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Everything posted by ed_anger

  1. That's more interaction than you can have with most of the environment in CoX, it almost feels like a 2010s game than 2000s game. I'd say more of a feature than a bug.
  2. this might be useful for you, you can filter your buff bar to get rid of auto powers, etc. I've gotten rid of most of the clutter and can now actually see what I've applied to other people: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php/topic,5424.0.html
  3. I had stopped play before the incarnate system when live, but now adding in all of the slots at 50 I'm sure this discussion happened then as well: what was the point of this? It seems to remove any need for control whatsoever, everyone has maxed out defense, regeneration and multiple nukes, pets. In a full 50s team each group of mobs mostly melts under someone's nuke, then a couple half-dead lieutenants have to be finished off. Everyone can patch any holes they have, only damage is needed.
  4. Good to know.
  5. Sounds like fun. Just trying to point out that in high level groups fluffy is generally useless, lags behind, etc. Mob groups tend to explode as people nuke, then the melee clean up lts and bosses. Theme your heart away if that floats your boat, it’s not really the most effective pet with the power creep since launch.
  6. And I'd prefer a MM style pet I could direct if I'm going to waste slots on it. Every slot you stock in this randomly casting pet comes out of your own Darkest Night, Tar Pit etc
  7. I dont think you really understand the problem. You have limited slots, and rather than slot up a pet that sporadically and randomly casts abilities, you can use those slots on your own abilities. Where you can target specific mobs, etc.
  8. Not great news https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php/topic,4215.0.html
  9. You dont have to fill any slots, they're there if you want them. Max out the other slots first if you want.
  10. If you're going to get to the mission way ahead of everyone else make sure you bring port friend so you can port the rest of us.
  11. i’ve personally decided to drop leadership post50, it was great leveling for the team, but everyone seems to be massively buffed post50. Survivability as a squishy is still an issue, so taking tough and weave instead.
  12. By the same logic, just slot in one accuracy and call it a day, the slots can be better used elsewhere. The dark servant is more a distraction than anything, since you can’t direct it at all.
  13. great idea
  14. People see, people do.
  15. Read it to quote it, obviously. Still incorrect.
  16. shrug, works for me (on one computer, not remembered of different ones)
  17. be aware that some mobs can see through large amounts of stealth, carnies seem to be able to see you as if you don’t have stealth at all, for example.
  18. Whoa, that’s quite a claim, folks. Um, no. Enlarging the shitty caves maps is not “remaking the entire game.”
  19. You can switch whenever you want, the dynamics of group think will always create an overbalanced side.
  20. considering there’s millions of colors, it’s probably possible to find readable reds, blues and yellows
  21. Oh and make those conference room doors double doors, they’re too narrow with more then a two person team. And with MM pets, forget it.
  22. I like it.
  23. All of the blue caves and the council caves should be enlarged, if they were 3x wider they’d be tolerable.
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