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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. I have seen the same thing with Ninjas.
  2. Okay, so I get what everyone is saying about the mechanics and honestly I suspected as much...however, that doesn't exactly answer what the OP is asking for when you get down to the core of what they are asking. The OP wants to know if we can have an instant snipe that is actually instant like it was when it was bugged. Me personally, I don't care either way. I don't think it's a make or break deal, but I wouldn't complain if it were made instant and fired from the hip either...like a quick draw gunslinger, lol.
  3. I had noticed the same thing back when it was changed, I just assumed it was intentional though.
  4. Also, try my Beam Rifle Mod, I think I know the sound you are talking about and in that mod, the sound is replaced with something very vibration and bass like. That mod can be found here...
  5. Good deal, just didn't want you to have to pull the file out and put it back in every time you wanted to switch back and forth between your MM and your Dark character. Also trying to consider anyone who plays the Necro/Dark. P.S. Yeah, it doesn't matter what I do, the stacking is just over powering. Unfortunately I won't be able to do much better than practically silencing it when used by itself in order to get the volume down enough while stacked. Typically I loved the stacking effect, but I can see how this particular one can get super annoying. Foot Stomp for example, I wouldn't be able to play that set without the stacking effect, but this one has got to go, lol. Glad I could help nonetheless.
  6. Nope, even if I turn it up to where you can slightly hear it, it overpowers when stacked. I'm going to see if I can find something else to replace it with that will fit the theme.
  7. Good deal, I'll try and find a happy medium in the meantime...or find another sound all together that doesn't have variations in tone and pitch.
  8. Done...and was able to do it without affecting the single application, because oddly enough, it uses two different sound bites. The sound bite for entering missions is completely separate. When entering a mission it should from here on out be no louder than any of your other powers. One thing to note that I noticed during testing: The stacking effect varies depending on how many zone in at one time. I noticed sometimes 2 or 3 zone in all at once, then the rest zone in and other times they all zone in at the same time. So test it out and see how you like it, if need be I can lower it further. Side Effect: It has a negative impact on Twilight Grasp since it used the same sound bite. I'm going to try and tweak it a bit so you can at least hear your Twilight Grasp. TBA
  9. I'll look in to it. I can locate the SFX for it and decrease the volume, but that will also decrease the volume of the single application of it as well. As long as you are okay with that, I can check it out and post it up.
  10. Is it a sound from the Beam Rifle, or some secondary set you are using?
  11. So I have taken some of the most complained about (but not all) sounds in game where some players report them being too loud or gives them headaches. More are to follow as time goes by, but for now, this is the page to check. This page will be updated regularly as sounds are added to the list, so check back regularly to see if the sound you hate hasn't been added. The goal is to give everyone what they want. People who love the sounds and don't want them gone can keep them. People who feel the sounds are too loud and want them lowered can have just that. In time, this list will grow until hopefully all sounds have been covered. It will take time but it is time I am willing to give. This is my way of giving back to the community, so hope you all enjoy!
  12. WARNING!!! These SFX Mods are designed for the Game to play back only! City of Heroes plays back the volume at a much different level than the actual file has them set to. In the event that you wish to play them back manually, NEVER play back these sound files in any way without first turning the volume down on your Laptop/PC. The game plays back volumes at a far lower level than your PC/Laptop will, and if you play back the files without first turning down your volume, you can possibly cause damage to your speakers! So these are just some random mods that are more QoL Mods than anything else. I have taken some of the most complained about SFX in game and decreased the volume of those sounds. As of right now, it is just Arctic Air and Arctic Fog, but more will follow as time goes by. So if you ever have a sound that is too loud and it bothers you, always check here for updates to see if you find the one that applies to the sound that gives you problems. I am not sure how many mods can fit on one post, so if I run out of file size space, I will continue in another post and link that post here. Arctic Air and Arctic Fog Destination: Data\Sound\Ogg\Powers Softens the volume of Arctic Air and Arctic Fog Umbra Dark Wolf Pet Destination: Data\Sound\Ogg\Dog Softens the volume of the Dark Wolf Howls Necro MM Amplified Walk-in Silencer Data\Sound\Ogg\Powers Puts a Silencer on the Necro Master Mind's stacking buff effects when you enter missions. Side Effect is that it makes Twilight Miasma almost impossible to hear. Only use this one if you are fine with the side effects. Arctic_Air_Easy_Listening.zip Arctic_Fog_Loop_Ear_Saver.zip Howling_Mod_Custom.zip Necro_Ear_Saver.zip
  13. Not a problem, AxerJ. If that is not enough, let me know and I can customize the volume for you. Or if you have a sound bite you would like to replace it with, just let me know, send me the sound bite or a link to it and I customize it for ya. I'm sure you'll be happy with that one though, the sound is pretty low but not so low to where you can't hear it at all. A lot easier on the ears. 🙂
  14. Only if I can make it a creepy baby giggling, maybe like the kid from Pet Cemetery? 😈
  15. That didn't stop Miley Cyrus, don't let it stop you! Get yer Twerk on, Bill!
  16. Oh wow, that really sucks, man. That hurt me just reading it, lol.
  17. We ahd literally JUST started Synapse TF and zoned in to Steel Canyon from Skyway when the servers went boom. We didn't even make it to the first mission, haha.
  18. It's actually pretty easy to do. Now that you know the file name (it's listed in the zip file) you can change any song, sound or the likes to a .ogg file, change the name of it to the listed file name, (in your case, cold_loop) and place it in the file destination in your CoH folder. You'll hear your custom sound that you have created. There's really nothing to it. Finding the name of the file is the hardest part. Creating custom SFX can be pretty difficult, but that is a totally different nightmare in itself.
  19. If it can be made an option, I am all for it. I just can't support a forced change on all the players. Options are great, forced changes tend to leave people sour.
  20. And this one is for Arctic Air, same destination as the one above. Data\Sound\Ogg\Powers Arctic_Air_Easy_Listening.zip
  21. This mod cuts the volume of Arctic Fog by a little over half. Destination: Data\Sound\Ogg\Powers Arctic_Fog_Loop_Ear_Saver.zip
  22. The problem is, it can be done instead of forcing it on every player in the game who loves the sound. I have already created a Mod for the Elec Field, and if I need to create one for this too I will. I would rather take teh time to create a mod to lower the volume of Arctic Air than see it changed for people who do not wish it to change. So give me a bit, I'll make the mod and post it here.
  23. Mod is already set up for anyone who wants it. Destination Data\Sound\Ogg\Dog This works for the Umbra Pet in Dark Control and anything else that utilizes these files. This mod lowers the volume of their howls by half. Howling_Mod_Custom.zip
  24. You can edit the files yourself. There is no longer a need for Devs to fade anything out. Not everybody wants them faded out and since you can change the sound to anything you like or silence them all together, Devs no longer need to do this.
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