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Captain Fabulous

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Everything posted by Captain Fabulous

  1. There are a few Day Job indicators that are wonky. Pocket D is one of them. As long as you're in PD and not showing a different Day Job (bank, architect) you're getting it, even if you don't see the icon.
  2. Please, it's a 20% chance of a 4.77 sec stun, so at best it's momentary, even against even con critters. Making it a MAG 3 isn't going to even cause a blip on you know who's powercreep meter. Boxing has the same issue, it should be raised as well. The problem is both are incredibly inferior to Air Superiority, which has a 100% chance of KU and will effect any critter without KB protection on top of having a -100% flight debuff. Hell even Kick's 15% chance of KD is better than Boxing and Flurry's paltry stun, for the same reason.
  3. There is a way, but you need to know the name of the sound file to replace. And finding out what that is is not straightforward.
  4. Weird. But at least there seems to be a workaround. You don't need to uninstall Media Player, just Web Media Extensions. I noticed mine is dated 12/13/23, so maybe you just need to do a Windows Update.
  5. Excelsior... Everlasting, Indomitable, Reunion, Torchbearer...
  6. Yeah, I did mention straight up that the biggest problem you're going to face is figuring out which file(s) to replace. OK, so using CoD (https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=mastermind_summon.beast_mastery.tame_beasts&at=mastermind) you can see all the powers granted to your pets when you use Tame Beasts. There are two powers called Howl (Mastermind_Pets.Howler_Wolf_3.Howl and Mastermind_Pets.Alpha_Wolf_3.Howl) that are PbAoE damage and tohit buffs on 60 second timers. Since they are self-buffs it's something they could potentially cast every 60 seconds, even when not in battle. This appears to be governed by the VFX file CUSTOMIZEABLEPOWERS/BEASTMASTERY/HOWL_ATTACK.FX, and using the list at https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Modding/Sounds/Powers that VFX uses the sound DOG_TERRIFYINGROAR_01.OGG. Sooo...fingers crossed.
  7. I was gonna say, it sounds like a Windows association issue, like when you click on a file with a particular extension Windows will automatically pull up info on the file, what program to use with it, etc. I don't seem to be having this issue, but Windows Media Player and VLC will play audio files with no trouble, and both are free.
  8. I reported this months ago and got no dev response. There's definitely something wrong with the AV spawn rates. IIRC AVs are supposed to have a 25% spawn rate. It's not even close to that right now. More like 5%. I dunno if it was changed on purpose or something got borked.
  9. There's also this list https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Modding/Sounds/Powers If I had to take a guess I would say it might be BM_TameBeasts_Attack_01.ogg BM_TameBeasts_Attack_01.ogg
  10. Here's a silent OGG file in case you need one. Rename it as needed. silence.ogg
  11. This is a list of all (most?) sound files in the game. I guess you could try looking for "wolf" or "howl" and replace them one-by-one till you find it. If I get a chance later I'll fire up the ole PIGG viewer and see if I can narrow it down a bit. https://pastebin.com/HugC2rA0
  12. There are ways to mute certain sound effects. Basically you take a an OGG file that's just silence, give it the same name as the sound effect, and drop it in Homecoming\data\sound\ogg\frontend folder. The tricky part is figuring out the name of the sound you're trying to replace.
  13. You and me both, bro. You and me both.
  14. ED is alive and well, so I do not suggest 6-slotting anything.
  15. Any chance we can get a "skin" sub-variant on Female > Talons Armor, like we have for Roman Vambraces?
  16. Cause you run the risk of losing it on the original server you transfer from. I've already lost one and I'm F***ING PISSED.
  17. Thematically I went with Storm/Electricity. Plant is a good set and could also be loosely thematic. Temporal is a really good set, can never go wrong with that. Devices has always been a solidly meh set, tho it's getting a small upgrade soon.
  18. I know I was rather disappointed in CoV when it first came out for the same reason many have already stated here -- you don't ever really seem truly villainous. Yes the stories/writing is better and the zones are more detailed (sometimes in a good way, sometimes not), it flops in never allowing you to feel like a true villain. And I'm not sure how one would fix that without an overhaul in stories and missions that have you doing truly dastardly and unseemly things worthy of a supervillain instead of a street punk. And maybe it's just a mental thing, but when you're a hero, fighting throngs of lackies feels super and heroic. You're taking on the bad guys and winning. But do the same thing as a villain and it doesn't work. It doesn't make you feel evil. The only thing that distinguishes what you're doing as a villain versus a hero is the mission text, e.g., kidnap instead of rescue, robbing the bank instead of stopping the robbery. But ultimate the game plays 99% identically no matter which side you're on. Having unique ATs and powersets helped to give us a reason to play redside, but with everything proliferated and with being able to change sides at will that's gone.
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