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Everything posted by Sovera

  1. Add titles. Add honorifics. For example GW2 was one of those games where I could add honorifics to my character's name when I made multiples of it. So Sovera became Girl Genius Sovera (engineer, people kept mistaking her for a boy because Asura :D), Holoeidetic Sovera (mesmer), Chamaleonware Sovera, etc etc
  2. It does both. A small repel and a KB. But the KB is exacerbated by the repel which gives the KB more inertia. So the Overwhelming proc turns it into a KD but the repel still pushes the mob away some, just not as exaggeratedly as before. Considering BB is our strongest skill it's something I live with.
  3. Yeah, that would explain some of it. Flares and no hasten and etc are going to take things down. BB with Overwhelming in it is bearable but still eh. what's more annoying to me is that despite having KB I can't slot a FF in it.
  4. Those pylon numbers seem pretty bad. I know Sentinels are mediocre, but the Fire/Bio I'm leveling for once 'felt' decent. I'll have to finish leveling it and T4 it and give it a spin.
  5. That's very interesting. So basically Psi's usual bad times can be placed to blame on GPS and people being eager to see the biggo damage and thus cutting off Insight upkeep. This is a bit like Kinetic Melee tbh. Thanks for the sharing of info, Kanil!
  6. I started leveling one, though stopped at 20. Insight is fun though, I treat is as a second Build-up that randomly pops up on tis own. I just didn't feel the set did anything out of the ordinary so it was pretty generic. Slow animations, bad starter AoE up to 32, and I was feeling weary just thinking of keeping track of Insight without numbers in order to only use Greater Psi Sword at the very end of it. I ought to ask @Kanil if he tested without GPS and what he got since that would keep the rotation simple and even with Insight simply a random damage boost and not fuss about it. Though it's probably like trying to use Rad and not use Devastating Blow (bad idea). The set did feel like it hit hard but I was fighting a lot of Clockwork who are weak to psi. There are a few things I would try to work in your build like a FF proc in TK blow. I'll post mine so you can see if there are ideas you can grab from it. Change FA for Parasitic or whatever pleases you.
  7. The more I play the less I think AoE is important. Except for farming. It's a bit of a volte-face after being part of the crowd touting the game as being mostly AoE but the more I play the more it is how I feel. Farming, or under level 25, and even it's sketchy. So the buffs feel a lot like spreadsheet buffs. It's nice to hit more targets, but when are we surrounded by 16 enemies except in a farm? I'm sure people will bring up the times they managed to get three packs together and etc, but in practice we jump into a pack of 10-12 mobs, first random AoE casually tossed out kills all minions and it's down to 4-5 mobs, who are then AoEd down, sure, but mostly STed. But FE + BU + Burns makes me think the ST aspect can be accounted for even if not at brute/scrapper levels.
  8. What about single target? Fiery Embrace + BU looks like sudden burst which has been nagging at me. Rad and Spines might be the hot thing, but an early access Burn that serves for ST and AoE purpose seems like a lynchpin like Stalkers fixing ST problems.
  9. I leveled a Beam/Bio, and while curious as to what you've found my experience was that the damage is ultimately the usual heh Sentinel level. I think still better than the norm. Maybe it just needed more procs. While /Bio is good it trades too much for the vaunted Offensive Adaptation in order to still softcap defense.
  10. Scrapper, why not. I just leveled one and really enjoyed it. Rib Cracker is a very well made animation.
  11. Your progenitor is boring and ugly. /Fire in a Scrapper is a dubious proposition. The whole set hinges around Burn and on a Scrapper the mobs will just run away. As others mentioned why not try Tanker instead?
  12. Still my fav combo in the game. While I only played a /fire once and didn't finish leveling it I really liked how Burn filled both an AoE and ST hole. Sets with little AoE benefit a lot from it and sets with gaps or weak ST ALSO benefit from it.
  13. I've fought against the so called minimal FX with Bio for months now. I would LOVE to have a dye channel that is called 'invisible' since it would solve EVERY problem most people have with cluttered FX sets. For example, I rather love the 'veins of power' part of the Bio FX and think it looks really cool. But what the frick is it with the glowy hands that can't be tinted appropriately and the drippy FX? To the invisible bin with you!!
  14. You're always going to be weak against debuffs. Cimemora will historically be your weakness, and Banished Pantheon too, and some of the Crey fights. .... Done my best 😄
  15. It isn't the case. I say give it a try. Same mob type. Hit with, hit without, check the % increase. The 4% I got from the nuke and I included the toxic damage tick in the math.
  16. Yes practical tests are where things are seen. Spreadsheets are nice but it assumes all data is correct and there has been no input error or assumptions. Share with us when you know more.
  17. It involves Psi Sweep. Someone over the Pylon thread managed to make Psi have good numbers by avoiding the use of the greater psi sword during Insight until the very last second in order to maximize Insight upkeep. While CoH 100% does not lend itself to this sort of thing, what with lack of addons, UI, warnings and etc, it's something a player can try to do by keeping mental track (for example keep track of how many attacks they use). In WoW my Hunter does the same thing by trying to maximize upkeep of stacks and only using the skill to prevent the stacks from dropping sometimes in the last 0.5 second, but there I have timers with tenth of seconds placed where I want on the screen and which I can consult (and do consult feverishly). CoH lacks this so good luck in keeping mind Insight's 8 second upkeep (or whatever it was) to use as many skills as possible within that time and still land greater psi sword at the last second. Too late and no Insight bonus for GPB, too soon and Insight goes into lockout before having been used to the fullest. So, an easy rotation that can start very early in the build and does not require a fully IOed build at max level and all purpled out and etc would be: Insight lockout period: Psi Blade, Telekinetic Blow, Psi Blade Sweep, Greater Psi Blade. During Insight: Psi Blade, TK Blow, Psi Blade Sweep, repeat, repeat, work that extra Insight DoT damage with every attack, work it!, repeat until Insight is almost over, then BOOM, GREATER PSI BLADE OMFG DAMAAAAAAAAGE!
  18. Who knows what the factors are? The dev's decision is my best guess. I just hit resistance agnostic mobs with and without Offense Adaptation and that's what I got.
  19. So I went to test on a pylon. Turned off all sources of -res to not mess with the tests, did several hits without combos and several with. The increase for CU and Spinning was always 25% on the dot (combo less CU from 334 to 417, comboless Spinning from 83x2 to 104x2) so from that angle all is working correctly (I just overestimated the damage boost I suppose, Fake Nemesis surviving on a sliver of health and all). Considering that Spinning does literally half the damage of CU it is absolutely not worth it to do fewer CUs in order to do Spinning at full combo points. CU takes too long for just Shin Kicker, Rib Cracker, Heavy Blow, thus leaving a small gap that could be filled with a second Shin Kicker, but Spinning hits nearly as hard (though animates slower, but the slower animation is not a problem since we are tied to CU's recharge) and takes a -res proc which feeds the whole chain and nullifies the small damage difference (111 base damage from Spinning VS 131 base of Shin kicker). That -res proc elevates the number of -res sources to five in the build: - Evolving 7.5% native. - Spinning 12.5% proc. - Rib Cracker 7.5% native. - Genetic Corruption 20% proc. - Shin kicker 20% proc.
  20. It's good, but the Offense Adaptation is not as good as it says on paper. It can boost as little as 4% and at most 21% averaging 18%. I have tests of it somewhere on these boards. Other than that /Bio is stupidly good when we pair it with a ranged primary as is the case with Sentinels.
  21. I've tried the triple proc approach and it worked well. Shaved two minutes off a pylon run with a Rad/Ninja but still only 4 minutes. With less faffing around and procs Nihili's Fire/Rad Sentinel reached 3:30 if I'm not mistaken.
  22. You best solution is using Google. The search of the forums is also unable to look for posts done prior to the forum migration, but, again, Google fixes that. So, for example, google up and go 'amazing blaster builds omfg dat damage site:https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/13-blaster/ '
  23. First of all, I noticed this at the rear end of powering through the SLOG that is acquiring the last three accolades so I was too burned out to sit and test properly with numbers. I'll do so tonight. But I noticed that the 'does more damage with each combo point' that I took as gospel when making the character seems to be... well... missing? I had Fake Nemesis set as -1 and lieutenants which allowed me to nearly one-shot one with combo-less Crushing Uppercut. Then the next Fake Nemesis I would use my regular attack rotation, and I noticed I arrived at the following Nemesis with full combo points.... and CU would again nearly one-shot them. So, basically, comboless CU = mob with a sliver of HP. Full combo CU = same mob with a sliver of HP. This was repeated several times with the same result. I mentioned this to a friend who was playing an StJ Tanker in an ITF and they tested giving something like 500 damage without combo points and 550 with. This is not the 30% damage boost I read of. While the secondary effects are nice (the Terrify in Spinning Strike is darn good mitigation though I am not fussed about the Hold in CU) it does mean if the damage increase is so minimal then the rotation can be tweaked so CU's are fired more often. This because since CU's cooldown is a bit too long I do three combo CU, then build back the combos and do a three combo Spinning Strike. But this means CU is off CD by the time I have re-built three combos which mean less CU per minute. Spinning Strike's damage is okay and has the -res proc in it. At the top of my head Shin Breaker, Rib Cracker, Heavy Blow, Crushing Uppercut, Spinning Strike would be gapless for maximum CUs. I actually toyed with Rib Cracker, Shin Breaker, Rib Cracker (love the animation), CU, and it worked fine, but since Rib Cracker is where I shuffled the Critical Strike proc it happened that the proc went off at the first Rib Cracker making it go to 'waste' in the following Shin Breaker + Rib Cracker and not be up in time for CU/Spinning (assuming the proc works how I think it does).
  24. I was surprised at the off-the-path -res source: StJ/Bio Scrapper. - 7.5% from Rib Cracker - Annihilation -res proc (12.5%) in Spinning Strike (part of the ST rotation anyway) - Achiles' Heel -res (20%) in Shin Breaker. - 7.5% from Evolving Armor - Fury of the Gladiator -res (20%) in Genetic Corruption. Now, it's not a Sonic Defender, but, still 😄
  25. As I said, I knew I wasn't going to change your mind. You do you, knight of the pixies.
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