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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. Fascinating...where do we find them?
  2. The only mods I have ever seen that changes anything graphically are emblems and costumes. I can't recall ever seeing one that changed powers. I'm not going to say it's impossible, just saying I have never seen one.
  3. Thank you! Also, that avatar...I don't know whether to be turned on or creeped out, lol. 😄
  4. I'm pretty sure that the coding for powers is server side, even if we had an art coding guy/gal, it wouldn't do us much good. Have you tried asking in the Suggestions forums?
  5. NVidia just came out with a new patch a few days ago. If you have already downloaded the latest firmware, try rolling it back. If you have not updated the latest firmware, try downloading it and see if that helps.
  6. Almost sounds like you have a bad stick of RAM.
  7. So the description of Ice's Assassin's Ice Sword says, "This power is needed for the Empower and Sweep Combination Attacks." What in the hell is it talking about? Is this a description error? I have played Ice up to level 28 I think, never noticed any combination attacks. Somebody mind explaining this to me?
  8. Heya folks! Just finished (been working on this one for a few weeks now) the brand new SFX Mod for Force Field! For me personally, it gave me a whole new love for Force Field and have actually leveled mine beyond level 32 because of this mod! I wanted this mod to be able to pair well with the Psionic Mod, so I kept that in mind while creating this one. Hope you folks love it and most of all, I hope @The Philotic Knight finds some enjoyment out of this since he is the most experienced Force Field Player that I know of, and his love for the set shows it. You will hear a bit of static in the files when played back, however, this was an evil done in order for the game to play them back at a reasonable volume. When the game plays the mods, the static is pretty much nonexistent. You can find the mod here: You can hear the sounds here: And you can find a multitude of Mods here on @The Philotic Knight's website that is extremely useful in finding information regarding City of Heroes! CoH Community Tools Mods Hope you all enjoy as much as I have!
  9. So I have noticed that other players have been reporting a lot of crashing to Desktop. I had been having the same issue so I dug in to finding a fix. Okay, so I did a couple of things that have fixed it for me. Give this a try and see if it works for you. First, the history. This was completely random when it happened. However, it happened much more often when I would dual box. So since I could get this to happen within minutes after dual boxing, it was much easier to pin point the cause of this. This generated a code 1000 in the event report. The fix for this is to check for corrupted Windows files and run a Restore Health command. Apparently the latest Windows update corrupted a few files and needs to be corrected. Here is how to do it.: Open Command Prompt by typing in the windows search bar, cmd. Command Prompt should pop up as an option, right click on it and run as administrator. in the box, type sfc /scannow and hit enter. allow it to run the full process and allow it to correct any errors found. Once finished, enter a new command, type DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth and hit enter. Allow that to complete and then restart your PC. (optional) I went ahead and disabled Vertical Sync in the game options, mainly because it's not really needed. I did this as an extra precaution but may turn it back on at a later time. Hope this helps with the crashing.
  10. Okay, so I did a couple of things that have fixed it for me. Give this a try and see if it works for you. First, the history. This was completely random when it happened. However, it happened much more often when I would dual box. So since I could get this to happen within minutes after dual boxing, it was much easier to pin point the cause of this. This generated a code 1000 in the event report. The fix for this is to check for corrupted Windows files and run a Restore Health command. Apparently the latest Windows update corrupted a few files and needs to be corrected. Here is how to do it.: Open Command Prompt by typing in the windows search bar, cmd. Command Prompt should pop up as an option, right click on it and run as administrator. in the box, type sfc /scannow and hit enter. allow it to run the full process and allow it to correct any errors found. Once finished, enter a new command, type DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth and hit enter. Allow that to complete and then restart your PC. (optional) I went ahead and disabled Vertical Sync in the game options, mainly because it's not really needed. I did this as an extra precaution but may turn it back on at a later time. Hope this helps with the crashing.
  11. Okay, so I did a couple of things that have fixed it for me. Give this a try and see if it works for you. First, the history. This was completely random when it happened. However, it happened much more often when I would dual box. So since I could get this to happen within minutes after dual boxing, it was much easier to pin point the cause of this. This generated a code 1000 in the event report. The fix for this is to check for corrupted Windows files and run a Restore Health command. Apparently the latest Windows update corrupted a few files and needs to be corrected. Here is how to do it.: Open Command Prompt by typing in the windows search bar, cmd. Command Prompt should pop up as an option, right click on it and run as administrator. in the box, type sfc /scannow and hit enter. allow it to run the full process and allow it to correct any errors found. Once finished, enter a new command, type DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth and hit enter. Allow that to complete and then restart your PC. (optional) I went ahead and disabled Vertical Sync in the game options, mainly because it's not really needed. I did this as an extra precaution but may turn it back on at a later time. Hope this helps with the crashing. I will also make a post about this in General for others who may be having the same issues.
  12. This has actually been happening for YEARS. It started around i5 or 6 and has not been fixed since then. It is rather minor. When this happens it happens with any powers that can take your character off the ground for extended times. Superjump and Flight can cause this. Easy enough fix though, just turn off SJ or Flight and turn it back on. This usually clears it up.
  13. I too have been getting odd crashes and this started the day before yesterday.
  14. Probably not. I love the SFX for Energy and it takes a lot of time to create new and unique sounds for power sets. If you have a specific sound you want them changed to, you can toss it at me and I could make you something just for you, but as far as me creating a new sound and adding it to Energy, that probably wouldn't happen...way too much work for something that I love as is.
  15. Wait, you don't have your racist force field? 😄 In all seriousness, I hear ya, man. I just don't think offensive flags will be too much of an issue. Maybe if we had a system where they could be reviewed before implemented that would help. It would be worth it to players to wait a couple of weeks to have their flag reviewed before being allowed to add it to the costume. At least I wouldn't mind. It's seems like a lot, but at the same time, I think worth the effort.
  16. The problem is, is that people want them. The people that want them are being shut down with primarily PC reasons...reasons that not everyone agrees with. So in order to come up with a viable solution that does not require the Devs to spend endless hours putting in every flag the world has ever seen, that was the only possible viable and inclusive solution. People worrying about, "Well, what if they created penises or vaginas?" were basically answered with, "That's what the report function is for." I remember the same concerns being brought up with AE when it was talked about all those years ago, and it wasn't as big of an issue as people made it out to be then either. We can't keep shutting down ideas over PC reasons. PC issues seem to be popping up with a lot of suggestions and ideas lately and we can't keep saying no over people who are PC. We need to find workarounds that works for people who are PC and people who are not PC. The world does not revolved around either, so there needs to be a middle ground, and having the ability to create your own flag based off simple creation tools is the only viable option. And ugh...the infamous /JRANGER....he was such a troll and was only known for being a troll. I truly wish people would forget that moron. He wasn't exactly the brightest crayon in the box. 😄
  17. I liked it, and to be honest I do like the combat system here as well. I would not change anything about the combat system in this game, and had it been up to me, the combat system in SWTOR would have never changed. (By change, I mean the animations that were changed due to time spent casting, the tree system that was changed to a path system, so forth.) So I would say honestly it's different strokes for different folks. Also to me, it's not about pulling in the largest playerbase, it's about getting a like-minded fan base and then taking care of them, which in turn they would take care of me as a Developer. Players and Developers create a symbiotic relationship. Without one another, there can be no game. I would like to *think* that a game such as that would be able to pull enough loyal fans to keep it going long term. 🙂 SWTOR was not slow paced by any stretch of the imagination. Just curious, you aren't thinking of SWG are you? SWTOR was very fast paced, leaping to your target, fast attacks that chain nicely, procs going off left and right, a tree to pick numerous bonuses and proc options, hybrid builds of the same class, just no "blocking" so to speak. And if we are both thinking of the same game, all I can say is, I loved it. I did not leave that game because of the combat system, I left because they changed the combat system. I actually miss that game in it's early years. I have never tried Pso2. I'll have to take a look at it. Sounds fun. They may have changed some things since I stopped playing CO? All I know is that when I played DPS in those days, I almost always topped the parcers. This was during leveling and after near completed builds. I would send in a pet or two (I always played free forms) that does AoE Damage, then press and hold 3 for Avalanche for AoE Damage and then do the same for Boss fights except instead of Avalanche, I would use Lightening Arc in place of Avalanche. If the Tank died, I was almost always the next target on the Boss's hate list. So that style of playing may not work today, but way back when I played the game, that was always what got me top of the DPS list. I might have to hit the game back up someday to check it out...but honestly, my Hero love is in this game, so I would never go back to playing CO on the regular. I'll check it out though. 🙂
  18. I only have one thing to say to that... DAMMIT JIM!
  19. I can't argue with this. They did have an awesome customization for their characters. It wasn't until they placed a pay wall behind the costume pieces that I snarled at the customization in that game. What I did not like about their combat system, was that I could grab one single target power and one AoE....and then I wouldn't need another attack power again, the rest were more for fluff and show than anything else. Avalanche for example. Once I got Avalanche, all the other AoE Ice powers were useless. Same with single target power. Grab Lightening Arc and just hold down whatever key you have bound to it and never let go. Then there really wasn't much difference in DPS whether you charged a power or if you clicked it a thousand times. I absolutely despised the mechanics of that game. The only thing I honestly liked about them, was the build up power that charged endurance as it attacked...what I didn't like was that it was a toggle. If I were to personally do a Superhero based MMO, I would do it like how SWTOR did their combat system in the early years before all the silly nerfs came along to dummy it down. In fact I would do it exactly like that. No blocks there either...blocks came with animated blocks in response to your dodge/parry roll being higher than the to-hit roll.
  20. I second this. The mechanics of CoH and Champions is completely different. In CoH you can actually miss. In Champions, you take damage always, it's never an actual miss so they needed block to make the hits that didn't glance hurt less. It was also a mechanic to build endurance. CoH should never adopt anything from Champions Online...Champions Online should be a model for everything you SHOULDN'T do in an MMO as far as I am concerned.
  21. Every once in a while, which when I say every once in a while, I actually mean often, Density seems to have zero affect on the player. I first noticed it when a team mate had like 5 stacks of Density on him, yet he was held by an Ice hold from a Crey NPC. Later, I used a revive inspiration and got hit with Density from 3 different players and not a single one of them broke my stun. At this point I started to record for evidence. What you will see, is that my character clearly has 4 or 5 stacks of Density, yet I get knocked back...twice and then shortly after that I get rooted for what appears to be the full duration. Keep in mind I have multiple stacks of Density from different players. Our team is nothing but Kin/Elec Defenders.
  22. Heya folks! Hope everyone is having a good day considering it's not the weekend yet, however, I got lucky and got today off so I was able to finish up my Archery Mod a bit earlier than expected. You can find the mod and others like it on this page; This mod gives the Archery set a more movie like substance that I am sure a lot of you have come to recognize. Video of the SFX is below so that you may hear it before you use it. Hope you all enjoy!
  23. If people want to give Whirling Hands more damage and more range, that's fine. I just don't want to see the other powers that are hard hitting single target damage, have their damage reduced in order to turn them into cones or the likes. With the exception of ET not having its original animation, I like the set as it stands, personally.
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