mistake and it's not even universal to the whole suite of pool powers. Hasten is a pool power, for instance. Rune of Protection was nerfed (pointlessly, in my opinion) despite needing multiple powers that tend to offer nothing else to a build just to get to. Since the pool powers are modified by AT modifiers, a bunch of them are less than useless for their primary effect and are taken just to hold procs or set bonuses (step right up +defense/+recharge bonuses). The ATs that could really use the extra attacks can't use them because they're weak, and the ATs that could really use the extra resistances/defense can't use them because they're weak. All the ATs that these powers work best on, thanks to AT modifiers, don't need them because they're still worse than everything else in their primary/secondary (with the exception of Tough, which is just a function of the prevalence of smash/lethal damage). We're actually pretty lucky that you don't need a "fully optimized" build to run content or things would be more homogeneous at the top than they already are. I do hate picking powers for character flavor that I have to justify actually using, though, instead of it being a near-seamless addition to a playstyle.
  17. @ShardWarrior My initial comment wasn't directed at you, but you quoted me anyway so I responded. If you're seriously trying to turn this around and pretend you're being targeted, that's really sad. I'm not dignifying the rest of your insanity with a response.
  18. Quoted for full context. Singled out to point out the strawman. When the subject of AE first came up, it was in reference to the building being inside player starting zones. The suggestion was to move it out of player starting zones. The strawman went up almost immediately and has now warped future conversion about the AE in regards to new players into the narrative that the strawman exists to attack. A bunch of you just decided that the argument was the removal of AE because "farms are bad" and ran with it when the actual argument was the removal of AE from starting player zones only. Only after that happened could you perhaps say one or two people decided to blame farming outright, perpetuating the strawman and justifying your position after-the-fact. I followed the thread from the beginning. All I did was point this out and you're still trying to gaslight the story into what you want it to be instead of what it originally was since what you want it to be is easier to shoot down. I don't particularly care what happens to the AE; I just find it funny that any mention of AE in any capacity other than "more AE everywhere" gets interpreted as removal of the entire system.
  19. I find it interesting that the mere suggestion that AE be moved out of the starting zones is being interpreted as "delete AE from the entire game." I don't know if I'd go so far as to remove them from mid-level zones, but you can argue against this idea without building the "you just want farming to die" strawman first. It usually helps.
  20. The first character I ever made, way back in 2004, was a Blaster. Despite all the dying that character did, he was still my most fun character and the only character I really put a lot of time in. I had a ton of alts back then, too, and I would still play my main at least once every time I logged in. Blasters are great at teaching the player the game, and with changes to their secondaries, they've never been easier to keep standing on their own. The best thing about them is that they teach you what enemies to watch out for without overly punishing you for it like would happen on a Defender. You have the damage to defeat mobs easily, an inherent that lets you fight back while mezzed (and learning what mez is and where it comes from is important, so I'd avoid ATs with mez protection for this reason), and some of the most varied attack sets with a very superhero-y, comic book feel. You even get to mess around with some minor control powers, showcasing how useful they are when combined with your knowledge of which mobs are the most dangerous (that you learned by getting mezzed all the time). Plus, since they're primarily ranged, he can have an easier time in fights by hanging back, though he'll probably get confused with having access to melee powers and you'll have to explain the risk/reward in their use unless he goes Devices or Tac Arrow. Blasters are a great first character, but if he likes being ranged and is afraid of being overwhelmed by having to learn what mobs toss mezz, there's always the Sentinel option. The AT may be considered weak, but he won't feel that way while leveling and it's only an issue when he already understands the game and wants to drop an IO build on it. By that point, he'll have probably played a bunch of things so it may matter less.
  21. Someone mentioned it before in an earlier post, but MMOs as a genre could very well be dying out (or at least on a downward trend). With many more modern games taking the "live service" path, there's more competition than ever regarding games that seemingly demand you play ONE to the exclusion of all others. CoH has always been unique in the MMO world, even ignoring the superhero aesthetic, in that it always felt like an MMO you could pick up, play for 2 hours, put it down, and feel like you got something done. Perhaps players don't believe they have the time for an MMO, a genre generally noted as one where you're expected to spend a lot of time in each day/week, and their favorite current Live Service Game. Since they don't know CoH plays more like a casual log in/log out experience, they just avoid it entirely. But there's another problem, too. There's something else to consider as well that's been driven by the influx of Live Service Games and that's "frequent" updates/seasons/battlepasses. As more and more games take this approach, modern players have come to expect that a game they spend an extended amount of time on is going to have new things to do every 2-3 months. Even if those things to do only take a week/month to finish, those updates still keep coming. MMOs, on the other hand, tend to function more as one large "update" that's meant to last an entire year, mostly filled in with buffs/nerfs to existing systems rather than adding entirely new avenues to play the game or things to grind for. It's just not how many players unfamiliar with the "old ways" would think is acceptable and they'd jump off quickly, even if CoH had a full, paid dev team that could output content like back in the day. When you combine the idea that MMOs expect a lot of time investment with a game that doesn't provide frequent updates, you're just not going to get many modern players to stick it out. They have to really like the idea of playing a "build your own superhero" simulator that has outdated graphics and archaic systems. We're here because many of us grew up with the game, and even if you haven't logged in for months (and I haven't, except to refresh my character names to prevent losing them), we'll keep coming back because what drives our enjoyment is almost entirely built upon the nostalgia; both for the game itself and our memories of that time in our lives. I'm not sure you really could get any sizable increase to the playerbase of this game. It just does not fit what modern gamers expect anymore.
  22. Honestly, I doubt it. Part of me believes he's petty enough to love that CoH was shut down while his company's other projects are still technically running (with the exception of Magic Legends, which died before the beta ended), even if only on life support. Considering he was trying to poach players during Champions Online's development, I'd rather he stay away regardless of his opinion of this IP.
  23. More or less. There is that famous line that I'm probably paraphrasing wherein he wanted the game to feel more like Mario defeating Bowser, and we're talking the original Super Mario Bros on the NES kind of game feel. Honestly, I'm not sure he even understood what he wanted. Jack always loved to talk about feelings and emotions regarding game design rather than hard data. He was an Ideas Man who found the right group of programmers and artists to bring his vision to life. Trying to step outside of that was when things became questionable.
  24. I can't recall for sure if he ever detailed exactly why he didn't want players to know the hard numbers, but I'd imagine it would have something to do with a misguided angst towards Power Gamers and min/maxers. Many devs seem to despise those players, openly or otherwise, for reasons. Usually those reasons center around a distaste for people trying to "break" the game, and sometimes those reasons are from a misplaced since of pride or ego. All hiding the numbers was really doing was delaying the inevitable. When players want "real numbers," they're going to get real numbers -- even if they have to do rigorous testing for months to get it. Just look at Arcana, who did so much work that she eventually had her numbers dubbed Arcanatime because she proved that the numbers shown on paper weren't quite the same as the numbers experienced in-game. She may still have done this anyway had we been shown the real numbers from the start, but it would have saved everyone a bunch of time if Jack wasn't so against players being informed.
  25. And most of the time, if you engage a mob quickly or while they "aren't looking" in the direction you came from, you can alpha strike the toughest mob before any of the others queue up their own attack. Movement Suppression is supposed to force you to remain "in range" for those delayed follow-up attacks that constantly happen by the nature of the AI taking a full second to realize you're there, at least for the first time you've aggo'd them. After that, they're much more responsive. That wasn't even really my point anyway. My point was that people blame PvP for it when it's proven, time and again, that the devs wanted something to discourage the use of travel powers while in combat since before PvP even existed. Before suppression, you had to deal with a large -ToHit penalty. You should really be glad that's not still how it works, in my opinion.
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