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Crystal Dragon

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Everything posted by Crystal Dragon

  1. I have had a few characters that I simply couldn't get into for long. Specialist Mayday for instance, affluent daughter of a politician, had any number of routes available to her, routes that I didn't growing up. Her father a controlling butthead, she confronted him in order to be able to live a normal young adult life, something again I never got to do personally (the confronting parental figure thing that is..) and she ended up with a good person in her life. I still have her on my roster, but her good life makes her difficult to get into the headspace of. It's not intentional that a character ends up difficult to embrace, but sometimes that happens. I work with my characters partners to try and find a way to bridge the times they are not being played or rped in game simply do they know that I am trying even if my brain doesn't want to.
  2. Credits to Suplex for this one. I suppose that depends on who you talk to. Many could say that Crys gambled and lost with sticking to her duties but I see it from a different point of view. As someone that has experienced parenthood and raising children, it's a tiring, but very rewarding experience for both myself and my children. But juggling work on top if it all? That can be vastly overwhelming. With Villyenta, I suppose you could say she had. She was once an arena fighter, even as a daywalking vampire and had competed with some of the best in the world she came from, but she gambled her trust with someone that had been admired as a well known guild leader and a battle commander, whom ended up exploiting her, her abilities, and her very life(/unlife, if you prefer to term it such.). She lost her freedom, her right of choice, and was used in a way that was both extremely humiliating to her as a daywalker and had left her lacking in self confidence in the time since. Firya Phoenix, came from the same world that Villyenta had gambled and lost. She was a tribeswoman, a shaman with the ability to commune and invoke the power of the sun goddess but she ended up falling into the same hands at play, the same guild leader had she, and Villyenta bound by the same spell and they were coerced to turn against people that were fighting to buck the chains of the individual that was trying to take over all of that world. She eventually ended up merging spiritually with another that was a mirror soul. In the fashion, she gambled her identity and her individuality to help someone else and basically ended up becoming something completely different from what she started out her ritual journey as.
  3. Yes, I'm quite good with it. It's fantastic for creating character portraits and headshots for characters in the game. :)
  4. A couple new commissions that went to community members recently. Gifted to @Quick Trix of Everlasting. For a hobgoblin player friend of mine on discord that also plays on Everlasting. ^^; Respecting his privacy.
  5. It's an adoptable online pet site. Quite fun honestly with the different variety of dragons you can find and obtain. The goal is really simple, grab an egg, hatch it, and raise it to adulthood. There's quite a few different varieties to find and collect and it's just something pretty to look at, if you like dragons that is. The artists there are bloody amazing, they have seasonal events for special variety releases, and it's got quite a nice community there attached to the site. It's sort of like neopets, without all the bells and whistles of the games for farming points and such.
  6. I'm wondering if anyone in the community still has an active dragon cave account? I have played fairly regularly since about uh, 2008 or so, and have quite a large cave full of babies, eggs, and full grown dragons. (Not a euphemism, it's a game, I swear, I'll share links below and yes it's safe, wouldn't play there otherwise.) So the deal with these little pixel pets is that they grow with every click and view they receive. The adult dragons don't grow but the number counts for their views still tickers away. Does anyone else still futz around with these types of games? Just curious honestly. Is it okay to open a thread for this? I figured to ask cause it's just an cute old browser game I still play from time to time that's not super time intensive. Stats Joined in 2008 Grown Dragons1,017 Growing Dragons12 Unique Breeds205 My favorites:
  7. This is for anyone that wishes to attend. I'm hoping community leaders will join us this evening, any and all of them if possible. And no, respectively, it's not needed to attend both, but if one wishes to, they are more than welcome.
  8. Hosting in Echo Plaza. This may cover the full weekend 18th-20th Friday/Saturday/Sunday during the normally scheduled class times. (5PM & 9PM EST) This meet up is intended to offer leaders of the RP community a chance to talk over problematic play, defuse player conflicts, and address key points that the class planner currently isn't instructing, or simply to thinktank multigroup events and ideas. Feel free to reach out to me to offer any suggestions, discuss the project or wish to join the collaborative. This is a community focused project, we expect players attending to be respectful towards one another, and to help reach understanding and unity within the roleplaying community of Homecoming. The meetup times might override the raid schedule for Friday-Saturday-Sunday and expect the possibility. We will not host another public event like this until the end of the year, so this is the time to meet the mentors, and discuss our planner and any RP related topics that need to be addressed. (Hosting on Everlasting, as the unofficial RP shard.)
  9. NEW YEARS! It's 20XX and everyone is celebrating in their own way. But some of us had written up resolutions or made promises to fulfill for this fresh brand new year. What do you think your characters new year resolutions might be? Do you think they will be able to fulfill them? If so/not, why? Many pardons for the lengthy break, lots happening at home that's had me quite busy. Crys made a few promises to fulfill this year, most importantly to be more direct with the people she cares about, and finishing her work with rebuilding the Scions Keep on the Ouroboros Islet that she had claimed for her den and home. The latter part is taking longer than expected but she's presuming that construction will be complete in another month to two. She does have a promise that might be too hard to fulfill. She gave her word to her adopted daughter Kami, to help "fix" an issue that was purely accidentally created by Kami after a late night study session. Trouble is, she doesn't know if her whelps, or herself have the power to "fix" the problem, but she has high hopes that the Well of Furies can assist in some manner to resolve the problem. Whether it does or not, is another matter entirely.
  10. Same here myself.
  11. I *love* reading a bio that describes a character from an NPC's point of view. As long as agency of the players character isn't taken away, or forced feelings/thoughts were included, you'll be fine.
  12. *waves.* @CrystalDragon on Virtue and here. Sup!
  13. Killing rikti at rikti raids on either side of the faction zones is a prime way to get vmerits, running MSR's work, and missions in the RWZ zone help, but if you don't want to do MSR, you don't have to. Do the missions, watch for the raids in the other zones for RIkti and headline a team to take em out. Yes, you can get a huge sum from just running the raid and cooperative play there, but if you don't wanna, you don't have to. No one is forcing you, or anyone else to attend. We ask for help for those that WANT to do it. Don't want to join up? Don't. Don't waste our time with your excuses and reasoning, don't waste our time with your complaints, either do, or don't. It's that damned simple. Edit: Also, to expand on reasons some leaders don't pick up people for the leagues as quickly. We've had a few leech players that refuse to contribute or fight in the bowl when the raid starts. Some of us raid leaders prefer to avoid that becoming a regular problem by blacklisting said XP leeches from joining the raids. Doesn't matter the character, it's the logic behind letting others gather vmerits and not chipping in to help out that drives us to keep these nonactive players out. If you don't get picked up for the raid, it's either cause we hit the limit on recruits for the teams, or we didn't see you post in broadcast. MOST of the raid leaders on Everlasting tend to recruit via Broadcast over local, since we often have roleplay happening before the raid starts, folks catching up and what not before the raid launches. Local requests get drowned out and fast, and it's not our job to hunt them down. Post in broadcast, if ya miss an invite, check your settings for invites and see if you had them blocked or were in a taskforce still from another mission.
  14. I remember Spazzy mentioning this in a discussion privately. Macros and binds are a difficult subject in and of itself to cover as I'm not fully versed in it and Spazzy simply hasn't the time in his schedule as it is to cover it. But I do know that Macros for the Masses (And keybinds too!) is probably the most comprehensive guide and listing of macros and binds you can use for both roleplaying and regular game play usage. But I do like the idea of an advanced class or forum thread for the storytellers and DM players. I'll pitch the idea around with the mentors on board and see if any of them want to headline that aspect. And your welcome! We've been trying our best to make sure newer players are familiar with the basics and cover the broad spectrum of things with roleplaying. I'll see if I can get the mentors and vet volunteers together to talk these ideas over and see what solutions we can come up with together. *nodsnods*
  15. Opening up dialog for points to provide clarification or stronger support on roleplaying. I'd like to ask the community users and roleplayers to please leave us comments and suggestions in our thread here to let us know if we need to expand further on a specific topic, or details that we may have missed in the classes as they are. This includes conflict resolution, group searching tools, enhanced details on coping with undesirable roleplay situations and untoward player advances, and other issues the community works around to find roleplaying partners and groups. If you feel we skipped on anything and have attended to know what we teach, please let us know if there's anything we can do to improve what we teach to cover as much as we possibly can during the weekend hours we've set the class time for. If players wish to practice these skills that they are learning about, we need to provide a safe and comfortable space for them to do so that will not judge them for typos, slowness of writing, or reactions. We all started somewhere, let's give them a safe spot to learn and practice what they learn without unnecessary judgement. At this time, we cover consent, informed consent, communication and it's importance to roleplaying and maintaining roleplay standards, red-flag behavior and mental health awareness, personal boundaries and limitations, bad forms of roleplaying (Metagaming/Godmoding/Powergaming), researching character flaws and traits, understanding the need to avoid protected content and material, lore/canon and noncanon, and personal story creation, resources and support groups/channels/discords to meet new friends, respecting the rule of reality over roleplaying, compassion/consideration for the fellow player, abbreviations and labels commonly used by roleplayers, character development and evolutions, finding and joining player groups/stories, and last but not least important, addressing poor gamership (Bad forms in group situations and when is it acceptable and how to find an "out" to escape it.). I'm sure I missed a few points, it's late and I'm out of spoons for the day but I wanted to put this out there to let the community voice opinion and suggestions of what might need to be addressed further in future class times.
  16. Due to expected events RL wise, I need to step back and make myself available to a old close friends going through a very difficult time. If any mentors wish to pick up the lead for tonight's classes and has time to commit to helping the players attending, please do. I can only offer my deepest apologies for the change in schedule and host for this weekend, I had not expected the news that was received nor the emotional impact it had on me. Thank you all for taking the time to drop by for the first class night and I hope the mentors that wish to pick up the lead are able to carry on the lesson plans for the weekend.
  17. It's about that time folks, you can hear the wagons preparing to roll out just down the road. Are you ready for a wagon load of RP information and tips? Well here's your chance to catch us rolling through to help uplift and improve our community by addressing the most critical points of roleplaying and teaching the new folks what they need to know to get a roll on their character play and interactions. Class days are 2/4 - 2/5 - 2/6 with Monday reserved for workshopping descriptions, answering deeper questions and discussing player issues as a community.
  18. More Tsoo themed items and oriental styled items please. I feel so limited with the amount of content in the base editor as it is and having more would be absolutely lovely.
  19. >.> <.< Really doesn't want to be part of a cartel.
  20. Good time zone everyone! With recent questions coming up in General Chat for the Everlasting community I thought I'd take this step to help players that are unfamiliar with description writing for your characters in the game. There's any number of ways to write it out, but there's pointers of what to avoid, and what is safe to add for the best player engagement you can receive as a role player. Add what you feel would be rough information for your characters details. This includes physical traits that are visible on first glance, and nothing sexually suggestive. Basic information such as age, apparent sex, known city records information of your character or a list of criminal details that might be known to the public through police records in turn. It doesn't have to be long, or detailed Anything that might actually be detected by those with psionic abilities surface-level thoughts/moods/feelings are not a bad thing to add either. Things like auras, and magical signatures aren't a bad idea to toss into the blender either. But please try to remember your bio can be read by anyone, and if a GM sees bad content, they can and will wipe it and action your account if you are caught doing so repeatedly. There are specific contents NOT allowed to be put into descriptions, this includes physical attributes that are generally hidden from sight (Chest and, ahem, nethers, no one sees that over clothing in the first glance, please think this one through.) And any content involving real life criminal activity, suggestive content are also not allowed. Tips for engaging with your character, so labeled "hooks" or RP hooks. This could be anything from a quick note of favorite devices and objects they keep on their person, or their posture/expression upon first approach or glance. These things are always good to add, and can change if you wish to any time. Lastly, a quick brief of what you look for or prefer with roleplaying. This could be adult, mature, dark, slice of life, theme preferences, era or generalized wishes for roleplaying partners. Remember, this is a PG-13 rated game, and should be treated with that respect of caution in writing details out. Hopefully this proves to be useful for those new to roleplaying here, or just looking for a brief on what could be put on a description to draw out roleplayers. You can format it anyway you wish, whether it's conversation between two npc characters over heard, or a brief note posted on an office wall about said character. How you frame it is up to you, but be sure to break your description block up so it's not a huge wall of text. (Reading disorders can cause misreading information or even worse, drive a player off from reading your description at all.)
  21. He's certainly an interesting character to read about! Your style of writing really does draw the reader in. Much love and appreciation.
  22. I know I know, revisiting this one, but I do have quite a few tips to offer. A character that has to be worked to gain RP can be very - very tiresome to play. Not everyone has that kind of time, or dedication to pour into a toon's story development, or backgrounds and in many cases this can turn someone off from roleplaying outside of their usual chill out spaces or hang outs. Break the routine. Sometimes stepping out of that comfort zone is one of the best possible decisions you can make to find roleplay outside of your usual zones and locations you hang out with on that character. Isolation is stagnation. You can actually find roleplay happening on the go, sometimes during missions, sometimes in task forces and raids even, you just have to pay attention to chat and stay aware. Don't isolate yourself as a player, it can and will lead to Pidgeon holing, and stagnation and eventually loss of interest in RP all together. Comfort zones are to be respected, not abused. It is entirely possible to craft a character that's intended to break your own personal comfort zones and broaden your understanding outside of them, but it is entirely possible to end up burning yourself out doing so. Acknowledging your own limitations and boundary's is NOT a bad thing, in fact it's a very positive thing to keep and stick to, as it makes your play time more enjoyable, as well as engagement easier for yourself and others you engage with. OOC does not equal to IC. Most new folks automatically presume this, but in many cases it's a matter of someone misunderstanding the difference of In characters speech from out of character personality. What a players character decision is, does not always equate to the players decision, yes we control and play these characters but how they develop and change over time has a lot to do with what they are exposed to, and what decisions are made in the moments they need to make them. Some players use tools to help make spur of the moment decisions, whether it's die rolls, or coin flips, sometimes even negotiating options and alternative paths with the player they are interacting with. What those result to can be both random and fun. Fun does not always mean the same thing to each player involved. Clearly defining these interests and draws for your character can help with figuring out what your character seeks for involvement, and what you feel they would fit in best with theme, genre, and content wise. A lot of us tend to call them RP hooks, allowing us to have a clearer idea of what kind of material or story lines might benefit your play time, as well as giving some of us a way in to get to know your character and familiarize ourselves with them for future plot line invitations. Friendships do develop with long term play, please respect that bond and talk to your roleplaying friends often. Here recently I was confronted with a situation where two friends had a falling out over lack of communication about their story developments for their characters, least on one side of the coin, and the other felt like they were being tossed aside over new developments they had no part in. The situation is still flux and players feelings did get hurt on both ends, however it's slowly on the mend. Please, if you end up friends with the players you roleplay with over a long span of time, respect that bond and keep communication with those friends. Breaks are fine, taking time away to deal with yourself is great too, but remember these people care about you and your well being too, even if you don't hear it first hand on a regular basis. Friendships can dissolve over a lack of communication and often do when respect isn't given to keep in touch. I've seen friends clam up and entire story threads dissolve into drama storms over this, and the last thing I wish to see with the friends I care about, is to witness that misery all over again. Communicate your needs and wishes for character play more clearly to those you consider close to you and your characters, don't play the ghost game. It's not fair to those that involved you, played with you, and got you into their own story lines, and it doesn't help anyone to shut down without a word about what's wrong. As said earlier on in the thread, these are just tips from an old player of quite a few RP games and groups over the last two decades, take what wisdom you feel fits in your time of need, and leave a tip of your own to share with the community.
  23. Skimmed this, but uh, just saying? Thanks folks for making this game come back from the dead, and so much love to the team for the time poured into keeping it going. Yall are amazing.
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