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Everything posted by Sovera

  1. I hope it was just today. But I went from a verrrrrrrrrrrrrrry occasional crash to have four under five minutes. The third one I even rebooted the computer but no go. I can play for hours doing TF after TF with multiple characters using powers and graphical explosions and lots of moving NPCs. But I sit down to just type and this happens: The error occurred in cityofheroes.exe at relative address 0x562150. Google was of no help. Do we have a 'things to try before giving up'?
  2. I don't think there is that option to automatically return to the back of the character. What I do is use the middle button to turn the camera without moving, and then control + middle button to reset the camera.
  3. You'll definitely need to post your build. But as a Sentinel and playing a 100% ranged set like Archery you have zero reasons to be in melee range anyway. Just take Hover and outside of tight Council caves you'll be fine.
  4. Duo teams are my absolute favorite, and up to four. But once at eight it's turn off the brain and just mash buttons. We need a difficulty setting where all mobs turn to bosses so they live longer and hit harder. It still wouldn't do a thing once at 50 and IOed out though.
  5. You don't need to focus on defense if you float out of harm's way and plink at mobs. Fire is pretty good at it with the heaviest ranged attacks of the AT. You can sneak into the middle of enemies with Super-speed + stealth IO, unleash Drain Psyche, unleash Inferno (since both are PbAoEs), then just float out of the way and go ham with ranged attacks. Anything the mobs throw at you will be healed by Drain Psyche's regen. It will be weaker against solo enemies, but if you are in a team someone is grabbing the aggro. Now if you really dislike flying and floating then you take a large portion of your indirect defense (simply not being in range of melee which is where the heavy damage comes from) and yes, you'll need to work on defense. Don't expect huge improvements, but I think about 33% to all is achievable without *too* much hassle, and then munch on a single purple inspiration if, if, you are in trouble or expecting to soak an alpha. My Fire/Atomic managed 40% with tricky slotting and then ghetto added the last 5% defense by relying on the small 5% -ToHit aura. It did fine though, but it also relied on Hover and Tough and Weave. 33% would probably not require all of that, so you just need to decide what your goals are. Drain Psyche is so good you can almost ignore defense with it, but it's not nearly good enough if you stay in melee. Not even 100 HP regen (not always achievable in the first place) can keep up with incoming damage without defenses in place.
  6. Pretty darn decent though. I've seen other attempts at making Psi Melee work and they were not as good. You seemed to have hit the nail on the head regarding trying to maximize Insight upkeep.
  7. Everything works well. Ice/Bio has good AoE and good ST, plus a panic button in Ice Patch for hard fights. Kinetic Melee blooms earlier with all the ST attacks and AoE you'll use being obtained by level 18.
  8. Yes, it's in the message you quoted.
  9. You need a special level 49 map for that. The whole mechanics are explained in the Guide section of the forums in the Farm Fresh Builds thread.
  10. Now that I'm 36 I was comparing KM to Ice, the Stalker I was leveling. Damage wise the two sets seem to sort of be balanced. Ice has Freezing Touch that, according to HD in my current build, does 500 damage. KM has the strongest attack outside of AS being Smashing Blow doing... 268. Eek. But Ice's AS does 460 damage and KM's does 560 so the distance isn't that far apart and the fast pace of attacks of KM lends itself to the Stalker mechanic of building crit chance stacks. This is more of a DPS thing though. DPA it 'feels' better to throw big crits around with alternating CDs. In AoE Ice has two which is always better than just one. One of them is a cone though but being part of the ST rotation it does add 'splash'. KM only has one but it opens early and the auto crit in Hide is pretty potent when combined with BU + Gaussian since it does nasty things to everything in range. It also takes a FF proc which helps for all things recharge related especially in the low levels. Overall both sets seem pretty balanced one against the other. Even in AoE the fact KM's AoE is circular, opens early, takes a FF, and can auto crit from Hide procs does a lot to catch up to the fact Ice has two. It still 'feels' better to spam two AoEs than to be completely surrounded and be forced to plink with ST attacks while the single AoE recharges.
  11. I had a bit of a mustard rising on this when I made a thread in the Bug forums that Posi 1 is bugged since if we start the TF at level 8 (minimum level) we don't increase our level while in it and are still at level 8 when we reach Doc Buzzsaw... who spawns as a level 15. It's the only mob who does (I presume, since being a +7 enemy it is simply impossible to defeat it) and if this happens by accident or because none of the characters is higher than eight, then the TF cannot be completed. The general consensus seemed to be 'it's coding, all AVs spawn at max level for the TF SO THERE IS NOTHING THAT CAN BE DONE'. Excuse you? It's coding. I'm 100% sure something can be done including and up to removing the current boss and replacing it for a custom made one, or, simpler, make the TF minimum level 10 since at least a +5 character *can* be defeated albeit with a lot of difficulty.
  12. After all this talk I wrote above I decided to pause my Ice/Bio Stalker to try the KM/Bio Stalker. I have it at 27 atm, it starts slow, but funny enough Burst is when the set blossoms. BU, Burst, AS, Smashing Blow is a perfectly acceptable opening and Burst auto-crits out of Hide have made me *cocky*. Especially because of that thing I mentioned of AS and Burst having the same recharge, so it's super easy to be in Hide, Burst, AS, filler, filler, AS, Burst, as not only do they align well but a Force Feedback proc in Burst goes together like a house on fire. Talk about ignoring the fact Stalkers are meant to have poor AoE.
  13. It's not like you need huge amounts of recharge since you're forced to have so many attacks. Brutes and scrappers are fine, but it's like I said above. Personally I went /Bio as usual.
  14. Maybe a Stalker, IMO. KM works well if you only use the T1, T2 and T3 attacks. It looks super pretty and the animations are decently fast. But it suffers from two things: 1 - All three attacks are low level, so they do low damage. 2 - The set is balanced around KM's Build-Up mechanic which makes it do a fantastic job when paired with the fast attacks. But the BU is slow-ish at 2 seconds animation (it can be made to have about 35 seconds recharge and 20 seconds uptime., so 15 seconds downtime) which can feel like a drag and does not offer burst (no popping KM's BU and pop a big attack) and outside of it the damage is not that amazing. There were times I felt like, do I pop BU to deal with this half HP boss and lieutenant and waste the rest traveling to the next spawn where it will not be up. Or so I whittle the boss with normal damage to have BU for the start of the next spawn? Stalker helps because AS is a phenomenal upgrade, and the BU effect is replaced by a normal one. The problems with a Stalker are: 1 - Despite the BU being replaced by a normal one the damage of the set was not tuned (Scrapper actually does slightly more base damage on top of a better BU mechanic). But it's the traditional 80% damage boost for 10 seconds with about 25 seconds-ish recharge that allows for burst. They both have 15 seconds downtime, but a Stalker can be constantly fishing for BU procs with their ATO. 2 - AS has an awkwardly long recharge that does not allow to simply replace the T1 in the Scrapper's simple rotation (T3, T2, T1) or we get near one second gaps trying for AS, T3, T2, T3. This forces to take the T1 anyway (one second animation meshes with one second gaps). So AS (fish for Hide), T3/Burst (use Hide proc, Burst also auto crits when in Hide), T2, T1, AS, repeat. Both AS and Burst recharge in about 4.5 seconds and the T3, T2, and T1 make for... 4.5 seconds. Ish. The low damage-ish of the low level attacks is compensated by the constant BU refreshes thanks to the Stalker procs and AS.
  15. ITF is the achille's heel on any /Bio of mine 😄
  16. In the planner there are normal and superior ATos, Event IOs, etc. So I don't know what they mean then.
  17. After you said I thought I misremembered and went to hunt it up. Turns out it was about 1 minute 26 though there was controversy if the numbers were good or not. Apparently other players tried the same build and got 2 minutes. Still darn decent. https://web.archive.org/web/20120906191954/http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=130754&page=130
  18. Actually widows had one of the first one minute times according to the old boards. I remember reading about it a couple months ago. I'm not surprised at the Fortunata since despite what HD claims I never felt the ST chain to be overpowering (or perhaps I don't take into account the DoT). But it was nice and fluid plus dat huge radius nuke *drool*....
  19. Use Catalysts either from the ATM or the Auction House.
  20. I'm finally trying an Ice/Bio Stalker after a false start, and while it began slow and generic with me alternating on going ew about Frost being a cone and giggling as I used BU and Frost-ed entire groups, it really blossomed at 26. At 26 it stopped me doing a rotation on enemies to just go around Freezing Touch in hide, AS outside of Hide, FT again, Frost when both are down. I have Sword Ice for when planting my heels and hitting AVs but for regular missions the gap is covered simply moving around from one target to the next so it gathers dust. Like everyone else has said before me Freezing Touch is like old school Energy Transfer with the casual split second animation of casually reaching out to touch someone and that someone exploding in a shower of frozen blood. The AoE seems... decent, now that I have Frozen Aura to go with. It might be just my impression, but it feels like AVs really hate the -recharge and scamper off all over the map if we don't have an agro grabber tank/brute. I don't need Ice Patch (one of the reason my first Ice/ attempt stalled was me trying to be smart and help the team by laying it down in all tis 3.7 second animation glory, while what I should have been doing is having taken BU in its stead and Frost-ing groups) but I intend to pick it up as one of my late later powers for extreme situations. One thing that my Staff Stalker helped me understand is the importance of fishing for Hide procs even if it means holding out for a second or three on our next heavy hitter. In AoE waiting with Frozen Aura to use it after AS, or waiting on FT if AS is almost up. Anyway, it definitely recaptures the old Energy Melee feel of going around one shoting things and using Frost for the ST rotation doesn't feel as abominable as I thought it might. The -res tacked to all the frankenslotting for range doesn't hurt either.
  21. Hyperbole, meet Saiyajinzoningen. Saiyajinzoningen, this is hyperbole.
  22. Darn impressive, it's downright stepping on TW's toes. Pity mace has such bad bad baaaaad skins compared to the arm long list of skins swords get. Could you show us what you were using and mention your rotation?
  23. Call it whatever you'd like then. A 'feature' if you want. How can you possibly argue that is normal if the TF prevents us from leveling from the level with which we started it and then we are presented with an enemy 7 levels higher effectively being impossible to kill? IT IS JUST CODING! Lets not make this a huge impossible thing omg, hard coded into the system! Either the TF lets us level while we're inside (we were, I think, level 11 at the time, so the boss at level 15 would have been difficult but not completely impossible), or it PREVENTS THE TF TO START IF TOO LOW LEVEL TO COMPLETE THE TF! This is not rocket science. If lowest limit to defeat a level 15 boss is level 10 then up the TF's minimum to level 10. This is the LGTF all over again with a minimum level of 35 and then Hami spawning at 50. IT IS NOT MINIMUM LEVEL 35 IF WE NEED TO BE AT LEAST 45 TO COMPLETE THE TF! I accept it is a bug or an oversight, I'm just saying that it is there and is in need of being fixed in one way or another.
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