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Everything posted by Sovera

  1. Radiation is the sleeping set about AoE, IMO. Water is fine, but... Sentinels already do crummy damage so Water's weak ST damage is not helping matters. Radiation can be triple procced for damage.
  2. I always set mine to +1. The difference between 0 and 1 is minimal in difficulty so why not extra XP? I never go higher when leveling though. No slots, no powers, this is not the time to be whittling mobs when we are on our Nth alt of the week. Once at 50 and slotted then yeah, I don't mind exemping down an running things at a higher difficulty since my slots ensure I will be fine.
  3. Try this instead, broseph. A lot more oomph to your AS and Freezing touch, your AoE hole fixed, better times on Hasten, Shield Charge and Build-up, and you get a travel power and Combat Jumping to move around during missions.
  4. That's a nice feeling, but it's not how things really work. The current dev team is small and has lots of projects ahead. I don't see them finishing this and getting started on the next big thing and still keep on hammering at Tanker changes. Way I see it, correctly or not, once these changes are done that's it for Tankers for the foreseeable future. I don't even play a Tanker so I don't have a vested interest in these, but @csr hit the nail on the head with the useless changes to cones. Buffs for the sake of spreadsheets are not buffs.
  5. We seem to be miscommunicating. Posi 1 takes 40 minutes to run and earns 3 million. The second miscommunication appears to be that I am suggesting to to buy Converters, buy enhancements, convert them, then put them on the AH. Please re-read more carefully. I said 'buy converters, type /ah, throw them in there'. And the final miscommunication appears to be grinding TFs. I said leveling a new character. Doing the TFs gives XP that we need to level, doing TFs gives Merits that are worth money, and doing the TFs gives the +HP accolade. So for a new character this is a triple whammy. Once at 50 and if you want to farm in the AE or earn merits and play the AH is up to the person, but has no bearing with what I said and my advice for a leveling route. I rank the selling of insps at the same level of people advising to sell their common salvage for 1 inf because sometimes people will buy for 250 inf and booyah it is all profit, woo. If people want to do it that's fine, but I'm not going to advise anyone to do so when the game throws us inf by the millions where 250 inf or 100k every 25 minutes is a drop in a bucket.
  6. Sovera

    advice Bio/fire

    You had yours on Efficient Adaptation which really boosted the regen to some nutty numbers (960% if I recall, booyah!). Mine was posted with Offense Adaptation which explains the lowered numbers though I don't think it will be as high as you had yours since I stripped slots from everywhere.
  7. This is not perfect yet, but some proposed changes. - You could do with +5 several of your IOs, such as in Hasten and in Stamina, etc. - You are grossly over the accuracy needed to hit a +3 (your lowest accuracy attack is at 126% where it ends at 95%) and that's without Tactics turned on. - Your best defense is to be floating out of the way, so you could consider dropping SJ + Combat Jumping and grabbing Hover, Fly and Afterburner (another place for an LotG) then pew pew out of melee range. - Aim is sadly underslotted. - Since you want to be in melee for your nuke you can drop something not useful like, I don't know, but perhaps that Smoke Grenade or whatever you feel like (Tactics?) and take Super Speed with the stealth IO in it. Mobs will not notice you until you do big booms and then you can float out of the survivor's melee range. - I feel you have 'wasted' too many slots with LotG to get the S/L resistance. I stripped all of these down and spread the slots around. By adding the two uniques you forgot about it turned out to be just a 4% S/L loss This leaves you with four slots to do as you wish (perhaps purple set Toxic Web Grenade since it can be useful against running AVs). You have 45% to everything except Negative and no incarnates involved so perhaps grab Clarion for the CC immunity instead of Ageless? S'up to you. Hasten is at 135 seconds which is okay ish, but during lulls you can try to work in Trip Mine for some FF procs to help. I don't know if it's worth it, but hey.
  8. I can honestly say this character is one of the few I would remake from scratch and play again because it was such a fun experience. The constant AoE, the helping the team with CC, the vampiric style as you can see in the GIFs, the -res of Sonic/ and Sentinel helping the team. Good fun. I won't promise the luster won't rub off at 50 but it's a fun trip up to then. If you need some tips as a recent return check my signature since I just added some info that may help.
  9. I don't find generating inspirations useful. I can go naked from spawning at the steps to doing one DFB, then Posi 1 and 2 and come out A) at level 22, and B) with 26 merits which translates into 78 Converters, which, roughly, translates to 7 million inf. Even just doing Posi 1 alone gives 11 merits which is turned into 33 Converters, and that's about 3 million. So, yeah, I mean, sure, 20-50k isn't BAD, and doing the tutorial for those extra two big inspirations isn't BAD but it's like I said above, a drop in the ocean that is selling Merits. As for slotting TOs and DOs it's a matter of opinion. With all the buffs we get I don't think that they are useful. With double XP on it takes about an hour and a half. It takes longer to go to a shop and purchase them, then replace them when they expire after five levels, than to just move on and get a few more levels. I can see the case being made for a character that is strictly soloing though but even then TOs and DOs will turn red quickly.
  10. Masterminds are great and I played them a lot. The changes in the incoming patch will also greatly help. But they are just not made for today's game. Minions slowly following at Sprint speed and arriving once the fight is over or trampling behind as we fly to then arrive panting and happy dragging everything they agroed after them. Yeah, I played these for months doing tons of different builds. Then I made the mistake of playing different ATs and ha ha, no, just... no. As for me it must have been a Fire/Martial Dominator. I made it, started soloing. No Containement, no damage, spamming immobilizes and holds and shurikens and argh, nothing died! But then I made a Plant/Psi Dominator a couple months after and it was a hot knife through butter.
  11. Since I've typed this a number of times in-game and otherwise I've decided to consolidate it in a single post that I can then simply link to. Are you completely 100% new and everything looks complicated? Simple way to start a new character: Simple way to travel: Simple way to make money: Simple way to make money once at level 50: Simple way to save money, or how to use your converters instead of selling them: Not so simple way to make money (but actually the best way, yes, even better than farming 24/7): Simple way to slot: More advanced way to slot: Simple explanation on attuned and crafted IOs. Simple decisions on whether to buy attuned or crafted IOs: Simple decisions on whether to boost (+5) IOs: Simple decisions on which salvage/recipes to keep: Simple decisions on whether to attune an IO ourselves: Simple decisions on whether to purchase recipes from the ATM: Simple way to transfer IOs from one character to the next: Simple way to acquire all accolades, or why do I want accolades? Simple things to know:
  12. *beats the gathered dust* Sheesh... Been a while... Yes, don't worry about the levels of the enhancements. Just buy your regular generic IOs at 22 and slot the stuff in. What the pre-35 means is just the slotting and the powers that I picked. I would remove the range increase from Siren's Song and add a third Recharge to Hasten.
  13. I was playing with a friend yesterday, I'm 50 and geared to the gills on my Stalker and she was on her Brute, level 46. When we play together I'm usually on my Scrapper so of course I pump the difficulty to +2x8 as I usually do when we play together... only to have her faceplant over and over until I just stealthed the mission to lower it to x4. Because... I'm on the Stalker, and even opening with AoEs and taking chunks of HP the second she jumped in with agro auras and punchvokes she got all the attention 😄 I get it, it's how it is meant to be, and were she fully leveled and geared up we would have been an unholy terror with mobs clustered around her which they do not for me, but it was an aaaargh moment.
  14. Lack of agro aura for me. I'm playing a Stalker and enjoying it. But mobs peeling away to wander around the map, have a sammich and a cup of joe and return five minutes later gets old and fast.
  15. *headscratch* Someone remind me again, we -are- buffing Tankers, right? Because nerf after nerf to the proposed changes have made six months worth of 'WOOOOO BUFFS!' to, 'hmm, sure, I guess?'
  16. I've just posted two /Bio builds, so feel free to check, copy the /Bio part and paste the DB/ part. What you want is Ablative with good slotting and 45% defense at least. I've never played DB/ so I don't know what are the good powers to go for in order to help.
  17. Sovera

    advice Bio/fire

    Since no one answered here is my suggestion, @dinatar: You want to reach 45% defense. You were a bit lacking to get there with the proposed build. Once the tank changes hit live (which ought to be soon-ish) Maneuvers will give extra defense that should make 45% across the aboard, something that Hero Designer doesn't show yet. This is the level 50 build. It's expensive so you'll want to slowly work at it, but you can make 50 million a day in an hour of doing double Hami and one Tinpex which does not account for weeklies, raw cash etc etc. Since you are still leveling this is what I advise to use. It's a whole lot cheaper and you should be able to easily earn the influence to purchase all the bits and bobs, then once at 50 you can buy the expensive things and /respec, but to be completely honest you'll be just fine with this one, just eat a purple inspiration when your HP starts dropping and aim for the Barrier Incarnate once at 50. If you have any doubts about money making or the build feel free to ask.
  18. Sovera

    Build Help: Bio/Psi

    You forgot one of the +3% defense uniques @VV. Since no one answered I've put together what I'd use and maybe you can find some ideas in there. Maneuvers gives extra defense from the new changes but Mids does not reflect this yet.
  19. It's global, it says so on the description.
  20. It's not -crazy-, but scrappers are meant for damage and if you check the Controller boards they sigh at the game not really really requiring CC anymore, just force, brute force. I had the same thought as you on a Rad/Atomic Blaster. Go in one spawn and use the T9 (which stuns), next spawn open with the mass hold so everything is choking at clawing at their throats. It worked fine. It also did a two thirds of the damage of a simple Fire Blaster who ignored all the faffing and just killed things dead.
  21. Remember that you only need to go as far as killing Dr Quatrexin to get the patron powers, no need to do the complete mission list from Black Scorpion.
  22. I made this for a guildie. It's not super min maxed since they ONLY wanted kicks and its Brute but can easily be changed to Scrapper. 45% to everything, 132 Hasten recharge with Force Feedbacks in ST and AoE to help with that, no incarnates picked so do whatever.
  23. The resistance and defense Barrier gives great erodes in a few seconds. After a minute it's just 5% of each.
  24. As an ice meleer I hafta agree. Why do I need to hear that distant howling for 90% of my play time?
  25. Yes, but, AVs tend to be 30 second fights, and AVs tend to be 5% of the content. Everyone going omg tankers were nerfed against AVs I beg to consider in what way is it worse to be buffed for 95% of the content than being buffed for 5% of the content. That's why I, and others, looks at these complaints, including Auroxis, otherwise a swell guy with which we can disagree on an argument but not have to hate on a personal level, and go UGH, even if it turns out to be a nerf and it takes 20 seconds extra to kill an AV those 20 seconds have been recouped by the gained time dealing with the trash to REACH the AV by the Tanker's improved buffs. Did I want Tanks, Brutes, Scrappers and Stalkers to be near indistinguishable? No, I've said so in the past. People are still going about Tankers and Brutes as tanks and we all have done Nth content with a Scrapper tanking everything. Mechanical differences would have been better, but let us please stop harassing CP for not finding this dream solution that pleases 100% of everyone 100% of the time.
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