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Everything posted by hejtmane

  1. I am leveling an ice/sd scrapper and it feels more like I am playing a melee troller than a scrapper sometimes enjoy the build Ice has been way more fun than I was expecting
  2. i found my katana/rad to be the most versatile to solo. I did the itf with only a t2 alpha, the accolades and io's solo. Now I want to be clear all by builds I do are super expensive for my toons. In fact I have an IO addiction and to feed that addiction i turned into a marketer in 1 week i spent over 500million in IO's for alts and still have over 2 billion influence yes all in one week I went from just over 150 million to billions
  3. My tof is a mule for set IO bonus and just use it as damage when in groups and when I side kick down for lower level it is extra aoe not great but functional with out the procs but It is mainly for being a mule
  4. Ok i need to build a new toon to team up with a buddy I mainly play scrappers like all but one 50 on live and homecoming have been scrapper other than the ill/rad troller I got to 50 which i enjoyed playing. Right now I have Fire/Dark at 47 I love playing him and a ton invested in IO's for him because I enjoy playing him and yes he will get to 50 I just use him with a specific group I play with on Saturdays which is the only reason he is not 50 already. Any suggestions on a troller to try other than the two listed and I need it to be able to solo an AV if needed. I know I want to play another controller just need some help on narrowing my selection. Thank You
  5. Depends I build for a slight y more robust build and some build for dps and some in between. I look at the newer builds since the changes to Shadow Maul and TOF
  6. Entire threads with different builds and discussions
  7. Poorly built scrappers yes
  8. Think this is what I ran on live Blinding Feint -> Ablative Strike -> Sweeping Strike -> Power Slice I just hate Vengeful slice animation and was just short of the 300%
  9. No arguments from me about knock up, knock down, disorient etc. I hate knock back on melee with a passion but yes they are some great mitigation. In fact I am running and ice/sd and i swear I am half controller with the ice patch change to cast time I able to stand in the middle of mob packs while they flop around
  10. Hers the link to the change of DM where Shadow maul was reduced from 10 to 5 and tof aoe added it was Nov24th the previous Shadow maul update was a buff with animation change, cone bigger and damage change here is the initial buff to Shadow Maul Shadow Maul (Tanker, Scrapper, Brute, Stalker) is now a much larger, faster cone that's actually capable of easily hitting multiple targets - especially on tanks! Arc increased from 45 to 120 degrees Recharge increased from 8 to 11 seconds Cast Time reduced from 3.07 to 2.35 seconds Damage lowered from scale 2.156 to 1.6184 DPS reduction is minor, it has only been lowered from scale 0.653 to scale 0.645 Target Cap increased from 10 to 16 for Tankers Target Cap increased from 5 to 10 for Scrappers, Brutes and Stalkers Dark Melee was under-performing in the AoE department. The aim of this change is to increase the AoE potential of the set whilst having minimal impact on the single target potential.
  11. Right now most sets are obsolete compared to a handful of sets but the same is true on secondary sets as while but it is what it is and you have to make those decisions based on are you all right with it and my answer is yes because Katana is cool.
  12. a couple things tamers cap at 90% but they also start with a higher total in the powers for resistance don't remember what it is the scrapper type builds should get you close on a tanker but it is never goign to be 100% good luck
  13. On DB/Rad I think force of will is a waste remember you should be putting the achilies proc in albating for chance of -res and radiation therpay does -reg for AV's and you can also put an achilies proc in Beta decay so a total waste of a power when you already have built in mitigation in your attack chain and powers . Force slows your attack chain down losing major dps for something that you can do without skipping a beat
  14. On DB the only combo that matters is attack vitals unless you are pushing for the top attack chain and you need about 300% global recharge i think for gapless if you are not shooting for that the next best Single Target attack chain you can run is attack vitals and of course you want blinding feint. I personally take typhoon's edge for early aoe while leveling and IO slotting note I do side kick down on all my toons so hence Typhoon and that is from my experiences on live with two DB's not done DB on home coming at this time. One Thousands Cuts and Nimble skip so you have 6 attacks forget about all the other combos they are not worth your time or effort Power Slice Albating Typhoon's Blinding feint (a must) Vengeful Slice Sweeping Strike (your best attack) here is the attack vitals chain ablating vengeful slice sweeping
  15. I like the rad secondary a lot I have not paired it with DB in fact I not played DB since live when I was running DB/EA been working on other projects. My 50 scrappers right now are DM/SD, Katana/Rad and Titian/Bio I have a retired fire/rad 50 currently working on Mace/WP and Ice/SD DB is in a solid spot DPS wise still and /Rad is a great secondary IMO and it will work just fine paired together
  16. Not at all I use Flashing Steel at low levels and for when i side kick and gives some extra aoe attack and have Divine Avalanche as while for when i need the extra defense boost here is my current build attaching the mxd katana-rad.mxd Note the build has hover for Hami Raids so there is some flexibility on the build and the second slot in combat jumping is for the +10% regen so you have some slots and power options
  17. Shadow maul on scrapper was capped at 5 targets from a previous 15 that was nerfed and they added more aoe by adding some to tof and it is ok I use it but nothing along the buff shadow maul got initially
  18. Soft cap smash/lethal defense with powers and IO's; a decent amount of recharge and just set Particle Shielding to Auto click that way you always have the absorb and + regen use Radation Therapy as a heal and -regen on AV's. Also remember Beta decay does - to hit on enemies to help AT 50 with IO's and a few accolades I have 45.56% s/l defense when Particle shielding is active I have 38.11 hp/sec which is all but about 2-3 second gap from perma and I am capped at 75% S/L resistance and high resistance most other things my Katnaa/Rad is probably my tankiest build and can survive the most situations
  19. I go /Rad over dark on the primaries both work the best way to describe War Mace it feels crunchy where Katana feels smooth and flowly
  20. Currently dm/sd all IO out and t4 all the way and what can we say DM/SD rocks and Dark Melee is better in aoe with the Shadow Maul change I use TOF as while it is was an ok change My new favorite Katana pairing is /Rad in fact /rad is a fun secondary I got a fire/rad also to 50 but much prefer my Katana/rad and retired the fire/rad. Very tanky did a solo ITF with only IO's and I think I had the alpha slotted at like t2 and nothing else was quite fun. Made a farmer he just farms for money and AE Tickets good old Titian Weapons/Bio armor nothing special sitting at 50 only runs ae content In flight Mace/Will Power I will say mace just rocks and hits hard currently at level 38 In flight Ice/SD with the ice patch change it is kind of fun to stand in the middle and watch things flop while you beat on it very controller felling just got level 29 today I will say ice needs some changes to Greater Ice Sword and one other early attack to help it's damage yes I know I could go cross punch for better results decided to punish my self with greater ice sword instead. Those are my scrapper pairings at this time
  21. anything is possible with io's etc I don't have a build for that pairing to even suggest your initial focus should always me S/L (smash/Lethal) first since ice is type defense set and not positional defense set (example shields or sr) then go from there I never gotten into rad primary love the secondary a ton maybe someone has some tips for rad primary
  22. Been so long I think i got pretty close with EA on live +recharge from Entropic Aura and tons of IO and hasten so you may also want to look that option
  23. Which is already what i am doing and I will just be stuck with those sets; sorry Brutes and tanks are not scrappers and they suck to play I think they are unfun that's life. That just makes shields, rad and Bio always the best top three sets that they already are for now and the future. With WP,EA and Inv the other better sets
  24. My problem is no longer play secondaries without a taunt aura since issue13 and shields I been hooked ever since and so a lot of the old secondaries I use to play I have not touched since I13. I have not played staff yet so no response on that but /sr is pretty straight forward
  25. Let's just go back to i2-i3 days of broken make IH a toggle again 😜
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