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Captain Fabulous

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Everything posted by Captain Fabulous

  1. Like everything else it's what you make of it. While you *can* make yourself godly you don't have to (not much different than here TBH). The appeal to me is the mixing and matching of powers to create characters we normally can't make.
  2. The beginning of this video I think is what you're looking for. You get one extra enhancement slot whenever you get slots. So instead of getting 2 or 3 you get 3 or 4.
  3. It's based off of Brutes. I think ranged sets use the Blaster modifier but I'm not 100% sure. You automatically get all the inherents. Travel powers too. And a ton more enhancement slots.
  4. Like the available powers? Or something else?
  5. The ability to mix and match any powers from any set with virtually no restrictions really allows for soooo many unique and themed builds. I gotta admit it's incredibly fun to play and kinda wish we had the ability to do this here (like perhaps one slot per account, but for sure the /powercreep brigade would lose their goddamned minds). It's a shame the population is so low, every time I log in I end up soloing (which honestly isn't too bad because I can crank up the difficulty even on lowbies and it's hella fun, not the slog it is normally). Another downside is that a lot of the new stuff is a bit buggy here and there, but nothing that's game breaking (at least not that I've found so far). In many ways it's like playing on the test server, but even more unlimited. Anywhoooo, just sharing. Highly recommended if you're looking for something different and new. DO NOT use this as an opportunity to flame ND in any way or it will be locked. Keep it fun and civil please.
  6. You must be new here. Welcome!
  7. Make sure you're using the latest Nvidia drivers. If so trying doing a clean install. You can also try doing a game file verification and graphics setting reset. Another thing to try is to put all the graphics options on the lowest setting, see if the problem persists. If not then you can adjust settings one by one until you find the one(s) that cause the problem.
  8. It would help to know what hardware you have. CoH uses OpenGL, not DirectX, and it could be an issue there. Sounds like you're getting the flicker whenever you manipulate 2D UI elements that are sitting on top of the 3D rendered game world.
  9. It's about the journey, not the destination. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
  10. It's really frustrating when you constantly see the same people shitposting over and over and over again, who are either not getting any warnings or are ignoring them without consequences.
  11. Not to mention that a T9 shouldn't need an incarnate to be viable.
  12. Most T9s are 180 seconds with a 1000 sec enhanceable recharge. SoW and OWtS are 120 with a fixed 360 recharge.
  13. Some favor one over the other while others are good for both.
  14. Elude, Kuji-In, and Overload are fine. They put everyone over the defense softcap (remember, balance around average SO builds that may not take the Fighting pool), boosts recovery, defense debuff resistance, and max HP in Overload. They do exactly what an ultimate defense-based armor power should do -- making you nearly godlike for 180 seconds. Strength of Will is a bit of an oddball power in an oddball set. Willpower is hodgepodge of resistance, defense, and regeneration. You're not supposed to have massive numbers in any one of those areas, so the relatively low resist boost of SoW makes sense, and I think is balanced out by the low recharge time. I wouldn't object to adding in a small +regen/+absorb and +defense. Unlike most other T9s it doesn't make you godly, it just gives you a boost. One With The Shield is in a very similar place in a set that's also a mix of various damage mitigators. The only T9 I think needs a major retooling is Moment of Glory. It grants abilities that shouldn't be in a healing-based set with a duration that makes it mostly useless.
  15. Just drop the crash and they're fine. The crash is the part that makes them not worth taking. Some could probably use a tweak here and there, but by and large they're OK except for the crash. Are they necessary in a world of overpowered IO builds? No, but the game is balanced around SOs, not IOs, and for an SO build they'd be very useful without the crash. The crashes were removed from blast T9s, I dunno why we still have them on melee armors. Or anywhere for that matter. It was always a poor design decision from back on live. It was dumb then and it's dumb now.
  16. Literally ANYTHING but Regen.
  17. Yes, but there are lots of people that get a character to 50 and then shelve them indefinitely. 🤷‍♂️
  18. If you don't ever play those characters then yes, yes it does.
  19. Y'all need to go outside and touch some grass. 😂
  20. Actual footage of Snarky trying to use a keyboard.
  21. You likely have a partial install of an old vidiots pack. I had this problem too. Once I found the old files in the override folder and deleted them everything fixed itself.
  22. Holy cleavage, Batman! 😂
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