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Chaos Ex Machina

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Everything posted by Chaos Ex Machina

  1. I like having some teleportation lightning strike ability in Dark Melee. Teleportation through portals fits thematically
  2. Bring back move speed buffs for thematic and fun purposes!
  3. Bring back the movement on electrical static! it’s great for thematic ‘identity’ of the set and especially nice with hover
  4. Darn I really want the Dark Lightning Strike. What went wrong?
  5. I like Electric Support Electrical Induction
  6. If this is verboten why is instant virtually max incarnate at level 51 considered good?
  7. Agree A few of these are problematic cottage rule violations. Especially propel which increased physics quality but dramatically nerfs the entertainment value! One thing to add functionality, but that perception makes it thematic and unique. Is there some alternative theme to sound less 'evil?' Could interfere with thematic considerations on some characters. People would just skip invisibility completely with IOs.
  8. YES PLEASE Everything from nature affinity is too good to restrict to one powerset
  9. This. Why are there 5 times as many Brutes as Tankers? Same reason. No faction specific ATs which artificially increased the number of villains and tankers.
  10. QOL REQUEST: Just give everybody 100 KB protection automatically and avoid the hassle /s ::)
  11. Electric blast can chain while enemy not drained Not binary now DONE
  12. Same. Blaster ATO proc. 130k bid Sold 55 inf
  13. (some text snipped to consolidate the main points) I can see where you're coming from but at the same time I feel like you're asking for a lot. You say you're doing a lot of low level content and have lots of alts ... so why do you need any sets? Why aren't you using mostly generic IOs and maybe a few special pieces. Karma: Knockback protection costs a mere 20 merits! When you say you need 100 merits for a "good one" are you talking about the level scaling archetype enhancements? Those are like the crown jewels that used to cost 400-500 merits. PVP IO recipes also can cost 100 but as far as I've seen the normal set recipes are 20 for an uncommon and 50 for a rare, and that is a serious price reduction from live when uncommon set IO recipes were 50-75, and rares were 125-275. Here is the list of Original Dev prices for things bought with merits: https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Merit_Rewards#Rewards_Purchases If you feel you can't buy specifically what you want still, maybe a better tack for you would be to spend 10 merits on a random roll and then just sell the most valuable recipes and use that to buy modest replacements for yourself. But it really does feel like you've chosen to stretch yourself very thin and want to still be able to gear up in the same way someone who focuses on just a couple characters can. Hey, thanks for the reply. It is a valid argument. But I've always viewed CoH as a game for those who want light play and not power game. Imho, there is no reason I shouldn't be able to get the builds I want or the special IOs that go for bazillions simply because I don't constantly play 50s and get tons of influence. My argument is why restrict and force the playstyle? I don't' want to play the same character over and over again. I do want to be able to tweak my characters. It is just too much to expect me to do three TFs worth of content to get one IO. CoH has always been the game you could just jump in and jump out of and I love it for that, I just wish its advancement system matched that. It doesn't. IMO the best suggestion: incarnate trials need additional rewards because of their difficulty to organize. Maybe more merits there, especially since the veteran levels have significantly increased the availability of incarnate components.
  14. Leave the middle bonuses as is Bombardment should get identical bonuses to Obliteration except Stun resist converted to some other resist for variety Melee defense converted to AOE
  15. Looking at powers the ranking of best to worst AOE by numerical analysis: Martial - utterly dominates but it's SL - does that matter? Psi - less resistance Dark Ice Savage? - statistics are bizarre Fire Thorn Energy Radiation Electric Earth Am I right? Is voltaic sentinel any good?
  16. I want some dominators with effective combinations that will not make me want archetype respecs. Rank these potential combinations with plant: Thorn Energy - considering the force feedback IO potential to permadom Elec What OTHER than Fire is especially strong with Psi assault
  17. Can you make the defense enhancement from protector bots apply to the player when clicked
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