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Everything posted by Techwright

  1. I hear there's a Family consigliere that likes to hang out near the Terra Volta entrance who has a weakness for Baskin-Robbins Baseball Nut ice cream, but I'm not sure how I can exploit that. Otherwise, I've only heard the Primal Clockwork are weak against psionics, which the Wiki confirms, along with sleep and knockback.
  2. How extensive would take-over be? Would Robot masterminds have a percentage deficit of some sort to represent a struggle to control their minions? Would Nemesis automatons and other machines, including cybernetics be affected, forceably co-opting the War Hulks, despite the human component? Or does Nemesis work entirely with bleeding-edge analog computers, and thus have an isolated network?
  3. Thanks for the clarification. I was confused because I knew I'd posted an answer under a topic name of "Rise of the Machines". I'm going to add a thought in the original thread.
  4. I've...never had that mouthful of a term applied to me. LOL. I did have two bad bouts of vertigo last year, and the only thing I wanted to do for a week each was to hold perfectly still to keep the world from spinning more. Hence my suggestion. I guess I've never noticed that flash with Thunder Clap. Your suggestion makes sense in context.
  5. So now we have the roster, an anticipated theater release date, and curiously, an asterisk. https://www.superherohype.com/movies/572655-thunderbolts-gets-new-logo-slight-tweak-to-mcu-movie-title Part of that article's description sounds a bit like Suicide Squad. I do hope they're not trying to mimic them. Four on the roster are worth keeping around. Three are not developed enough yet. Ross? Yeah, you can take out Thaddeus Ross. No tears spilled (though likely he'll become Red Hulk).
  6. You'd posted it as "Timfighter", not "Timefighter". 😁 As to the collar, here's why my interest.
  7. Costume part: Head Detail 2: Aural Shield Might a kind dev look into making this part fit in better? It should be hugging a helmet or head closely. Instead, both side hand out there like flaps on a winter hat. They look great in side shots, but face on, they look terrible. I've tried adjusting head sliders, helmets and other options and nothing seems to work.
  8. What's a "Timfighter"? More importantly, how on earth did you get the A.I. to properly render the D-visor??? I've been trying for some time to get an A.I. to properly render a D-visor w/ helmet on my main character, and every result was pure rubbish. It never got either D-visor or helmet correct. Oh, and that high collar: is it in the game, or something the A.I. added? If in the game, is it only ladies side or is it available in men's and beefy as well? I've been hoping for such for a long time.
  9. Just curious: If you could design/approve a new billboard or theater poster for Paragon, the Rogues, or Praetoria what topic and design would you feel would make a great fit and in which area? (Anything that wouldn't get banned, of course.)
  10. Vanden's description sounds a bit like Hulk's thunderclap where it violently disturbs the atmosphere around it. I feel that's more of a Gale effect than a twister. I do agree that Thunder Clap should be revisited. I've several storm characters, and I never take this power, having found it lacking the few times I attempted to utilize it. It already has a disorienting effect. "Blinding" thematically doesn't make sense unless it's expanded to mean ear damage as well. Fear I can see as an after-effect once the disorient wears off. I'm wondering if a secondary effect might be immobilization or at least a chance for it. If you've ever had your inner ear go out of whack, the resulting vertigo is not only disorienting but very immobilizing.
  11. Not to derail Snarky's OP, but this looks like a reasonable spot to ask a question that's been bugging me for some time: Do the arcs vary between cone powers or do they all have the same specific arc? In times past, I've been frustrated firing off some cone effect or other that repeatedly missed anything not standing almost directly in front of me, and the missing, oh, maybe 10 to 15 degrees on either side have me wondering if different cones effects use different arcs. That information would seem important. "This arc fires a 45 degree arc" "that arc shoots a 30 degree arc".
  12. It's hard for me to come up with anything worth considering as roll-back material. I suppose one thing I might state (and I'm sure this will be unpopular) is the abundant travel methods between zones now. Yes, it does facilitate putting teams together quickly, but I kind of miss the days of exploring out routes and racing team members to the next destination. I especially miss the warm comradery of the Taxi-bot players facilitating travel for low levels.
  13. I've seen some wonderful homages in the game. They show respect for the source, fan loyalty, and creative originality. Win all around.
  14. Have never seen those before. Did they appear in-game at some point, or were they a mod only the player using them could see?
  15. That is so ironic. As someone whose main has long been an Energy/Energy blaster (it's all KB, baby), that is exactly the statement I'd give to the KB user. Just 'cause a soldier can throw a grenade near his squad to eliminate an enemy doesn't mean he should. And while KB doesn't kill teammates, it does, unchecked, damage the effectiveness of the team, including getting the squishies and newbies killed when you KB the goons to their formerly guarded position. Know how to maneuver, including with AoE use.
  16. This is what I've pondered for a while. I've no knowledge of what it would take, but could a private base (aka "batcave") system be cloned from the supergroup system? Then supergroups be reserved for a plurality of players.
  17. I was hoping to see something like this. Generic'ed characters go all the way back to the early original game. I've mentioned it elsewhere months past, but when I came to the game in the winter of 2004/05, I almost immediately made a Green Hornet. A kindly soul stopped me on the street and explained I'd not be allowed to keep it and the reasons why. I don't know who that was, but I thank them for their kindness. Then the game went through that whole Marvel lawsuit thing, and players realized to keep what they loved, they had to protect it. It could happen again, free game or not.
  18. Bit of an update, published two days ago. Seems the film is set for a holiday season release this year, rather than releasing April 12, which was the date published two years back: https://comicbook.com/anime/news/lord-of-the-rings-the-war-of-the-rohirrim-2024-release-date/
  19. New story trailer has dropped: Looks interesting. The voice acting feels like it needs a little fine-tuning. The Nix (Nixx?) character doesn't seem like it will topple "baby Yoda" anytime soon, but will still likely have a strong following. I'm not sure I'm understanding, but it sounds like each of the underworld factions has its own vibe, and learning how to jab and weave within their variances makes the challenge. If so, that is intriguing. Not sure I really gravitate to a character walking into the thick of the Star Wars underworld mouthy and full of chutzpah. Everything I've seen in Star Wars so far says she'd be bantha fodder immediately, but I'll keep an open mind. She might be a latent force wielder with a natural luck for all I know.
  20. Finally had a chance to experience a mapserver event, or at least the last bits of it. That GM was wonderful! A throwback to the old days where GMs were often hard to wear down, unlike certain other GMs (*glances towards Echo Dark Astoria*), and very combat active rather than the fairly stationary ones I've fought of late. Whoever designed that one, please update the other GMs!
  21. Sure, it's possible. I'm very curious to see if there's another explanation, however.
  22. After several truly disastrous tries with Krea, I've finally had one reasonable success. Curiously, it was with Dr. Nightlight. I thought for sure his all-black costuming would stump the A.I. There's still problem areas, but it got the essence right, especially the face so dark one cannot see it, even with the eye glow.
  23. That belt is magnificent!
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