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Captain Fabulous

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Everything posted by Captain Fabulous

  1. Not usually. It's something I generally avoid. 🤷‍♂️
  2. You don't need to be level 50 to benefit from set bonuses or global IOs.
  3. Dark/Dark/Soul. Lots of pets to be had.
  4. Back in my day we hovered across the Hollows to get back to the trainer in Atlas Park. And we liked it!
  5. It will work just like a standard hard drive. You don't need to configure it in any way and there are no incompatibilities. The game doesn't know what kind of storage device you have.
  6. You can resize the map, just pull on a corner. You can also detach it to make it a floating window. There are a few mods that alter the fonts and appearance of enhancements and power icons, but nothing that's going to change functionality. Check out CIty Mod Installer, most of the game's mods can be found there.
  7. What kind of changes are you looking to make? The UI is very customizable in terms of size, placement, colors, transparency, etc.
  8. I don't there is anyplace streaming it for free. A bunch of places have it but you have to buy it. I think Dixie came out OK. It's not a complicated costume. I'll probably continue to tweak it a bit.
  9. Y'all are gonna have me make a empathy Defender named Dixie McCall, aren't ya? 🤣🤣🤣 EDIT: going with Symphony/Empathy Controller, since Julie was a singer. Will post a pic when I finish putting her together.
  10. Oooo, picked up another two names I had forgotten about. I used to have a list of names I wanted but I tossed it years ago.
  11. Exactly the way I did it.
  12. Yeah, you have to make a new character and can then rename an existing one. I'm not sure why they did it this way. I just plow thru the character creator as quickly as possible. It's not a huge hassle.
  13. And give away my secret identities??? 🤣 A few that I got: Icefish Stormy Black Sealion Ravenclaw Morgana Midnight Doctor Chaos Obsidian Hex Clair Voyant Captain Thunder Cold Turkey Firebrand Bunisher Water Buffalo
  14. It doesn't turn off powers, it turns on the "only affects self" flag, so you can use Power Slide and other travel powers with it on. You just can't attack. With the frost aura and Power Slide colored frosty it does a pretty good job of covering up the uncolorable Skiff. You can also use it with Fly for greater speed, and you won't lose the slide pose.
  15. I gotta admit I wasn't expecting the name release to do much, but I am pleasantly surprised just how many names I was able to snatch up. Bravo and well-done, devs! 👏👏👏
  16. Kaiju. Duh.
  17. For sure. The game is 20 years old. It'll run on a potato. As long as that potato supports OpenGL 2.1.
  18. Underrated as in a set that's really good that most people skip over.
  19. Plant/Nature is a good combo that will give you lots to do and is very effective. I'm a big fan of Earth Control, I think it's grossly underrated and often overlooked. Fire is a can't-go-wrong classic, and I find Arsenal to be great fun. Dark, Kin, Storm, Marine, and Time are all top-notch secondaries, and all have some kind of heal. You can't go wrong with any of them.
  20. TBH, they're really annoying now. Teleporting you around, multiple rezzing back from the dead that debuffs you. They're kinda a shitshow now.
  21. When the name release policy is turned on, once a character has been idle past the set # of days based on their level the name is "released", meaning, if another player tries to use it they will be able to do so. So it's not a one-time thing, and you don't automatically lose the name if your character is idle past the cutoff. You only lose the name if someone else tries to use it.
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