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Everything posted by honoroit

  1. the egyptians had electric lights from lemon juice and generally advanced chemistry. roman concrete still stands, same deal. probably a lot of wheels lost getting ourselves 'stable' in that we dont kill each other as a major affair, entirely constantly, anymore. in the middle ages, europe burned a lot of books. in the 1940s and 1950s allies rewrote their social clime and glazed over to forget about a lot of what theyd been. in the 60s there was still segragation, apatite ended in relatively recent times. the perpetrators and supporters of this are still alive. so the fester lingers, and we have billboards for 'white power' radio you actually see. it stuns me when you do, in this, the American people - are not well. our last 100y - it is a travesty of ineptitude, intolerance, and violent beast - this Man. the machines catching us out on that, forcing it out of us by fact and competition; it breeds 'good'. my kind of trap, and hey, a forced evolution engine.
  2. the printing press made people unemployed. it is plagerism to have a 'i do research for you by lookup (you dont read and dont learn, filter, consider sources, no matter how slow - thats skipped), rather one high speed skims for broad qa, or reads the summaries generated. its a different kind of information processing, and presumption of correctness in citation and digest. is the quality lower, if few remain that can assess it as so? or do need need to concern ourselves with a more outsourced brain? 'not illegal', means go, in business. 'besties, do you want to buy an nft? a magic coin? a wealth distribution game of the ultra rich? gamestonk? a coal mine?' were not far off 2050. theres a lot from Pondsmith's vision that we see and will see. less neon. the homeless and those at loss are as eccentricity, amusement, or feel-good-today token - while churches call the same protagonist of the times, and fight being weilded as misappropriated icon for violent mind. --> and mind can reel to look upon it, and so goes decay. city centers with junky troupes. mass shootings every week or so. toddlers trained in evacuation drills, and shot up anyway. depression, sickness, and ill mental health - and no cure deliberatly; the grinder of the base being preferable (you should pull up your socks!), and encouraging of self elimination. glimmer and rain, youre flash in a pan, old thing. a white picket fence, and a suburb with burned trees smoke in the air. you kno what? my idea, of a good night out, is some sharp blue glass, and a 97€$ bottle of clean water. enough cash to run the A.C. and i shall be a moogle, kupo. wander and lust. sustained of a magic? just smiling with my eyes closed. who'll tell us where to go now, and how to - today? there isnt time and it keeps taking. there'll be more though, horray for the Human - and glory, to Mankind. see? now sustained of sentiment, and walking on. good good.
  3. 2 years, before it starts really cutting into knowledge jobs, and it will. you only have to lay off the worker 1x, then its done and you're more profitable. was watching some video recently with projections in some industries of being able to remove ~80% of the workforce. thats before we look at what places like amazon are trying to do asap - general high dexterity work to further automate things like distribution centers (which have obliviated the 'high street' local store). universal income will be necessary when you have ~50%++ unemployment, and are (as human) inferior to the machine - representing only burden. its like the construction sites they have in some areas of Japan, its all old men working it, waiting to be retired. companies pay them a wage, but its not being replaced. so the world goes. generations from now will work much lighter, will speak to companions and helpers that create for them a lifestyle we do not enjoy or envision clearly now. the transition will be tricky. survive - said the prophet.
  4. it comes down to: do you want to do damage and get mag 6 vs 3/4 on holds, immobs, and the chain confuse. or, do you prefer an active defender secondary, and poorer damage. dom vs controller: - the sleep patch doesnt dominate, but is still worthwhile, to say the least (better in controller, so good, you wont care) - jolting chain youll use all the time, it does consistent knockdown. quick, good. equal on both, its not a damagey ability, really, and proccing doesnt work well past the first target hit. - the confuse chain is stronger on a dominator. it chains more slowly than it might. in either case, good for contagious confuse purple set at fifty. - ill skip on holds and immob, they are higher magnitude on dominator vs controller, when under domination. - gremlins are decent, relatively hardy, and theres 2 of them. - conductive aura helps end recovery, especially until you have and have slotted for end mod the ally chain end restore. the secondaries could not be more different: - on elec affinity: a chain heal, a chain endurance restore (very good), a chain damage absorb shield (up several times a minute with decent recharge), amp up does a unique effect with some elec splash on an ally. a chain damage/hit boost (which should self stack, but does not). a small aoe rez in defribulate, faraday cage for placable mitigation aura that you can move about at will. electric affinity is an exceptional defender set, and seconary on an elec/elec controller. elec assault has decent melee ST,l chain, a goodish cone attack, a snipe, and whatever voltaic sentinel is trying to be other than ineffectual (skip this imo). between the two - if you want to kill, dominator. if you really want to kill stuff, with efficacy of say 75-80% of 🔥 - consider elec/elec blaster) if you want awesome control, especially with static field (placable sleep patch e.g. /bind ctrl+1 powexec_location target static field -- then bar the skill normally to see timer easily), and good control coverage aside...with a wondwrous seconary in electric affinity. thatd be controller. if i could sink inf into 1 of the two cc, itd be controller, hands down. because you can make stuff stop, and play a noticible and quickly integrated (cast times are decent on elec affinity) support role aswell... controller wins imo, pure elec. for grouping.
  5. oh, Excelsior; hi! its me, honoroit. i wanted to share something. my new base of operations is highly confidential, and discerning folks alone should show themselves only if they know 'we'-that-know know 'they' meet the grade, you know? I'm talking, of course, about platinum standard. you can access it in game, from the chat window, where the channel name is 'help'. there you can talk about all kinds of things and the community can hear it! now remember though, not everyone's invited, you might not have access - if so, dont worry, its vwry exclusive, so probably not for you. maybe, if you apply yourself, you'll make the grade? until then, heroes of paragon -- honoroit, bigly studied of excellence, elegance, and proprieties of online isolationisms. furor queller of the sweaty politik, general benefactor. exemplar to the masses.
  6. the art didnt age well. its an old shonen. energy blast / energy melee. psi. that kind of thing would work.
  7. seismic blast / kin - staligmite with fulcrum shift empowered... dead things, and your a corruptor, so scourge. - similar smash with the cone, aoe, and meteor... and snipe... and everything basically - its not fire, but its suprisingly potent. - you dont run out of end, just steal some - you can heal, and effectively - you have some safety from the knockdown aura seismic powers give you earth control / time - 2x hold placables - earthquake all the time - safe - bad / not good damage better, earth control / tac arrow - you control patches of land, and well - some proc opportunities - bad / not good damage
  8. ive taken a break from d4, probably until season 1 starts. thoughts: xp is too slow. in d3 you could get a gem of ease or two into gear, grab a hellfire amulet and ring, and turn kadala shards into something early. in 3h or less, you be max level with a new character. and fron lvl1 you could rift. the immediacy was good, the 'i can play for 30m', in d4 thats a nightmare dungeon run or few, I suppose. too much travel. the horse makes you skip mobs, and get caught on things. it makes running to a place an activity that takes you out of combat as its function, and you traverse a world to get to a place. at least in wow a griffin/bat taking several minutes is met with some nice scenery and doesnt need a player to drive it about. Im not keen on the mounts. i havent the slightest desire, nor intention, of scouring the map for lillith statues, i want to chase unicorns in whimsyshire instead. im maining necro, with pets and shadow corpse explosion. ive been the same build for 30 levels. in d3, and im bored shitless of it. and i love diablo art, lore, and necro class styling. i literally cannot see beneath the cloud of blight, so end up making blackened paint over much of the screen, and dodge about resummoning pets. it gets samey in a way corpse lance didnt (imo). in d3, you could swap a lot and often, then runes to get yourself dialed in. again, immediacy, and no gold charge. paragon is fuller in d4, but its also VERY drawn out. so ya, imma let it settle for a bit, see where a longer haul takes the thing.
  9. FFXVI - Joshua Rosfield inspired. [/img] View This Build In MRB decent ranged def, ok AOE def. has burnout, which I love for a snappy dps cycle ever so often, double inferno, rain, fireball... or double rez. has heat exhaustion for the debuff for tough-stuff to regen, does not have melt armor, nor does it take forge. for the incarnate things - I'll take pyro because its quick and throws like a fireball. barrier because people in chat wont stfu about it being REQUIRED!!! the pink amoeba / elemental ball pets bc favorite (w/ an intangible) damage'y other else. honoroit-joshua_rosfield.pdf
  10. if i had to snap pick top tier stalkers, for primarily grouping: ice/bio/the-epic-that-gets-moonbeam-and-def-press - the foot stomp and the cone, its cold damage. spines/bio/same - ranged stuff, toxic dots, skip the flippy one (too slow/small)
  11. im for just removing the pre-req, just like thunderspy did in this case. keep the level requirement. and, you can only have so many powerpools in total opened. so a lot of people would pick a skippable in primary/2ndary, or flesh another pool. you might see a melee granting you invis 😉
  12. right! so removing pre-reqs on tough/weave adds new options by giving you back what barring with kick/punch takes away, horray, kupo! (giving brutes stacking anything.new w/ fury makes them more powerful - on one hand, options open, like they did with fitness, on the other, new mechanic that buffs existing stats. minutia here is pedantic, but recharge improve limiting by end as a fixed resource is valid during lvling on the brute rage thing. that all aside, they're both proposed change, and what comes with.)
  13. some people here are just generally unpleasant! they decry qol for *i dont want to take kick and unbar it, and my build variety explodes with a new travel power, a skippable, or something else!* as dangerous, probably sinister/left handed power creep.... but among the same folks wants for aim instead of beanbag on 'Assault Rofl' set (and complaining about my posts until some cooperative mod clips them silently) with reasoning of *no one wants beanbag*, ignoring balancing/set diversity entirely, or passing creep as 'lateral expansion' for this or things like reworking a brute's inherent (which I am also all for exploring!). look, thunderspy is silly. its silly because 1) I'm used to homecoming, and 2) homecoming doesnt take the piss with balance. (2) is a good thing, but important too is player enjoyment and buildcraft flex over a period of several years of play. it would be FUN, yes, heavens forbid FUN, for me (and others, and you conservator detractor) to not have to unbar kick/punch. in a smaller way, like fitness IS FUN as inherent - because it frees up 3x slots. its the dark controller who FINALLY has a shot of 'black hole', the stingy tight builder (me) who NEVER has space for a travel power... its fun, you monsters! its supposed to be, kupo. its supposed to get better. it does, by and large. but not by standing still. thats decay, and boredom resultant - typically and increasingly over time. -- honoroit, the cultist
  14. it would be 'power creep' though, wouldn't it (any balancing is) - so absolute non-movement in any direction is the conservator's dream, kupo! i like the idea of a brute moving faster, like a charging bull. works for beastmen. good luck.
  15. theres only so many people you can blow up with a grenade, before theres no shrapnel or shock wave left to go around. so target caps are good.
  16. power creep, kupo! ohhhhh, power creep if you get aim. ohhhhhhhhh, kupo!
  17. its best, for me at any rate, to think of confuse purely as damage mitigation, with a touch of dps. there is a small tax - put that from your mind. in steamrolled content, it is effective cc and the smoothing it brings outweighs any race for xp per unit time. now, if youre farming and it effects inf gain per mob, that balance comes in still. are you staying 'more' alive and killing more mob per unit time because of offset recovery youd otherwise engage? thats calculus for your character optimization. the sentiment (dont worry about it) remains.
  18. this looks great, id play it! 'hypnotize' should be mag 3 or 4 sleep, imo.
  19. got the name, and another excuse to fetch up 100x prisms for the CoT Guide robes. last build - think you were right to drop melt armor - you either stack -res or you don't, and the cooldown base is too high for a splashed debuff.
  20. gaming my whole life, like much of you Id suppose. theres been a decline in capture for me in games over the last few years. dunno if its the ever-fps, a dearth of mmos, or an over grindy/spaced-stretched diablo 4 most recently. mercifully there still coh to mess about in! cyberpunk rpg way back when warhammer fantasy battle warhammer ropeplay 40k aos anime i dont talk to anyone, not since the attack. never really did before. was married for a good dozen years, they had cancer, got better, but became violent and threatening at the end. so loner, i guess, and nerd by all thatd define a person that way anymore. which i dont think is such a thing as it may have been 30y ago.
  21. fighting doesnt necessarily involve (the attacked, in this case) knowing kick/punch.
  22. from someone who's been jumped by thugs on the street, attacked by being hit to the ground from the back of the head, and beaten, for lols?, I can tell you from lived experience - fighting does not always involve knowing how to kick or punch. unfortunately I am neither tough, nor can I weave. PS - i will never go back to seattle, saw crime there you wouldn't believe, children in 'youth' uniforms, prostitutes in chains (i shit you not) at midday, hard drug use rampant, visible, violence. a cess pit, mismanaged clearly, and policemen with tattoo'd swasticas on their arms. military surplus or otherwise obtained non-civilian grade vehicles being paraded about. people buying SWAT vehicles that were somehow for sale. a man on a bus saluting the nth reich, and me glancing annoyed, only to be whispered to to keep my eyes down. I will never go back to seattle. a VERY long way from the nation's capital, is one way to put it.
  23. my trade route stayed for the duration I played, maybe there's still a little pocket prompto.
  24. well curses! id thought it was who discovered it first, and although massive in scale, in play youd certainly did come across names that stuck from other players past escapades. maybe the changed it, its been a time.
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