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Everything posted by Sovera

  1. Same. Tsoo Sorcerers were so kind as to turn off Hurricane so that I could hit them, otherwise it would not happen. Good guy Tsoo Sorcerer!
  2. You don't need to 'boost everything you can'. Attuned is better for exemplaring and boosts run across ED which nerfs boosting. Purples aren't even the best in slot half of the time and just the one that gives more recharge. The number of times I catch people slotting Ragnoroks instead of Bombardments... So yeah, it can cost 1b, but as @tidge it's just massive overspending for the sake of spending. A 'normal' expensive min-maxed build should cost between 600 to 800 million. And it takes 10 minutes to transfer that amount of gear to a new character via a respec avoiding having to re-earn 600-800 million, or even 1b. Not wanting to spend those 10 minutes is sheer laziness and up to the player.
  3. Read the guide in my signature and you should be more than fine. Even just doing the tour earns 1 million (5 Merits, each Merit worth 3 Converters so 15 Converters, each converter worth around 70k so 70x15=1 million). Doing the early storylines that end by level 9 earns another 9 merits. So 9 Merits = 1.8 million. So by level 9 and combining both you should have almost 3 million. Buy generic IOs but not SOs as the vendor sold SOs turn bad after 5 levels and need to be re-bought where generic IOs stay good until 50. The three million will buy all the generic IOs your build will need, and that's in the first half hour of playing! Of course generic IOs are just the barest minimum and the actual gear will cost a lot more, but at least you will not be running naked. I predict you must have quite a few Merits to your name if you haven't been on a diet of radio missions. You're also truly being hyperbolic. I get that it's a new game but the drama is palpable 😄 Any game involves gearing up. You either get it from drops, grind it from bosses, craft it, or buy it. Even in WoW as we level we end up in the AH buying stuff to cover what quests did not and don't get me started in Guild Wars 2 where the drops are crap and diluted over a multitude of useless affixes so while leveling solely via drops and quest rewards is possible it is a slog compared to hitting the AH every 10 levels and buying a whole suit of upgrades for a few silvers. Sell Merits and buy what you need by typing /ah. There are no economic shenanigans other than hitting an ATM to transform Merits into Converters and then toss those into the /ah.
  4. I'm finally vindicated for always taking Focused Accuracy! ... not for the accuracy boost but rather for the large -ToHit debuff resistance. One of my last Fire Armor runs had me going against Vampyr who simply shut me down until I kited them to the point the debuff wore off. But this is a recurring trend against -ToHit (even early level CoT) so FA keeps finding its way as a one slot wonder to my builds. Of course it's hard to condone FA when players want their Moonbeam max damage option.
  5. They are when I also point out to where they can make money, and how even without the uniques they will be at around 33% where a single small luck will put them at 45%. I'm not discounting all the rest. Rad Armor is strong and capable. I just have an extensive experience leveling resist based armors and there is a world of difference in passively not being hit and leveling while trying to have our stat poor heals be available as we are pelted by everything that has debuffs attached. We can argue at end level Rad Armor pulls ahead where Stone Armor's lack of an actual heal does not keep up, but that's where incarnates kick in. Outside of Hardmodes I think it does well enough.
  6. As I point in this very thread, at level 13 it's on at 39% defense with only both +defense uniques, four SOs, and Amplifiers. At level 28 it's at 45%-ish without Amplifiers. But in the low levels 40% is already godmode.
  7. After extensive (so extensive...) leveling with resistance armors I'll have to disagree. By level 13 not needing inspirations and then ignoring debuffs like Vampyr in Moonfire killing accuracy to a point only BU + Gaussian hits them is too good.
  8. Some quick things I noticed before hitting the hay: Weave should be a mule, no reason to push it early. By level 40 I was at 45% without amplifiers and without Weave. No need to slot an expensive D-sync when a regular +5 heal/recharge will put your HP at one point from being capped. Swapping the slotting between Contaminated and Radioactive Smash lets you slot a FF proc in it which will help Hasten become perma. You got a mix of purples, two slotted Hastens, and non superior ATOs which sends mixed messages. Is it a leveling build or a final build? If it's a final build then remember to superior the ATOs. And your E/N hole will appreciate a second 6% from splitting the superior Gauntled Fist. Don't bother with the -res proc in Mud Pots since it has a low chance to go off once every 10 seconds. There are more small things but I think you'd better off checking the Stone/Rad I posted in this thread for some slotting ideas. It had E/N at 70% at least and Weave was only a mule. Without Hover to add another 3% defense you will need something to make up for it, and, yeah, Weave could be it.
  9. Made some truly minor changes to the final build at realizing it did not have a 5th LotG slotted (teehee). After way way too long fiddling with it I couldn't find a spare slot for Physical Perfection. It would be better to take the slot from Brimstone and put it as a +5 endmod in Physical perfection, but, eh, it's a 0.04 gain. Could also take a single proc from any of the attacks, but no, Tankers already whittle enemies down. So I left it as is. Still a sliver better recovery and sliver less consumption, 2.7 seconds for Hasten so it's squarely at 126 seconds now. +5-ing the two slots in Earth's Embrace is just petty but it leaves the HP a one point from being hardcapped once the accolades have been collected. Lost 2% S/L resistances in the process.
  10. From what I understand Hardmodes want Rad Armor more than anything. Consider maybe Stone since the +HP buff can make it HP capped. I'm not particularly inclined towards Shield but it looks like you have a good grasp on what every secondary can bring. At the level which hardmodes are played at the individual differences between sets won't matter much when there are so many buffs. It is about knowing what to do and doing it more than anything. Even Shield not having heals or endurance clickies don't matter in a hardmode team so the easy answer of playing with DM is not really important. You just need to be tough and know when to get out of the way, and possibly pick something that has a big shield, like Rad Armor, since someone else can bring the HP buff.
  11. @ZemX has already hit most of the nails on their heads but I'll add some more. Your ATO in Charged Brawl gives 6.7% to all resistances and it stacks up to three times. Mids always accounts for one and with it you're already at 94% to S/L. AWhile three stacks are not reliable because it has a duration and we can whiff an attack of the ATO simply does not proc, but two stacks can usually be reliably had. That will have your S/L resistance to 100%. More than 90% is useless. That means you can play with your slotting and increase the E/N resistances instead. You failed to get the recharge bonus from Preventive Medicine, twice! There is no point in slotting Overwhelming Force in Thunderstrike. The bonuses aren't good and TS doesn't need the KB>KD There is no point in slotting sleep in Jacob's Ladder (we might say no point in taking Jacob's Ladder but your mileage may vary). There is no point in slotting two Gift of the Ancients instead of finishing to slot four Wall Shields for the Negative resistances you're lacking. Spring attack is a bad attack. Unslotted as it is it's even worse. There is little point in slotting 5 Blistering Colds if you're not aiming for S/L defenses. Same for Avalanche in Lightning Rod. There might not even be a point in taking Tough and Weave since you can reliably take your S/L resistance to 90& without Tough and if you're not building for defense there is no need for Weave. You should try to find a place to squeeze Build-up even as a Tanker. Being able to burst down mobs in the first 10 seconds of combat removes a lot of incoming damage from the equation and as Lightning Melee you're already going to be lacking in damage. Decide on what you wish to do and I can take a pass at the build.
  12. Oh heck, as am I. We gotta smack heads together. I'm @Sovera there, as well as ... Sovera 😄
  13. Bruh... Seen this so often 😄 Someone starts clearing the stairs, others move in, no communication, CoT bubbles everywhere, Earthquakes everywhere, no one kites the mobs away from the Earthquakes, chaos, death.
  14. Always was. The trigger is actually the steps right before the door. A flier (has happened more than once to me) that lands in front of the door does not trigger the ambush and needs to backtrack a bit to activate it. The advice above to clear the surrounding area near the stairs is not a bad one but a bit over cautious since a full team does not need THAT much care. But that said the constant CoT mages will stack Earthquakes if they aren't defeated fast enough which can be compounded by people trying to move away and attracting those spawns around said stairs so clearing the stairs is not a bad strategy. And it's all XP anyway.
  15. You should look first into getting Mids. There is too much nuanced information in a build to write down.
  16. IG was 'fixed' to only work every 10 seconds instead of 5.
  17. The important thing is reaching a certain threshold. Tankers just have an easier time reaching it because the same powers (even things like Maneuvers and Weave) give better numbers for Tankers than for other ATs. Brutes need to work at it, but they eventually get there too. Heck, most ATs can get to a specific defense number, like Blasters having 45% to ranged defense.
  18. Check the beginner friendly Tanker in my signature. By level 13 you should no longer need inspirations. It's not the only possible build that can do this it just starts real rea early. It's mostly because defense is so powerful in the early level. Most builds don't use inspirations by level 30-40. Though this is because we level at +0 or +1 tops.
  19. Someone else mentioned on how all it takes is one or two god modded characters to get the wrecking train going. A solid tank that does not go down allows for the rest of the group to unleash hell. Trouble is when people get used to it but lack that linchpin. Sometimes it's not even a god modded character but having an innocuous background wallflower you're not paying attention to... but who has the team covered in a chunky 25%+ defense shieldage, or someone debuffs the mobs with something as simple as a Fear Stare. But it brings what I mentioned in the previous post that was the game does not breed caution in players. There is always a buff, always a debuff, always an expensively geared character, that carries the day. Except when not 😄
  20. Tbh I find Hover the best in combat thing. Hover + Evasive Maneuvers allows to quickly catch mobs, allows to just float over their heads if needing a breather, even allows to continue AoEing them down while out of melee range. Other upsides is allowing to quickly travelling in the vertical if there mobs sitting somewhere high, not being bothered as much by Speed Boosts, fighting out of reach of Tar Traps and whatever else I may be forgetting.
  21. The reason it is not done is because it was not needed. In WoW back in TBC it was common to play v e r y carefully. Sheep a mob, freeze trap the other, sap a third, then quickly kill one of the two remaining mobs. CCs were carefully monitured and reapplied during combat. Any of these fragile CCs being broken would be touch and go and might lead to party wipes. Definite party party wipes if so much as two mobs got free. In the next expansions that was dropped and it was an AoE fest sometimes even dragging two groups to be AoEd down. Then came Cataclysm and players were FURIOUS that they had to freeze trap, sap, etc all over again and not doing it meant party wipes. Then it was eased off again and once again it was AoE time. This is CoH. Mobs in instances are the same weak mobs outside of instance. No elite status, no quintuple HP, no triple damage. If you can defeat these mobs outside of the instance you can do so inside of them as well. Any decent IOed out build can be immortal. Just look at my last experiment in my signature with the Stone/Fire that is unkillable pretty much by level 13. At that point why bother doing fancy pulls or use CC? Just go in and smash. Is this good practice? No. But it's the practice that the game breeds. Gird yon loins, jump in, don't kite, don't bother about CC. Then the moment it gets SLIGHTLY harder (we can always identify the first timers in an ITF by their constant deaths) they are puzzled. But it makes sense, the game showed them that they were unkillable and when the difficulty slightly upped they got caught by surprise. There are a few honorable exceptions that will remind players they are not immortal, and of course dumbassery with the difficulty settings. This is doubled for teams where the mob's low HP means 3/4th of the spawn is dead in the first 5 seconds. Heck, I, solo, kill three fourths of the spawn in the first 7 seconds. Now imagine a second person doing the same.
  22. More alts, more alts, more alts! I'd be hard pressed to say which is worse if Rad Melee or Dark Melee, but Dark Melee would fix both the endurance AND help with the heal while Stone would help prop Dark Melee's damage. I'd like DM more if we could get rid of the Soul Drain that feels bad between lengthy cast, lengthy CD, and the variable damage buff always making us have to decide whether to buff our damage to finish killing a group or save it for the next group. But yeah, I think DM would pair well though it might end being a case of killing slower meaning it also gives mobs more time to hurt us between the low ST damage and the lack of AoE.... dat Touch of Fear... It almost feels like a waste of slots for those weak ass 120 damage, but I can bost its damage by.. 30 points by adding two more damage procs in exchange of stats and 2.5 E/N resistances. Welp, the 120 don't take into account Brimstone which would help it some. Tanker (Stone Armor - Dark Melee) Final build.mbd To level with I'd take Shadow Punch until level 30 and Midnight Grasp and then respec out of Shadow Punch.
  23. I think it helps, but it makes no miracles. Also -res procs go down in value the higher the level of the enemy. They are just overvalued due to all damage tests being run on a +0 enemy.
  24. The problem with 2.9 animations is that thanks to the prehistoric artifact of ancient times if we hit that 5% chance of missing we whiffed. That just feels bad. At least Fire Melee only has 1,6 so when the 5% hits we just move on. I soloed Posi 1 and 2 with the Stone/Fire at 0x6, but it was all twinked to the max with early IOs. And yeah, the extra healing definitely tips the scales for survival since it is something Stone lacks. Even maxed out 63 HPS is not really going to be saving anyone's butt if debuffs happen. But the discrepancy you notice in the cast times is because you don't have Arcana Time toggled on in Mids. There is an aftercast where we can't move or use skills after each animation that the animation time does not account for. So 2.9 animation becomes 3.1. 0.2 seconds is not something we can notice with the naked eye, but it's there.
  25. Oh, hello Dian, it's been a while.
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