Cloudy with chance of witches.
Evidently, most people have rocks (otoliths) in their heads, but our dear Katie has her head in some rocks. She would have spent the rest of her life, uh, stoned, if not for the timely intervention of GM_Kiwi. Thanks, GM_Kiwi!
Darkness was closing in...
Anyway, another fun Tanker Tuesday! Thanks all!
Look at all the people in the background lining up to see the rock show! There was igneous rock, metamorphic rock, sedimentary rock, and uh, funkadelic. Yeah!
When soloing at settings ridiculously beyond the capacity of whatever low level character I'm playing I often say <bleep!> and <blankety blank!> and on occasion <bleepity blanking blankety bleep!>. My EB/MC blaster Polecat Plum Ink Man (see avatar) says 'Tsoo-ee!" a lot.
Anyone know the name of the sound file used for the new Infiltration travel power? It's got a persistent sort of slow pulse or hum or something that I'd like to silence. Thanks!
Found it!
I'm getting this same thing. When COH launches I see a pop up window that says something about a parsing error.
Ah, found the solution in another post here -- clear the launch parameter box. Yay!
I'm very pleased with being able to do the old Outbreak tutorial again, but I miss being able to alternate between Galaxy City and Atlas Park for my new characters. So I'd ditch that (IMO) godawful Galaxy City tutorial and restore Galaxy City to its former -- or rebuilt! -- glory. Alternately, maybe expand the tutorial zone version into a full-fledged low level zone with new contacts and missions, and something along the lines of the DFB thing in Atlas Park.
I'd also restore the original Dark Astoria, but give it some story arcs and a Task Force. The Incarnate version would still be available for Incarnates, with the option to choose which version you wanted to enter at the Talos Island gate.
And one more thing! I'd restore the pointy ears head!