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Crystal Dragon

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Everything posted by Crystal Dragon

  1. Perfection, thank you so much. 🙂
  2. Heh, and here I am playing around on POE and ROR2 with my husband in our downtime together.
  3. I wouldn't mind some solid pointers for a Water Blast Empathy build for corruptor, trying to do a final rebuild. (Anything that's healer supportive friendly is what I look for.) I'm also looking for a build I can base off of for my Energy Blast Pain Dom corruptor that I'm rebuilding.
  4. I am so sorry for his passing. I wish I had gotten to know him, but I rarely was on the times he was. /e holdtorch
  5. That's the build I went with for Mayday, all buffs, anti-mezz, heals with robots going nuts.
  6. I'll see if I can sort out Mayday's setup. You got some solid advice here for EA defenders and I can see the EA abilities topping well with MM's too. Is there a variation with MM robotics that you might recommend?
  7. Alright, deal.
  8. Hehe, well I could try to make a Rookery, but I've no idea how close I could get to the real thing.
  9. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Been spending most of this past week focused on finding inspiration and working on art, both in sketch work offline, and AI mashup creations. Got a couple landscapes to share actually.
  10. That's artbreeder, it's an AI program that you can input different images to create something completely different.
  11. All of these just from Nightcafe's AI tool. And Vincent Vale now has a face to match the attitude he puts off in game. LOL
  12. Been making things on Nightcafe and Artbreeder for a while but todays been especially creative and inspiring for me. Thought I'd share one piece I really took a liking to.
  13. /e blinks and nods in agreement. Yep, friday coming, short break from things for me this weekend. Hope everyone has a great one. ❤️
  14. SG Name: Scions of Everlasting RP/RP Friendly: VERY Roleplaying friendly, also advocates of teaching new baby roleplayers. Theme/Era: Modern, Fantasy/High Fantasy/Horror/Comic-Manga-Anime cross-overs Redside/Blueside: Vigilante - Red and Blue welcomed. Recruitment Message: "Oh, this thing is working? Wonderful! Hail and good tidings! Scions of Everlasting is seeking workers of both light and shadow to assist with investigations and patrolling to protect Prime Earth from mishandled magic and arcana within our new home territory. We accept those willing to turn a new leaf and join the efforts to protect our home from misused and mishandled relics, artifacts, and spell books that have fallen into the wrong hands. We pay via crafted enhancements, materials, supplies, bunk housing for those seeking residency, as well as training to improve skills in the arcane elements and forces. Our job is more than just to keep the streets clean, we need to be ready and able to take out the threats to mankind, and the residents of this world that may appear of the magical variety. We also are committed to assisting with the Vanguard in keeping the Rikti reconstructionists at bay, so we are heavily active in both fields of duty and vigilance. If the idea of service to the greater good is a keen idea to you and you are learning mystical and magical ways to put your skills to work, we might be interested in recruiting you! Please send a letter of reference, or a request for an interview. I would be delighted to meet with you and see what we Scions, could do for you." Contact Details: Global mail, or send an OOC tell to @Crystal Dragon or any member of the Scions to ask for an interview. OOC Details: The Scions of Everlasting is a organized group of investigators, bounty hunters, and adepts of the magical and mythical variety. We are very much LGBTQIA+ and welcoming to new players interested in learning to roleplay, as well as raiders with a light interest. We are very active, with at least a handful of alts of mine and my husbands inhabiting the group, and a half dozen more of players we've befriended during our time playing on HC Everlasting. We do raid regularly with Chaos United, and are collationed with that branch PVE and RP support ties. OOC Expectations: As Scions, we expect good player ship, good treatment of fellow players, and willingness to contribute to efforts with raiding, and story events that happen among the members and coalition mates. We are more than just a super group, we are a family and we ask that the players interested to be respectful of each of the members when joined. As players, we recognize real life as a priority number one, and we advocate for players joining our number to be more understanding about time limits, and schedules that others among our shard may have.
  15. Why not create a marker for them all? "Official EU server" "Official RP server" "Official PVP server" and "Official PVE server" and so forth. I'm not saying the idea is bad, but official anything advocates for possible rule changes for EACH DIFFERENT SERVER TYPE, and this is a volunteer ran thing. Unofficial gives the community room to grow, shift, and change with the times, and the population for each shard. If anything special server typing on other games DID create massive problems; Trolling, abusive gameplay as a whole, and obstructive gameplay. (And yes, this are a very real issue on other games with RP specific servers.) If the players deem THIS server THIS type, let's roll with it and keep it that way. Let the players manage the server typing rather than the devs or GM's. The staff have enough on their plate in this regard, and sometimes more than they can handle. @GM Kal Just notifying ya to help fill in the gaps in understanding on this subject, I wasn't sure whom else I could ping about this.
  16. I'm the weirdo that enjoys teaching new players how to roleplay and it's different aspects. I'm also the weirdo that will defend roleplayers enjoying their game time when they please, where they please, so long as it doesn't break the TOS and COC, but I am also that roleplayer that can and will contact a GM if I see behavior that's breaking the COC without hesitation if the players is asked to stop, and they don't. I'm not going to allow my fellow players to waste their time dealing with harassment, whether it's game mechanic wise, or in chat, trying to get rid of their harasser.
  17. *snugs everybody.* Therapy day, might be on later to help out with the raids tonight.
  18. Okay so I did notice this last time I was on for a MSR run around 10pm EDT a few nights ago. That person did get called out and pointed towards checking the forums to see what type of server they are on, and the rest of the league was absolutely content to ignore the guy casually and continue doing their own thing IC and OOC. I'll just put it to terms: You do you, we all have our thing that we enjoy doing, if you don't enjoy it, don't bitch about others enjoying it for themselves. If there's a serious issue with it, move off shard, or find a group that does things YOUR way. No one here is going to bug you or harass you into getting into character, how you play is your thing entirely. But this is how WE do things around here. AND WE LIKE IT THAT WAY.
  19. Correct. Your welcome hun, hope you find some lovely stories here. 🙂
  20. @chase Managed to get the old blr updated with bios for all my crowd of characters. It's on the List of Character Lists thread. 🙂
  21. Notice to all mentors and volunteers participating with the Welcome Wagons Intro classes: Due to health issues, I need to take the weekend of the 10/8 - 10/11 off to attend to medical problems that I've put off to get my doctors attention on. Please know this isn't me quitting, I love the hell out of hosting these classes and hearing the other vets chiming in and helping out is absolutely wonderful to see. Mentors, if you aren't signed up with the Roleplaying Guides Collaboration club, please sign up so we can keep the classes organized and rolling out to welcome the new folks to the server and the shard both. Students I wanted to say a hearty thank you and a big hug to you all for participating and joining in the sessions to help welcome the new folks to the server and making things comfortable and welcoming for everyone involved. I'm giving @McSpazz a heads up about this so he has time to make adjustments or plan fill-in's as needed. Hugs and apples to you all for making this project become a reality! I'm not quitting, but I do greatly need this break and hope the class weekend goes smoothly for all those involved.
  22. Gave up trying to put together a thread, kept getting distracted. Decided to go with a tumblr though with a list of all the characters and future attempts at background story writing. Updating, and moving to a new blog page.
  23. Um, HC has already stated the game will forever remain free, no DLC's or hooks like that, no reason to when it's the community that's helping run it. The whole thing is volunteer ran, what donations are given pay for hosting the wiki, the game virtual servers and that's it. No perks, no special trumpets or flares. This is an old game, a relic of it's time, and honestly? Until you've played, you won't see how immersive the game really is until you watch the activity of the npc's, and see how they respond to heroes and villain's both.
  24. Settles in after a very long silence and sighs softly. Therapy day, not sure if I'll be logging in this weekend with how drained my sessions usually leave me feeling. If I do, count it a win over the past. Tilts their head, furrowing their brow. I don't mean to drop the mood bomb, but does everyone have to pep themselves up just to move out of bed in the mornings, or is that just me?
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