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Everything posted by Sovera

  1. It's the left side, I think. The one that says the buff lasts for 120 seconds. That means it can be kept up 24/7 even though the last minute is only 5% defense and 5% resists, but that lets us aim for 40% instead and then let Barrier handle the rest. For most of the game 40% is enough but if you're in trouble or it's hard-er content, or even to save your squishies (it's a great team wide buff) you get those 5% left. Radiation Siphon does need the Contaminated mechanic which is RNG, but Fusion forces it, so when you run to a new pack you can do Fusion, Atom Smasher (forced Contaminated), Siphon (heal from Contaminated), Radioactive Smash (forced Contaminated), etc. As for Brawl and Boxing, yes, its just for the 3.75% defense bonus, they are not meant to be used and just 'carry' the bonuses along (muling). But the build is not lacking. Everything is properly slotted, good recharge values, maxed damage, good Hasten numbers (could be better but Beta Decay and the Force Feedback proc in Radioactive Smash will help) so those six slots are not strictly stolen from other places you could have given them better use other than the Mu epic pool (which is a valid choice too).
  2. And you'd be correct. The radioactive bosses I meant are not the AV though, but yes, popping a purple or two is enough for them. Pity I can't tell them apart from the Darkness bosses who are a lot less dangerous.
  3. Awesome is, perhaps, stretching it a bit 😄 And a proc only procs on the enemy it triggered it. What he means is that the Fear/ToHit procs only work on the main target since the Fear/ToHit only affects the main target. Damage procs will work on everyone in the radius since damage does hit everyone.
  4. ...it wasn't an attack on you or your self worth, Lumi -_-
  5. And then gently sanding their HP down.
  6. Speaking of fun, it really is subjective. Yesterday night I was just vegetating when I saw a call for Terra Volta 2. It was a bit late but I figured I could do with the XP (and merits) so I joined. First mission we were fighting +2 mobs, okay, sounds good. Team is chatty and there is hardly a moment with the chat going quiet. Second or third mission I stay behind to kill some of the Freaks who had ressurected and notice it is taking a looooong time to kill it. I chalk it to my poor slotting and being on a Tanker but god dammit, it really is taking a lo-... The mob was +5. Ooookay I mention it on chat, a string of lol and lmaos follow and someone pipes in that that explains why they were doing so little damage! Last mission rolls in, we are protecting the reactor and someone goes 'Damn,,, this guy is +6'. I check, and true enough, the Freak boss we are collectively whittling is indeed +6. And then we get a +7! This could have been a complete shitstorm. But, we had a Kin that was doing their very best to keep us topped in HP, endurance and buffing the damage. We had people throwing Cold shields on everyone so even +6 and +7 only managed to kill a controller once or twice when the room was an ocean of purple names. Even with the kin we were only whittling enemies, but no, no shitstorm, we were giggling like loons and making up stories on how our grandchildren would still be fighting Freaks while we discussed who would marry whom between us and how we had to be quick to consummate and give birth between waves. ...it wasn't a very refined and elegant sort of fun, but it was fun 😄
  7. Most of the time I don't care what I am hitting and will just spam my attacks. Once something is dead the spam will choose a new target for me and I'll just keep on wailing. This is not optimal in the sense it is better to hit on a boss than on a minion that will die in my next AoE volley anyway, but I will click on the enemies I want to hit because trying to tab target one mob in a ball of mobs is not going to work well. Perhaps we will have the devs finding a way to add a 'boss' tag that we can use to tab with bosses taking precedence, then lieutenants. That would be a (small) dream come true. Edit: Clicking on a boss is much easier if we turn on the names and HP bar for enemies in options.
  8. As you have seen yourself CoH is not the kind of uber hard game that demands a ton of optimization to survive what end game it has. So your build is going to do fine and keep on doing so. Just take that in mind when I make a few suggestions and take them in that spirit instead of something you should aim for. I suggest you grab Barrier with the 120 second option. With it this build your defense against smash and lethal will go up to 45% and your resistances (with two stacks of the +res proc in Radioactive Smash) will be capped other than cold and psi. The slotting in irradiated Ground is optimal and will low key add passively to your single target damage. You did not have Radioactive Siphon, I'm not sure why. I mean, other than the lenghty animation and the horrible animation 😛 But each time you siphon the Contaminated mechanic you get a hefty 650 HP which is a hefty 26% of your total HP (with accolades, grab those when you can since they add around 400 HP). With Irradiated Ground creating the Contaminated mechanic, plus Fusion forcing it each time you hit something you can be swimming in heals. You did not have Particle Shield slotted which is a darned shame since it's one of the reasons to go Rad Armor. Use it on cooldown since it adds recovery and a shield is a pre-emptive, not something you use after being hurt. Also changed the slotting of your Fusion which it too was unslotted for some reason. With this new slotting you'll get 130% damage instead of 50%. It recharges fast enough to be available at every new spawn so you can always start the fight with Fusion + Atom Smasher while Irradiated Ground is ticking under the damage boost too. Because I needed the slots I've ditched the Mu epic pool (in my experience Lightning Fences does not add much and just messes with mobs clustering close to you (yes, even when we wait for them to come close)). Focused Accuracy usually can be a niche pick but is worshiped when we face Banished Pantheon, or Tsoo, or Circle of Thorns., or anything that desires to mess with our accuracy (it's more for the debuff protection that it is taken than the accuracy, but that too is not bad to have). This is a personal choice though and you can just swap things around back to how you prefer them, but I find Atom Smasher and Irradiated Ground (in particular with this new slotting) to be enough while we wail on a boss.
  9. My newest Fire/Axe baby melts faces as low as Positron part 1. Go to a spawn with BU + Burn + Whirling Axe and everything is doing an impression of a wax statue in an oven. If we kill most things within the initial 5 seconds there is no great danger. Of course then we face the radioactive Vhaz bosses who land a couple hits since they have more HP, suddenly the ultra low level defenses go into the red and it's a flurry of inspiration chewing that would make a Link or Skyrim player feel at home as they quaff wheel cheeses.
  10. You're not going to extract a lot from Fire Melee since it is not in a great place. Combustion is not worth the cast time. That said if you're enjoying it then there is no reason to swap off. I have a few examples of Fire Armor builds in my signature if you'd like ideas, but regarding your question I personally aim for Musculature T3 first, then Barrier T4 with the 120 seconds (it helps a lot with the squishyness).
  11. I did it once. It died in 2 minutes total and five merits, meh. Seen it advertised but what's the point? People don't do Hami every day because it's challenging but because we come out of it with 120 merits for half hour.
  12. As someone fighting Tsoo atm via flashbacks I can relate to this. Having three Sorcerers with Hurricane plus a boss doing Dark attacks leads to marvelous gameplay of spending a literal two minutes with a 6% chance of hitting and relying on BU and the NPCs turning Hurricane off by themselves to eventually whittle them down, and this with guzzling yellows. While it is not the same issue the symptoms are: spending a LOT of time unable to do anything. And this on a Tanker who can take the punishment for two minutes. A squishy trying to rely on killing fast to survive pre-nuke levels is equally going to have a hard time.
  13. Some do, some don't. Take Manticore for example. It opens at level 30 so you might think you're fine leading the team at minimum level only to enter and discover ALL enemies are level 35 even if you're at +0. Or Lady Grey. That one the enemies do scale... except Hami. Wasted an hour or so playing it at level 38 only to reach Hami and find it was level 50. Of course we never managed to get past it. And lets not forget the bug that plagued Positron part one for months on end before it was fixed. The fourth or so mission would spawn Doc Buzzsaw at maximum level (15) even if we started the team at level 8 (minimum level to open the TF). Good luck fighting a +7 Elite Boss 😄 Regardless you are correct. It's your team and if your decision is to ignore it when informed of the above examples (just a sample, I'm sure there are more) or stop players from having as many powers as exemplaring allows it is your right to demand it. As is theirs to drop team if they don't care to follow your rules.
  14. To continue from my last post Posi 2 was soloed at x8. Vhaz was chopped to pieces (WHERE'S MY MONEY, BRO??). Since I'm waiting on a friend to do Synapse I've resumed my arc-running-as-alternative-to-leveling which I'm now running at +1x8 for the 15-19 bracket. The lack of an early travel power limits me a bit to the point I considered switching Hover for Super Jump, but Athletic Run and Sprint do we well enough to reach the next mission. Having a low level PbAoE with early BU was a thing I did not knew I needed in my life but it has sparked that innocent pleasure of seeing a pack of mobs not even in my way, not even in a kill all mission, and running to them to share the word of our lord and savior Fire/Axe. The early endurance consumption has been most gentle so far. Gash and Beheader are not the endurance guzzlers that Swoop and Cleave become and so even an unslotted Consume has kept up most handily that I've not even used a single Recovery Serum to date. No doubt the FF procs making it recharge faste has not hurt. Switching Maneuvers for Combat Jumping in an effort to lower endurance consumption will also help since it is basically a free toggle. My earlier advice to keep a row of inspirations 'free' to eat those who drop remains current. Keeping the rest of the inspiration tray for emergencies is fine, but one row free to eat the random insp drops multiplies the power of any build that is soloing at x8 since, paradoxically, the more mobs we are facing the more inspirations drop and the stronger we get (pseudo Brute like), so it is normal to go around with 1-3 reds, multiple yellows, purples, etc, to the point emergency inspirations are not even needed. From one pack of mobs:
  15. Another pleasant surprise. I have never bothered with Axe. I did try WM. Was okay, hitting hard but slow animations. Tried it paired with Fire Armor but just on the test server and on a pylon (bad numbers). But after re-leveling a character or two I started looking at Axe. Why not? Why shouldn't I? The reason I had been looking at Axe was for the KD in Whirling Axe. The similarities with MA were obvious. Here was another set that would push more Burns out with two FF procs in the build. As it turns it is a pretty damn combo. It *crunches*. It took on both Posis as if Kratos beating up a pantheon that owed him money. It was safe, zero deaths (only x6 though but I could have upped it easily) and barely touching inspirations because unlike MA both ST attacks at that level spam KDs, the AoE spams KDs and.... unlike MA it has a low level Build-up. Surprising no one - or at least not me - an early BU + early PbAoE + Burn was a wrathful cleansing from old pagan deities. Axe suffers a bit with exemplaring. Swoop only opens at Yin (finally giving something to fill that early gap), Cleave at Manticore (bai Beheader), but (butts), lets be honest, BU + Burn + Whirling and then five seconds more of BU. Nothing much will be left to mope up and thanks to the Force Feedback in Gash and Whirling Axe Burn is available often to help with said moping. Beheader we need to take and Gash is part of the ST chain and those can be alternated with Beheader, Gash, Beheader, gap until Yin. At Yin we can start with Swoop then do the previous rotation. By Manticore It's Cleave, Swoop, Gash. There will be a small gap then, but nothing much to be done. I would not use Beheader to fill it since its slotting is barebones but it's a choice. For AoE we can BU, Burn, Whirling Axe, Pendulum. Then fill the gap with Gash to proc the ATO and maybe get another FF proc. Swoop would have been better to use instead of Gash, and Cleave more so since I'm already using four Might of the Tanker IOs there. But I want the +res proc available even at extreme exemplaring. Replacing one of the ATOs in Cleave for it and replacing the +res proc in Gash for a damage proc is something that can be done. Axe VS MA: MA is still more rounded. That softcapped Ranged defense deflects a lot of otherwise bad attacks be them psi or debuff carrying. On the other hand without DDR that defense does not last long against factions who bring it to the table. More KDs can sort of replace that mitigation with the soft CC. Axe has crunchier numbers for damage all around as befits a set with much heavier endurance and animation time. Dragon Tail actually does slightly more damage despite the much shorter animation time (1.87 VS 2.90 of Whirling Axe), but Axe has a second WIDE cone that double as mitigation. The early BU tips the scales for Axe for the players who want to examplar often be it doing arcs or lower level TFs. Axe VS War Mace: WM is applauded as the better set though they are pretty close to the point of being near mirrors, but simply comparing my old WM build with this one Axe has better numbers in all attacks, sometimes as low as 30 damage more (Clobber 478 Jawbreaker 272 VS Swoop at 495, Gash at 317) but more often 100+ extra (Shatter 366, Crowd Control 200 VS Cleave at 526, Pendulum at 342). On top of that what makes it more interesting to me is the FF proc in Whirling Axe which is an option WM does not have. Thanks to that single difference exemplaring is a lot more fluid as a FF proc in an AoE does not compare VS a single FF proc in a ST attack. I did the noobie thing of having Fiery Embrace turned on for Axe and not for Axe thus the damage difference. WM is actually slightly more damage, particularly Clobber where it goes near a hundred points more. Axe's FF proc in the AoE still makes for a more positive experience in AoE situations with more Burns and Healing Flames/Consume/Hasten. The build is going to be pretty damn endurance heavy and it took some heavy juggling to fit Whirling, and Pendulum, and slots for everything, and reach 40% S/L defense, and the minimum to hardcap resistances with both ATO procs + Barrier, and get all the endurance possible from all angles (including Musculature 33%), and a decent Hasten (135 seconds). The build: If there is interest for it I can whip a leveling build.
  16. Brutes are still ok, but Tankers are just better after the patch that buffed them. But for those who like Brutes then continue because you'll be fine.
  17. Play a tanker. <_< >_> Okay, on a more serious answer, I play as a Fire Tanker and they don't bother me, and FA has no particular resistances to psi. That said it's big on the motto that dead things don't hurt back. We might need to look at your build instead.
  18. I rarely look at the clues. Partly because they don't show up in the order that they were found. It is common to scroll up and down trying to find what the last clue was about and I eventually drifted out of bothering to check despite being an important lore part. I also seldomly remember to look at the bio of the characters which is a pity because when pointed out I realize many authors have added interesting blurbs. Random NPC chatter dropping the clues and boss chatter is what I like the most since it is right there and then available. Unfortunately per my understanding some of it is currently bugged.
  19. There is one. Check the modder tool that @The Philotic Knight created. He should be showered in strippers for it. If he is happily married then showered in cuban cigars. If he doesn't smoke then in cookies.
  20. I'm just glad this world (and this game) has room for us all. I'm fine with having someone else lead but I don't find it an ordeal. First because I run point. Be it Blaster, Scrapper or Tanker I'm usually found diving in first. But since these past months I've been on a Tanker only binge I know I'm the linchpin. And since I strive to be self-suficient I don't -need- a specific AT. Having a kin is always nice, as is having all sorts of buffs, but the team will not crumble if they are not present. So with me as the linchpin I can recruit whomever at whatever level (though +4x8 content does need me to be incarnated to pull this off). Controllers (don't like them, but don't refuse them either), Defenders, Scrappers. All is good. Someone is semi AFK dealing with a child or a phone? Carry on, as long as it's not an obvious door sitter who AFks at the door, then moves to the next mission and repeats it. But someone who is AFK for three or four missions is fine by me. I just don't assume malicious intent and that they may be dealing with long phone calls from parental units (mine can take up to 15 or 30 minutes despite making noises at being a bit busy atm). CoH is just that easy as far as I am concerned. We can shape the difficulty for the team. Market Crash? Only one incarnate? +2 is it is. Five incarnates? +4 if everyone is up for it. But that's why I typed that initial line. I'm glad there is room for us all. Imagine if instead too many people wanted to lead the teams and not enough were left to join? All those calls and people wanting -you- to join -their- team! Instead I can lead and you can follow ^^
  21. Man, that misspelling... or lack of it? 😄
  22. Team stealing... ow. I can imagine joining a group for a Manti, see the leader is 30 and say 'Hey, let me have the star so we'll be at 35' and get an exasperated, 'Ffs, team *stealers!*'
  23. Clockworks have this (annoying) gimmick where they have a weakness to knockdown turning it into knockback. But for the rest you must have been fighting at least -2 enemies which is about the threshold for KD to be turned into KB. I suggest you test again paying closer attention to the levels.
  24. With my current build and a level 50 Flight IO in Swift Fly + EvM gives me 78kph. On live I get 72.95 with just those two. An added Fly IO in Swift does not alter this. With AB I'm at 100.49 and after a handful of seconds this climbs to 101.89 so just shy of the cap. The common 5k flight pack is 58 mph. Using EvM does not change this. Using the flight pack with Fly works together keeping the flight pack aesthetics with Fly speeds. Same behavior with Rocket Board, Magic Carpet and Skiff. So these can now be considered aesthetic customization of the Fly powers requiring only an extra toggle or click. It may or may not be possible to make a bind to activate both with just one click but regardless they have gone from curiosities to honest alternatives to the flying super hero theme. It is just spoiled by when ditching them to combat Hover without their aid. I went and tested the customization for the Flight pool with the tailor. One thing I immediately noticed is how 'Bright/Dark alternate' in Hover gives no clue to what it does. I don't know if it is possible but having the character not just sit there doing the idle animation but instead adopting the Fly/Hover pose would be a lot more intuitive. Despite the added 'no FX' for Afterburner it still has FX. Just a darker pallete, but still doing the animation and showing colors. The 'no FX' for Hasten, for example, removes all FX.
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