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Captain Fabulous

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Everything posted by Captain Fabulous

  1. Practice, practice, practice?
  2. I think this should apply to all suppressed toggles. Why should we be paying full endurance if we're not getting the full benefits of the power? It's only fair.
  3. Sorry to say you're going to have to start from scratch. But on the upside, you get to play those characters all over again from the beginning. And even if you don't get the costumes quite right there are a more options now than there was then, so you can improve upon what you had before.
  4. This is why we can't have nice things. 🙄 /powercreep
  5. Wait, so has this changed? Because I remember stealth procs in movement powers used to keep going after you turned the power off. Is this no longer the case?
  6. Forced mapserver can often result in a brief rollback. Nothing to do about it. It's rare, but it happens.
  7. I checked and you're right, no app for the Q10, just the Q10i. And I'm betting there is no app for the TP Link adapter, but there should be some stuff in the Windows Bluetooth settings. Is there any value in switching to your mobo bluetooth when you want to play CoH and then back to the TP link for everything else?
  8. It's only "no server drama" when someone hates on servers that aren't HC. When it's HC hate it's anything goes. They banned me there and I haven't gone back since. Frak that toxic cesspool of hot garbage.
  9. I wonder if someone could create a mod that would reduce the visual effects on pets. Considering there are all sorts of mods that modify the VFX I have to think it's possible. I don't know if there's any way to modify their character models tho.
  10. Do you have an app for the headphones? There are probably a ton of settings available, would be worth taking a look. There might be some kind of sound effects processing enabled. You could also look in the Windows Sound options for the headphones, see if there's anything in there.
  11. Dayum, someone needs a Snicker's bar real bad.
  12. Yup, that's what happened. The power got changed. You can keep the now incorrect IOs in there but won't be able to add more. And if you ever respec you won't be able to put any of them in there. Upside is that you can sell them and then buy a set with similar set bonuses that will now go in.
  13. Update the game via the HC client.
  14. Yeah, I run into this quite often. Just because you *can* set your power effects to supernova neon yellow, pink, green, or red doesn't mean you *should*. Unfortunately the only recourse you have is to turn down particle effects. I've had to do it a few times. And yeah, it sucks. Having the option to turn down other player's effects but not your own would be amazeballs. Depending upon your video card you might be able to play around with custom colors settings that would desaturate things a bit without having to reduce the particle effects. But honestly there is no great solution. The only thing I can think is that people doing this have older machines with the graphics turned down and they don't see what we see. I teamed with someone whose bubbles were so bright I literally couldn't see a damned thing while inside Dispersion Bubble. The live devs didn't think this thru when they chose the custom color palettes. None of the custom colors should be as saturated as they are.
  15. You can bind it to a key or make a macro for it if that's helpful.
  16. They literally can't let things go. Ever. If new powers aren't exactly what they want them to be they will complain about them till the end of time. Some of them are STILL complaining about Storm Blast. I really wish the mods were more proactive about dealing with this. It's both infuriating and exhausting, and really kills my desire to hang out in the forums because it's neverending.
  17. This^^^ My understanding is that players can still knock them around, but they can't knock *themselves* when confused. That's the distinction.
  18. Some critters, like Clockwork, are susceptible to KB and will get knocked back even with a KB value less than 1.
  19. Hmmm, then I'm not sure what broke it. The only other things I updated were Intel wifi/bluetooth drivers. I guess it's possible one of them was the culprit. 🤷‍♀️
  20. I use the Badger script to export your badges directly into Badger.
  21. I just had a Windows Update for .NET 6.0.28 for x64 install itself, and afterwards the HC Launcher would no longer run (missing DLL blah blah blah). Downloaded this to fix it, and all is well. So if anyone else has this issue, this is how you fix it. https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe
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