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Everything posted by honoroit

  1. probably good movie, but no on that sentiment - what is vehicle to progress? what is warp of religion bent on dominating empire? what is abject failure of our Mankind? it is this, its works, and its wound. the pomp is the attractant, the promise and shroud. let us not fall into capture, ya?
  2. earth related powersets allround seem to be decent! most interested in stone on stalker with the sorta buffed fire updates (dunno if they flowed to stalker much), and of course, stone melee. ive never done it as i remember live having a need for speed boost when in granite or tp. combat tp is a 1 power solve on hc tho. but its extraordinarily slow without, it seems. just wish you could turn down the rock overlay. you have to dive into that in character look, and things like a chunk coming from the chest are hard to feal with. bio's minimal effects supress that carapace (similar) well, but things like 'crystal minimal' do not. ice is slightly better for this, but still suffers the same. (i better not add a picture of a moogle or thor+iron-guy or people will report my posts like yesterday)
  3. that in an of itself is 'free levels' slot wise, theyre set bonuses, various uniques, and the utility of the power aside. point being, extra slots is bonus stats and effects. its probably inwise to take away or diminish the h/veat choices made, as it was/is supposed to represent an experienced player who got to 50 now having a very open, amd unique, class to play. a fortunata kicks ass and is like a mobile fortress for a team, surveillance, the armors again and some wierd stuff make soldiers interesting too. pb/ws are shape shifters! the amount range they bring as reactive play is probably unmatched. light form, novas, and even a heal on the pb. they do not been shadpw levels in balancing, they may need brought in line with value normalization. in my opiniom, kupo.
  4. so cool! spookieboo(gie - from psychopass)!
  5. honoroit

    Melee Dom

    savage also gets recharge with the blood stacks, a little heal thats worthy, AND nothing stops you also taking spring attack. i play a lotta savage, and if im honest, its strong vs martial in ways. however, in ways its not. martial is quick too, it has envenomed blades (this is a good power, I insist! 40s is a long time) the cone kick is good, explodong shuriken compliments epic pool fireball well as aoe spam with a st focus, it has a snipe.
  6. woah there, kupo. more slots is a direct power increase, and khelds get free powers already, or they used to... that could get crazy fast. the joy/annoy of h/veats is the sacrifice across wide option. its especially relevent on pb/ws - where full slotted humey and forms would mean an explosion of dps that is achieved by watching the cooldowns, and using them ALL at maxxed efficiency. imo, that would be obscene power leap, versus creep. in simplest terms, itd make them higher level.
  7. honoroit

    Melee Dom

    it has some quite good stuff: the cone is no target, meaning just run at a clump and press, its also 9 range, vs 7, putting it 1 shy of titan weapon, with a 90 degree arc. it clips a lot of mobs. the pbaoe is snappy, and 15y uts strength is quick cast. however, earth assault is exceptional, for recharge boosting. i have a retired (stripped) but wonderous elwc/earth. probably my most effective to date. plant/earth would also be good. the mix on martial is good, and dont listen to crap about envenomed blades being bad, its 1x activation for 40s of tohit and damage add. that adds up, and lets you rely on set bonuses and it for accuracy without issues.
  8. honoroit

    Melee Dom

    thought this over recently, as doms have a good spread of slotting diversity, meaning expensive but good builds (like blaster has), or arguably h/veats. i settled on illu/martial. illusion: hands off phantom army immune, though lacking taunt. gleam as a softener. fear hands off lasting with to hit debuff and immune. pools: get spring attack (leaping, youll get combat jumping anyway for a lotg, and the st attack can take mich procs too including force feedback, slot spring for procs, dont look back. the gap close is extremely useful, and damage reasonable.
  9. its likely only means to make munee on packs. conversion is labor intensive. once youve a pad, you sweep on alts for things like 'stupid honoroit is selling a set of atos at 4.5m ask, bc he NEEDS 100x prisms to be able to create a new character)... so but at 5 repost at 7,777,778 and get it bought at the weekend or whenever the HC ah scoop/normalizer algoritm comes around (im convinced theres phantom sink buys, it keeps stuff moving and encourages us to hunt for gil/inf bia ah interactions, kupo) then packs, and flips on purps, winters, and pvps (less good now rheyve dropped hard, specially melee)
  10. Up! Up into man-thing nest! Up to their streets and their cellars! Up to their granaries and their stockyards! Up to their homes and their temples! (may i please have some more warpstone)
  11. hes here to save paragon. its what he tells people on mercy island. well, he did - until they (big arachnos disctrict 'police' they) hung him for being 'out of sorts with the road to success'. group of trainees, thought they were clever, eff up the street kids, round then up, set an example, maybe get paid. next generation's throwback entrenchment of sentiment. 'message at the department u know, we're here to stay. 'members and loyal, remember old days'. 'threw shade at us that one, it did, looked right through a man. eyes on the gleaming. the arrogance!' its all ends-to-a-means with only preface of slightest excuse, to do as you like and become used to it. when you keep a population as cattle withfor occassion to take. such is mercy island, for the non-super. threw his body in a dumpster shortly after execution, where he was found and reanimated. through necrosis, theres not much left of the brain. its dying remedies loop flashes, as does the mammal when overwhelmed as kindness and evolved survival in altruistic freezelock. survive, kin, and you-self dream... flashes of helping and a key to the city. maybe a realized moan. theres nothing there anymore.
  12. its unique, it has higher range than it should (near a titan weapon cone length) and that extra range equates to more coverage on a 90° cone on the larger slice of a pi. the cost? its point to hit. you have to think differently of it - run up to a group and snap it. it is disjarring, and different than most, but its quick to execute, large, and on a short cooldown. i can see your perspective, but worst that happens if youve blown a cooldown and kicked the air. its cool, like using your pbaoe from the last group as you run to the next bc you had it queued. everyone thinks your training, and being tough, all gangstar-like, kupo.
  13. OK, put back hasten in - putting me at 66/60s PA, 127/120s hasten (presuming zero procs of force feedback) View This Build In MRB
  14. hm, ill fix the power ordering, i dragged a few about and they werent red. ill just do it from my leveling. oh, it shows as if your procced for all the things (and specifically instances of force feedback)? ok, now i can work with this thing... envenomed blades seems decent to me, over a 40s duration, that one action is doing a lot, no? thank you for demystifying the haste number @Uun!
  15. no, I don't think so. There's nothing in options of the app that appears relevant *im using the defaults* -- and there's no options selected at the top for incarnate powers / temp powers or anything that if you enable them moves those to the build portion of the window. i.e. appears normal.
  16. Mids is attached. I dont think its working right, as by its estimate I didn't need hasten to get more than enough recharge for my needs. regardless, if that's the case, I'd drop off fire shield and put that back in - and lose a slot off of dragon tail. View This Build In MRB - spring attack and jump kick are proc loaded --> for rounding out a ST melee chain, I'm liking jump kick --> for a gap closer, spring attack is good, and it can hit hard enough - gleam has a dom ATO set in it with the fire proc, enough to get recharge and the cc bonuses - blind is slotted like a hold you intend to use for a dom. we don't take flash, so we're looking at blind and a quick recharging gleam on dom for mag 6 stun. supplement this with temp power stun grenades for misses, and mag 9 total on tap. - spectral terror relies on global recharge, and has a single slot for to hit debuff / accuracy for the cone it casts - envenomed blades is a great power. 40s duration too. if i'm reading it right the to-hit stays for the duration aswell! - no to spectral wall, deceive, caltrops and flash - build up proc in the snipe, use it in st chain. - fire epic pool for fireball to chain with explosive shuriken, and rain of fire. filler for any aoe is trick shot / dragons tail in melee this should work, if mids isn't lying. we aren't capped for res/def, by a long shot. but it's good 'enough' in grouping, if buffs are about, and your team is also playing. it should do reasonable damage, and has plenty of vectors in means - melee, melee aoe, ranged st and enough/good-ish aoe. I don't know if mids is telling the truth about recharge... it says I'm over 300% without hasten in this... thats nice if that's true, and could likely replace some sets with more def/res focused - but I have a lot of what's involved here lying about. comments appreciated. Honoroit, the crafty psst - macros: /bind ctrl+1 powexec_location target Spectral Terror <<< place the button where you would for ctrl+1 or anywhere to see timer /bind alt+e powexec_location target Spring Attack /bind q powexec_location target Phantom Army /bind z powexec_location me:5 Phantasm /bind shift+z powexec_location target Phantasm /macro kill releasepets <<< place on an off-bar to destroy pets if you need to on occasion.
  17. sigh... its because thunderspy had/has a triple xp event on.... do leave me alone.
  18. illusion martial is a fun combo - making one now in fact. -> get spring attack! with jump kick you've actually a reasonable single target melee chain too, as well as the free aim cone kick and aoe. -> trick shot it up constantly and its quick -> epic: rain of fire, fireball - and the armor or the rez (havent decided, rez is up every 5m base and on dom recharge thats a handy thing to have and isnt another toggle to run... but ill prolly take the armor) -> the obligitary kick, tough, weave -> im skipping caltrops, spectral wall (shuriken throw is 0.5s faster and doesnt take 9s to do the same damage), flash. and deceive
  19. axe is nice as it got buffed. its the 'new style' where short 7ft cones are replaced with mini sphere aoe. the difference is remarkable! you functionally hit like a melee cone but its a proper aoe... ...as opposed to quickly diving round 3 mobs and hoping youll line 2 of three of them... but only if you clicked the furthest back. with 2 dozen mobs on screen, short cones that are not aoe converted like with battle ace gets unpleasant as a play mechanic, and you'll notice this after having spent time with the revamped set. axe did away with that trouble! it also gets a 'suck them in' vortex axe aoe, also nice. its actual animations / movements - well youre either a fan or youre not. its prettier that war mace, ill give it that. get combat teleport / spring attack and: /bind shift+e powexec_location target Spring Attack ^(as example), for rapido pack gap closing and melee insistence!
  20. templars *geared* were phenominal, i thought. maybe in hazard zones? forced flag pvp. ya, games are more fun with the unexpected, arent they? its (should be) dangerous in perez!
  21. horray! also, you should be able to loot them... or level them DOWN. (thatd cause riots, theyd have to go kill council on loop to recover 😉) mad gang attacks if you like pve also. basically lvl 54 hellions, purple nice like frostfire mission played out right. same places - like AP and hellscape'd perez, or make them con(sider) even hard like jack-skellingtons helpers in croatoa do.
  22. why do you all seem dislike pvp, kupo?! waistrels! blue side wilting violet pve waistrels!
  23. so main rogue, ya? anyway - coh diablo themed characters. what would you pick. i'll try a couple... honoroit the fanatic (titan weapons/energy aura scrapper) - why titan weapon? demon sythe model, long cones, kill zones. - alternatives - the firey 🪓 - looks amazing with cot guide prism costume why energy aura? - in dark it look nicer than dark - stealth + hidden without smoke bombs. - alternatives (strong) firey aura. more drainey, the pbaoe rise of the phoenix is real. rapid healing, an auto power with good regen improve. ring of roses (archery/thermal rad corruptor) why archery? - fast. really fast. people get their rain of arrows recharge to like 15-20s. its a half nuke, but its up when you want it and a t9 spammable with explosive 🏹 etc. - its due buffs why thermal rad? - look of it dark amazing - very good power coverage for support. you have a st heal, an ape heal, a st buff in forge, debuffs... - not a big loss vs defender for this set for values on the set functionally. in exchange we get scourge, and generally more damage than def. - res shields give you a bit of space for your primary, but you remain flexible enough to mix things about sincerely yours, Honoroit, the venerable/distinguished/valiant/cultist
  24. this show is so good. all thumbs up 👍 👀
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