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Felis Noctu

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Everything posted by Felis Noctu

  1. I appreciate it! I would like to add @Zed and @Bopper to that list. Zed's been keeping things afloat while Metalios and I generally experience life in other places, and Bopper has helped with numerous formulas and fixing weird mismatches between the game and Mids.
  2. Thank you for all your hard work with these builds! I've used quite a few of them as templates to make my concept builds have a bit more oomph and stability. I did want to stick my head in here and mention as well: For anyone who grabs the older builds in .mxd format and notices that some numbers from toggle powers or procs aren't working correctly, this is a known issue in the current release version of Mids and how it parses and converts old build files to the new format. Resaving the build as the new format will not correct the issue as it has to do with how certain flags are treated on-load. This has been fixed in the dev version, and hopefully we'll be able to provide this update soon-ish.
  3. If you have a .mxd file, those can be opened the same way as the modern .mbd. For datachunks, we have several ways of importing things now due to the multiple variants. The new format is Build Sharing > Import DataChunk The old format should use Build Sharing > Legacy Share > Import from Forum Post Really old ones you might have to save in a text file and try Open that as a build file Game exports are loaded using the regular Open as well Can you provide a link to a build you wanted to look at that you can't get loaded?
  4. As for a Datalink specifically. Once you submit your build, you want to select the Download URL, and then Paste that as a link into your post. That will allow people to download the build directly, but the link only lasts one month, so we generally recommend including a Datachunk as above. Build Link https://api.midsreborn.com/build/download/FydkdmmeWV4l3Hyl
  5. You can pick any theme you want, though the default for the Homecoming forums is a dark theme, so I suggest picking from that selection. You want to choose the BBCode option. When you click Export, it'll place the build data in your clipboard, which you can then Paste (ctrl-V) into a post. It's recommended to wrap your build in a spoiler tag (the eye in the bottom row of the editor) to save space. If you also want to include a Datachunk, you can switch to that tab and click Export, then Paste at the bottom of your build. In the example below, I wrapped it in a second spoiler tag. Melania Dominic - Hero Controller Build plan made with Mids' Reborn v3.7.5 rev. 21
  6. I'd echo the Mind recommendation. It's considered to be better on doms, and PVP-wise, it utilizes more uncommon mezzes that tend to see less resistance. There's plenty of sources of immob/hold, but sleep res is often ignored, as is confuse res, and repel res is almost unheard of. And like @aethereal mentioned about the mechanics of control in PVP, even though knock res is one of the more common ones, you're still likely to get bounces out of it, even if it's barely knocking them on their butt. It's still disruption! Mind/ has a great deck of cards for PVP.
  7. Haha, no, far from terrible, just hard! Running into an equal level one alone is almost always a death sentence. I guess the best way to put it is they have a high cost of entry, and most people don't have the patience for it.
  8. From what I understand, at 50+ levels, a dominator will destroy most stalkers/scappers/blappers in a straight one-on-one fight of raw DPS. In team fights, you're likely going to be playing more to a controller-style, since if you're in close and glowing as doms tend to do, you'll get dogpiled on. But that's also 50+, when doms really come into their own. Before 50, I'd assume you'll be more of an opportunist, like pre-50 stalkers, looking for lone squishies who aren't prepared to be yanked out of the sky by a hold and blapped. Doms are probably the hardest AT to master, and for optimal performance are also incredibly enhancement-reliant, so many still don't make it to 50 or get retired quickly. Once they get there though they're also one of, if not the, strongest in the game. It really depends on you to know your limits, think tactically, and judge situations accordingly, especially in PVP.
  9. Or just /getglobalname "character_name" If the name's associated to someone, it'll tell you.
  10. Figured I'd skim through posts and check in on this. It looks like the suppression for Field Operative is set to "MissionObjectClick". I generally recommend selection of all of these for in-combat values:
  11. From the Discord: This has been fixed in the Dev environment. A release date for the next update is unknown at this time.
  12. I'm someone who understands the sentimentality behind a character's name, and I don't want to take that from someone. But at the same time, if a person isn't playing anymore, and they're so far gone that they don't know this is happening (because they haven't touched it in who knows how long), then they may not care as much as people think. I'm personally waiting for the possibility a single name. I've saved the global name of the person who currently has it in case they come calling. In all honesty, if I get it, and then they come to me about it, I have no issues giving it back. They had it first, after all! It's really not that hard to be reasonable about this sort of thing.
  13. Shoo. This is fascinating stuff, and a great look at the history of the game!
  14. No no, I was confusing the old modding tool (which no longer works) with this one. :P
  15. Ahahaha, there I go being a doofus. "Don't I already have this installed? Yeah, there it is." *runs CoH Modder* *computer proceeds to have a meltdown* Shows how long it's been since I've played. :P Does City Mod Installer check for conflicts between installed mods, or is that something we still need to figure out ourselves?
  16. While I can't make any promises because it's not specifically my work, Metallios has been messing around with newer frameworks for the proposed "successor" to Mids. While the current Mids will likely never see any kind of mobile release due to how horrifically outdated its backbone is, the newer frameworks themselves were designed with cross-platform support in mind. So, you know, some hopes on the horizon. 😛
  17. If I'm reading all this correctly, that means for munchkins trying to minmax everything, Tsoo may be the best Lore option? Up there in the top 3 Core DPS, and the boss also adds a -10% res AoE. That aside, I'm usually taking my Lore pet to fit my character's design, with Polar Lights being the general catch-all. Concept over numbers!
  18. Haha, the Mids team definitely has experience processing poorly-/unlabeled blobs of data, I can tell you that much! We've pulled our data from several different methods and formats at this point. This is incredibly useful, thank you for providing this! And like Flea said, please let us know if you're looking for help to keep the lights on. I'm sure we can scrounge something together.
  19. Apologies for only getting to this now. I've been pretty disconnected from CoH/Mids lately, so I haven't been lurking the forums much. I can confirm that Mids does scale visually with the Windows Display Scaling options (though things do tend to get blurry). What you're seeing is normal for a 3 column layout. Like @plainguy said, if you go to the View menu at the top, 5 column tends to work best for Mids at 100% scale fullscreen window: As well, if text is difficult to read, you can actually configure those sizes, weights, and colors in Options > Configuration however you'd like, including changing to High Visibility text for the power 'tablets' As for the boxes and windows not being able to rescale, that's an unfortunate factor of the technology behind the program's layout. It's a large part of why we're looking into working on a new build planner project with current tech. The current one is a nightmare to get to cooperate, even after all the refactoring that's been done. We are aware of some issues (such as the stats being cut off, which you can see in my screenshot), which hopefully we'll get to in the future. Obviously at the moment the team's more focused on data parity with the game 😛
  20. No worries, just trying to remind people. The team goes down so many rabbit holes on a daily basis that there's no way we can keep track of everything going on 😅
  21. Thank you for telling us, we'll add it to the list. We can't fix what we don't know is broken! 😛
  22. Thankfully Crysis let us know about this. We had no idea. Please, if you find errors like this in Mids, let us know directly somehow! We can't fix what we aren't aware of! 😛
  23. We have had several issues with the updater in the past, yes. We went through a couple different iterations of it, trying to get new functions to operate correctly with the old code. This latest iteration seems to work just fine, however we have told people in the past to do a fresh install from the website if they're having problems. So I'm going to tell you the same thing. Please fully uninstall Mids from the Windows Settings > Apps & Features screen, and then install a completely fresh copy from the website. If you're still having issues with future updates with this fresh copy, but others aren't, then we can be fairly sure that the issue is on your end and not ours and can troubleshoot from there. Again, we haven't had people complaining about updating about going from the last version to this most recent (except for your report here), so if it breaks again, it's not likely to be Mids specifically, but something related to .NET.
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