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Everything posted by Sovera

  1. Sovera

    Maybe a Staff/SR

    Pretty much. But it's effing amazing to be damn invulnerable as soon as level 25-28. The problem is also that it instills a false sense of strength. We are fighting +0 as we go and the hits that come in are weak because of being +0, Then we fight an AV or even EB, or the difficulty is cranked for some reason such as joining a +4 while not still 50 and suddenly those love taps are hammer blows.
  2. Sovera

    Maybe a Staff/SR

    It really is. You just pay for it in squish and lack of self healing, though both can be worked with.
  3. You can still shuffle things around and keep Parasitic up up half the time on three slots while keeping Ablative well slotted. But it doesn't matter if you +5 the slots you put on Ablative as long as the raw stats are there. As for Genetic Contamination it does more than just damage, but again, -res proc and the Scrapper ATO that passively increases critical chance. That ATO split in half is 5% S/L x 2 so from those you'd go from 25% S/L to 35%, and from there adding a Superion Blistering Cold and poof, 40% S/L. Barrier takes care of the last 5% and no need to do Shadow Meld's 3.2 second animation every 15 seconds.
  4. That does appear to be a squishy build until reaching Shadow Meld, I can see why you'd be hitting panic buttons. Just some quick tips: Panaceia proc will do more than Numina's. Don't forget to +5 your recharges in Hasten (open the IO window, then press + five times). Ablative is your first (and usually only needed) line of defense so I'd switch the slotting between it and Parasitic Aura, then do the same +5 trick. Genetic Contamination could do with some slotting and it takes well the utility procs like the -res and scrapper ATOs. I posted a Claws/Bio recently down below which could have some pointers for slotting.
  5. Mind posting your scrapper version build?
  6. Nein, your build was fine. I just felt it had too many attacks. Otherwise it's plenty fine. You're just aiming more at Dom side where I'm unapologetic about treating it as a scrapperblasterino 😄 I'm on the same boat regarding exemping, but on that side all is well. All the ST and AoE attacks are there for even as low as Posi 1 which is why I have Hasten exactly at 20 instead of pushing it further back.
  7. Update. Reached 50, slotted what I had and working on the rest. Much better handle on endurance and etc without even incarnates in the mix. Done a few ITFs without problems even at +5. Overall it's exactly what's being sold: a Claws/SR Scrapper Dominator Blaster. It easily gets defense up like SR, and just like SR it's squishy, but unlike a Scrapper it can start the fight by killing most of the minions and having lieutenants at half HP which can then be taken down by the smoooooth ST chain and both circular AoEs, one which soft CCs with KU and both with -recharge. Overall I much prefer this to a Claws/SR since it's *very* satisfying to Follow-Up, Aim, Psychic Wail and murder most of a spawn. It's just very nice to have burst and sustain. Aid Self solves the self-heal problem though the skill has a tremendous near 5 second animation. Fortunately as a flier it is exceedingly easy to float a bit off from the mobs and heal up at our leisure before swooping down. Trying to heal at ground level while being hit would just kill the HP gained before the animation had finished. This isn't a build that handles well be thrown into a farm map to be at agro cap for minutes on end, it just isn't, don't even go there. But it is VERY good at doing NORMAL gameplay since the nuke kills most of the mobs in a spawn leaving much fewer targets hitting us. Aura of Confusion is a mule, but it's nice to have. Team is speeding, we just used Psychic Wail on one spawn and everything is mopped up, ran to the next spawn, no one is nuking for some reason? Boom, Aura of Confusion. By the time we have ran to the next spawn after that, used Wail, then reached the next again spawn after that with all the FF procs helping things and Aura of Confusion is back up. While it's still a mule it's a worthy mule. I'm at a loss on my last two powers though. I considered Leadership for the +acc. But under level 50 we seldomly run content at more than +1 tops, and usually it's +0. At level 50 everyone is well slotted up and accuracy isn't, usually, a problem. The two or three places where accuracy help would be against CoT (eff those -acc ghosts and shielding bosses), the witches/Tsoo (eff those hurricanes), and probably the Banished Pantheon. But these aren't common to face. I'm tempted to just grab both Assault toggles, but I understand their damage increase is actually pretty minimal and in a build with only Stamina for Recovery grabbing more toggles is iffy. The other choice would be to grab better powers for ST. Both Swipe and Strike are better than TK Blast and Dominate, but TK Blast and Dominate both CC which is pretty useful (DOWN, SURGEON! DOWN, SAPPER!). Mind Link is always an option, but the abysmal 4 second animation leaves me cold and, again, once at 50 deaths are so rare that we may pat ourselves on the back for helping the team, but insert arewereallythormeme.jpg.
  8. Claws/Bio Scrapper is the best thing since sliced bread. War mace is nearly as good as Titan Weapons but much easier to maintain and level with. Very safe with all the KD/KUs. Scrapper would be my choice. You won't win prizes with a Sonic/Bio Sentinel but it is *FUN*. By level 12 you're spamming cones like a madlad and sucking HP like a vampire. It just pales at 50 once everyone has nukes and Judgements and there is not much point in spamming cones on 3-4 scattered mobs.
  9. I was looking at Gulbassaur's build and mentioned I felt he had too many attacks, saw I could have three circular AoEs (eff cones!), then started tinkering with it and ended up with something. I didn't want to clutter his thread so I made this one. Alright, so I'm leveling this. Currently level 32. VERY SQUISHY. No resists, tiny HP pool and no defenses while doing melee? Nutty. Even munching on two purples wasn't enough. I had to reshuffle things and push Aid Self for later and this has helped but expect squishyness while leveling. There are just too many useful powers to take early. Spin + Psinado is a good early thing to have, we can feel Psinado's FF proc helping with lowbie recharge. This only opens at 24 though. I question the brains who thought the AT ought to have a full respec at 24 instead of branching out at 24. Having Psinado at level 12 would have been nice. Unlike Claws we can't make an AoE rotation of Follow-Up, Spin, and Psinado, but Follow-Up, Spin, Psinado, Follow-Up, Spin can be done before a gap happens. Combine with Psychic's Wail and I think our AoE needs are satisfied. I couldn't fit a single target rotation with just Follow-Up, Dominate, and Lunge. The bane of extra fast animations. So I had to take *something* and since I *had* to take a level 1 power I took TK Blast since it animates ultra fast and takes a FF proc. Since I had to take a level 1 power it's not like a wasted power, it just cost a few slots but for once I had enough slots for everything I cared for. Having an extra power in the ST attack chain helps early on. There is no particular reason to slot the superior ATO in it (we don't *need* the extra melee defense) but all the bonuses are acceptable and no other set had 4 bonus that I deemed more useful (even the extra defense isn't bad since it's something to delay DDR). The blaster part of the build is definitely the Aim + Nuke recharging every 42 seconds (less with FF procs). Endurance is a big problem so far though I don't have Stamina fully slotted (I could have looked for the AoE bonuses somewhere else, but we have no other source of Recovery than Stamina so it was two birds with one stone) I don't really trust Aid-Self to keep me up as it hasn't in the past, but the build has enough toys it might work better (all the slows and -recharge built in the ST and AoE chain, the soft CC of KD, etc). The ST chain *looks* like it should do good damage even though TK Blast hurts it. I'll have to see if TK blast can be done without. Perhaps with Ageless it can be. Lunge showing as 617 damage (!), Dominate procced out at 398, Follow-Up at 265 and then a paltry 160 for TK Blast. If there is interest I can whip up a leveling build.
  10. Works very well. I have a guide about it further down.
  11. To be honest I feel like you just have waaaaay too many attacks. Either going melee or ranged would be enough but both just steals a lot of power picks and slots which is noticeable. These ATs are blessed in how they can cherry pick things. More AoE or more ST according to need.
  12. Sovera

    Kinetic melee

    I played a Scrapper KM almost to 50 but felt disappointed and let it be. The same reason I felt that way applies to Stalkers but is corrected a little bit, and that's that the rotation is fast if we only use the early attacks, sure, but the attacks are all low damage *because* they are early ones. Stalker helps in the ST damage (as it always does) by substituting the T1 for AS (obviously a large large upgrade). Just three ST attacks leads to some annoyance in how we can't do a gapless AS, T3, T2, AS, since AS will not have recharged by then. We must do AS, T2, T3, T2, AS, which makes AS' hidden proc go 'wasted' on a T2. If we are doing max level content only then Moonbeam/Zapp can sort of takeover (Moonbeam better, but Zapp gives access to another AoE) as AS, Moonbeam, T3, T2, but Moonbeam's large recharge makes it awkward to use for every rotation. Otherwise yes, KM is not just really pretty but fast and fluid. It only has one AoE but it's decent in how it comes early and allows to fit in a Force Feedback and the recharge is sort of perfect to try always use AS before it to fish for auto crit.
  13. I do that all the time. I don't own a Tanker, but all my characters play like one in the sense they jump into a group first and unload AoEs and aim to kill the hardest target in there. But once the team catches up I never stay there moping up. You call it bad playing, I call it normal playing. Even on a +4x8 a full group annihilates spawns. A full team all competing to kill is an orgy of attacks trying to nail a mob before it dies and there are a lot of animations flying to hit a corpse. I'm not trying to change your mind with this but if there are two or three anemic lieutenants and a half HP boss left and there are 5-6 team members dealing with them I don't see the need to stay, nor do I believe those few scattered mobs to be an actual threat to the team. I would rather be bouncing to the next group, unload AoEs, and when the team arrives the mobs are nice and clustered around me to be ravaged by their AoEs.
  14. Controllers want to feel useful and that means spamming their skills. The solution isn't to gripe but to gently insist on team chat to *not* spam mass immobilizes until the enemies are close. Some might not care, some will, but without communication no changes will happen for sure.
  15. Second iteration of the final build. Seeing how I find myself not using Cutting Beam there was no point in having it overslotted. Changed things around and placed the Opportunity proc in Disintegrate to get more of a bar refill during ST rotations which is when it comes in slower. I could definitely remove Cutting Beam since I don't use it, but if exemping under level 28 I lose Overload and that's when having a second AoE is welcome. As it turns out Cross Punch mules Avalanche which was something I had not explored previously. This opens the epic pool and since I needed a melee attack to mule why not go for the big guns? Having KO Blow and not put a FF proc in would have been practically a sin since despite playing the character 100% ranged sometimes something flies into range, and then a Popeye punch to the crotch is just too nice to pass up.
  16. Also, this was the most fun I had with a Sentinel. Just look at those gifs. CC *and* near immortal!
  17. After a tepid attempt at Dual Pistols I turned to a Beam seeking more damage. In the low levels we can feel it. The Disintegrate effect has noticeable chunks of HP removed which is noticeable coming from a Dual Pistols. This wanes later on, but I think (without having pylon tested for metrics) that the single target is actually decent. For a Sentinel. I expected more from the Disintegrate spreading having visions of loadsa splash damage, but not really. The splash damage is not all that being just a carrier for the effect which is ACTUALLY meant to trigger MORE damage when skills are used on something that has Disintegrate. In practice this doesn't work out too well since everything dies too fast. I took being level 40+ running a +3 ITF to finally feel I could use this mechanic. So, in practice. Using AoE or ST skills on a target that has Disintegrate makes it take extra damage. While leveling and everything dying fast this can be mostly ignored as nothing +0 lasts long. Open with Cutting Beam, use Refractor Beam, pick a target, use Disintegrate, Charged Shot, then Lancer Shot. This will spread Disintegrate and the next uses of Cutting Beam and Refractor Beam will thus do more damage to those affected. Piercing Beam might be better if it hits more than once mob, but screw dat 2.64 animation. Still, both Piercing and Lancer are interchangeable so pick what you'd like. After 32 things finally pick up. The AoE rotation becomes Disintegrate, Aim, Overcharge, Refractor Beam, Charged shot, cycling Disintegrate (to start the spread), followed by Charged Shot (to activate Defensive Opportunity which in AoE situations ought be up 90% of the time, but also also to fish for Force Feedback procs) and Refractor Beam (doing a bit extra damage to those who have Disintegrate). These three can be used near gapless even before the build is finished. In ST situations replace Refractor for Lancer Shot. I've stopped using Cutting Beam at this point though I suppose an argument could be made for using it. But long animation cones that do double digit damage are just 🙂 . I suggest trying it and see how it works out. In my experience the Aim + Overcharge alpha kills most minions leaving only lieutenants and bosses and those are being tackled by the rest of the team, so using the cone for 4-5 mobs doesn't feel interesting and I prefer to help killing the hard targets with Refractor Beam tossed in as a nod to AoE. A more advanced rotation (if things live that long) would be Disintegrate, Charged Shot, Refractor Beam, Lancer Shot, Charged shot, Refractor Bem. Basically using Disintegrate only every two rotations. The good interactions with the build: Defensive Opportunity *really* likes Cutting Beam, Disintegrate (I think) , Refractor Beam, and Overload. A single use of any of these on a group and the opportunity bar fills to the max. This also means a use of these ALSO triggers Defensive Opportunity flooding us with small heals and endurance. As a purely ranged character on top of this it means not only decent self healing that tops us but also that my experience is leveling at 90%-100% endurance the whole time which is why there is no attempt at adding more Recovery to the build. The expensive end game build. Cremate and Fire Sword Circle are meant to be fillers and not really be used. Some might say not using Fire Sword Circle would be a waste and I possibly agree with them (mobs do try to come to us, this character is an agro magnet). Use if you'd like. Mids also says there are two free slots but it's just Mids not able to handle Fire Sword where it is. Leveling build/I don't have money for the super expensive stuff build. No effort has been made to fix the defense. This is merely an interim build:
  18. Well, in my case, Scrappers are the only thing worth playing. Anything else is faffing around. Even at low levels my Claws scrapper will plunge into a group, Spin, get a crit and wipe several minions. On the other hand any Sentinel will go three AoE rotations (use all AoEs, wait for recharge, do it again) before killing even level minions. That's... just... bad. But when I get bored of meleeing I do come back to Sentinels because they just start early. They are tough, and at 32 they start wiping groups partly on their own. If you never played one this level 32 thing is what they live off on with 25 second nukes once all is slotted up. But outside of it the damage is just nothing special. But approach a spawn, pop Aim, drop the nuke, quickly throw the rest of the AoEs while Aim is still up and most things are pretty hurt with all minions dead. The sad thing is afterwards with everything still alive and the nuke recharging 😄 Anyway, I'm being too pessimistic. It's good fun to be tough and zoom around shooting things and not have to chase them. It's also nice to not have to worry about CC or being squishy. I would recommend a Beam/ sentinel, I guess. The ST damage seems nicer to me (I haven't tested yet to see if it actually is better from others I have played) while the AoE seems about the same as the others (two digit AoEs, wooo! The AT really is balanced around that fast recharging nuke). If you want I have a Beam/Bio and I was thinking of throwing a quick write-up for it.
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