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Leandro last won the day on August 27 2019

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About Leandro

  • Birthday 10/23/1981

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  1. Congratulations to everyone on the Homecoming Team who worked really hard for years in order to make this happen!
  2. General The LFG queue will now wait until you have the Recommended number of players for a Trial or Task Force before teleporting you to the contact or mission if the league is not locked. If the league is locked, Trials and Task Forces will ignore the minimum players and start even solo. You can invite more players into the League once the Trial starts, but not to a Task Force. Incarnate and Holiday Trials continue to always require the minimum number of players, whether the league is locked or not. However, Incarnate trials will no longer automatically fail if a locked league drops below the minimum players. They will still fail if they drop below the minimum players in an unlocked league. This setup is an attempt to satisfy both players who want to start Trials and Task Forces solo or with small teams (lock the league) and those who want to use the LFG queue to find teams for Trials and Task Forces (don't lock the league). Workaround for the mapserver connection issues where the client gets stuck trying to get into a zone. Many fixes to UI scaleing scrollbars, listviews, text outlines and compass elements. Fix an issue preventing base item rotation in the 64-bit client. Tasks The instanced version of the Rikti Mothership raid now has navigation beacons and a minimap. The instanced version should now match the zone spawns. While investigating this I noticed that Rikti Priests weren't spawning in the zone version at all, and enabled them. The compass will display a progress bar with pylons remaining when the shield is up, and a timer until the end while the shield is down. The flavor text for the trial in the LFG description and the compass has changed to reflect the lore reason why the shield doesn't come back up at the end. The zone version of the Rikti Mothership raid now displays a timer in the compass when the shield is down. This timer is only visible when characters are inside the shield volume. Rikti Pylons were accidentally spawning as Level 54 in the zone, they have been reverted to their level-less version. Known issue: The timer on the shield is not perfect and it can be off by up to a minute. Powers [Experimental Changes] The power patch notes are a bit of a mess and might be incomplete. @Captain Powerhouse will update them later with anything I missed. Fixed an issue where Romulus was consuming all the Nictus in a single resurrect, among other similar issues throughout the game. Fixed internal issues with most chain attacks hitting multiple targets per jump (Ion Judgment no longer crashes zones.) Super Strength Rage Fixed many timing issues with the crash. Power should no longer show multiple icons unless there is an active crash. The Weakened message should only pop up if there is a crash. Rage is now safe to reactivate without triggering the crash 5 seconds before it expires. Rage Highlight ring should now show up when it's safe to reactivate rage. Tanker Changes Incarnate Judgment powers should no longer be boosted by tanker's area buff. Tanker Damage Cap is now 550% instead of 600% Tanker Radius Buff is now 60% (taking 10ft radius powers to 16ft radius, 8ft ones to 12.8ft.) Tanker modifiers to debuff enemy ToHit and Damage and Resistance with support abilities in epic pools have been increased, in addition to their modifiers to buff other's damage, to-hit and defense have been increased, making Leadership Assault stronger when used by the AT. The T1/T2 swaps have been reverted back to their live status. Tanker Stone Melee> Fault moved back to level 20. Tremor is now lvl 28, Hurl Boulder lvl 35 Tanker Spines > Spine Burst target cap lowered to 10. Throw Spines now ignores Arc boosts. Gauntlet's radius lowered to 10ft. Taunt's target cap lowered to 7 targets. Focused Feedback Focused Feedback: Player vs. Player Focused Feedback: Tank Updates Focused Feedback: Rage Focused Feedback: Bug Fixes Focused Feedback: Rikti Mothership Raid Focused Feedback: Pineapple vs. Pizza This continues to be the most important topic of discussion and I am very pleased with the feedback received. @Jimmy's reign of Pineapple-less pizza shall never come to pass.
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  3. The script processes them sequentially, even if you got all 18 on the same tick it'd still give you time for the first, maa for the second and nothing for the rest.
  4. I don't think the range limit applies on instanced missions, that's something to test on the next run. The timer is 10 minutes to start with, 3 minutes for each bomb before maa spawns, 10 minutes when maa spawns, 5 minutes for defeating him. So the vast majority of raids last 28 minutes, with the caveat that time dilation due to lag can make it seem longer.
  5. Different people do different things. I had nothing to do with that datamine collection, that's not my thing. Cipher has nothing to do with setting zone cap limits. No single person is aware of every aspect of both development and server management; whoever noticed the zone cap increase never told me, and so far I haven't heard any other developer say they knew about it.
  6. People seriously need to go run the trial before posting suggestions that are already implemented and asking questions whose answers are obvious 30 seconds inside the map. I rushed as much as possible to get this patched in so people would playtest it, precisely because I don't like blind feedback based on a text proposal.
  7. I was told about the cap increase on Saturday and immediately reversed it. The "devs" don't play the game every day, and when we do it's most likely not in the production servers. Don't confuse GMs, who are in game constantly to help players, with "devs", who mostly experience the game through staring at code and near-empty test servers.
  8. Tasks The Rikti Mothership raid can now be started from the LFG queue. This is a very rough version that I spent all of yesterday putting together, and it has issues. It is not final. To make testing easier, all characters on Pineapple will receive the Member of Vanguard badge on login. How it works: Queue like any normal trial. It requires you to be level 35 or higher and have the Member of Vanguard badge. For testing purposes the trial will start with 8 players, and has a maximum of 48. The mimimum players can be tweaked as requested. All enemies inside the mission map are level 54, including the ones that are lower level in the zone. This is normal and expected. The Patrol Ship will always spawn on the first pylon that is destroyed, rather than a 15% chance per pylon. Subject to feedback. Once the time on the ship is over, the shield will not come back up. The trial ends with the shield still down and no enemies on the dish. Known issues: The trial is listed as "LFG_Mission_RiktiPylonMission" in the LFG queue. There are no navigation beacons in the mission map. This means that all enemies (and pets) will stay where they spawned. There's no minimap. Focused Feedback This patch includes all the changes from September 10th, 2019 so make sure to read those patch notes first. Focused Feedback: Pineapple vs. Pizza Focused Feedback: Player vs. Player Focused Feedback: Tank Updates Focused Feedback: Rage Focused Feedback: Bug Fixes Focused Feedback: Rikti Mothership Raid
  9. Tasks The Rikti Mothership raid can now be started from the LFG queue. This is a very rough version that I spent all of yesterday putting together, and it has issues. It is not final. To make testing easier, all characters on Pineapple will receive the Member of Vanguard badge on login. How it works: Queue like any normal trial. It requires you to be level 35 or higher and have the Member of Vanguard badge. For testing purposes the trial will start with 8 players, and has a maximum of 48. The mimimum players can be tweaked as requested. All enemies inside the mission map are level 54, including the ones that are lower level in the zone. This is normal and expected. The Patrol Ship will always spawn on the first pylon that is destroyed, rather than a 15% chance per pylon. Subject to feedback. Once the time on the ship is over, the shield will not come back up. The trial ends with the shield still down and no enemies on the dish. Known issues: The trial is listed as "LFG_Mission_RiktiPylonMission" in the LFG queue. There are no navigation beacons in the mission map. This means that all enemies (and pets) will stay where they spawned. There's no minimap.
  10. Vanden, yes, it is a bug, it was never shutting off after zoning in certain repeatable circumstances. You could go into RV with Hybrid enabled and it would never expire.
  11. This thread is locked. Post replies on the appropriate thread to keep things tidy: Focused Feedback: Pineapple vs. Pizza Focused Feedback: Player vs. Player Focused Feedback: Tank Updates Focused Feedback: Rage Focused Feedback: Bug Fixes
  12. Combat Log Combat log output has been standardized. Many powers used to report the wrong damage type and effects in the combat log, this process has fixed that, in addition to making the combat log a lot easier to parse. Bug Fixes Blaster Support > Atomic Manipulation > Electron Shackles: Should no longer accept Endurance Modification enhancements or sets. Blaster Support > Atomic Manipulation > Beta Decay: Text should no longer state it taunts enemies. Blaster Support > Psoinic Manipulation > Drain Psych: -Regeneration effect should no longer be enhanceable. Blaster Ranged > Electric Blast > Corrected an FXGEO feedback error with this power's FX. Dominator > Fire Control > Fire Imps: Should now always summon 3 imps. Dominator > Savage Assault > Call hawk & Feral Charge: Should no longer accept Dominator Archetype Enhancement sets. Dominator > Psionic Assault > Drain Psych: -Regeneration effect should no longer be enhanceable. Sentinel > Bio Armor > Athletic Regulation: Should no longer accept travel enhancement sets. Sentinel > Energy Aura > Power Armor: Should now accept Healing Enhancement Sets Sentinel > Fire Blast > Blazing Blast: Should now do 13 ticks of damage over time. Pool > Concealment > Stealth and Invisibility: translucency issues should now, FINALLY be fixed. Pool > Leaping > Spring Attack: should now do damage when used by Sentinels Radiation Melee > Contamination AoE should now reliably trigger when hitting a contaminated target. Radiation Armor > Beta Decay: Taunt magnitude should now always be Mag 4 Poison Weaken and Cold Domination -Special powers should no longer be boosted by +Special powers like Power Boost. As a rule, Str effects should not be affected by other Str effects. Proton Volley's Fast-Snipe sphere FX should now tint properly. Boosts > Performance Shifter > Chance for +Endurance: Should now have a chance to grant the caster Endurance if used on an offensive attack. Incarnate > Hybrid : Should no longer fail to shut down after zoning.
  13. Tank Updates [Experimental Changes] Damage Scale Tanker: Ranged damage modifier increased from 0.5 to 0.8, Melee damage modifier increased from 0.8 to 0.95 Bruise has been removed in favour of a flat damage scale increase Brute : Ranged and Melee damage modifiers are now equal. Epic Pools: All Brute and Tanker Epic pools now use ranged damage modifiers Due to the above changes, Epic Pools should see no damage change at all. Stats Tanker base endurance has been increased to 120, to reflect the fact that they kill slower, but last longer in combat. Tanker damage cap to 600%, this would increase the max Tanker damage potential when grouped. AoEs Most Tanker Melee AoE powers have had their target caps increased. Most cones are now 10 target cap. Most PBAoE are now 16 target cap. Tanker Taunts now have a 10 target cap. Most Tanker AoE powers now extend to inflict damage and other effects beyond their radius or arcs. As part of their inherent power, tankers get a buff that works similar to Boost Range, but it boosts Radius and Arc of powers. The arc of Cones gets boosted by +100% and the radius of PBAoEs are boosted by +100%. This means a 90 degree cone will actually cover a 180 area, while a 10ft PBAoE will cover 20ft. Almost all cones with over 90 degree arc, or AoE with over a 10ft radius, ignores this buff. Gauntlet Is now applied via a global proc. Any single target power that takes accuracy enhancements will trigger an AoE taunt. Every AoE power that takes accuracy enhancements will taunt the enemies it hit. Radius is now the same for all attacks (15ft, 5 targets max) Taunt scale is now 10% higher than Brute's Brute PunchVoke is now also applied via a global proc. Any power that either inflicts damage or takes accuracy enhancements will be able to punch-voke.) Power Levels In an attempt to help tanker progression, Tanker T1 and T2 powers have been exchanged for the following sets: Battle Axe Claws Dark Melee Energy Melee Fiery Melee Ice Melee Katana Kinetic Attack Martial Arts Psionic Melee Radiation Melee Savage Melee Staff Fighting Street Justice Super Strength War Mace To improve Tanker AoE capability during level up progression, the following powers had their acquisition levels changed: Battle Axe > Whirling Axe = 20, Swoop = 28 Martial Arts > Dragon Tail = 20, Focus Chi = 28, Crippling Axe Kick = 34 Stone Melee > Tremor = 20, Fault = 35 War Mace > Whirling Mace = 20, Clobber = 28
  14. Rage [Experimental change] Rage will now only crash if stacked. If the power is stacked, crashes will occur at every expiration until it expires completely. Rage crash has been changed to 10 seconds of: -999% damage irresistible -10 defense irresistible -20% resist irresistible -20% elusiveness irresistible The endurance crash has been removed, the power now instead drains 25 endurance on activation.
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