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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. Oh I fully understand why people like it. However, I rolled an Elec/Ice, not an Ice/Ice. So I came to realize that about the only thing that pairs well with /Ice is Ice...at least for me. I will however roll an Ice/Ice if they ever give the option to give Ice's Assassin's Strike animation the same animation as Spine's Assassin Strike. I honestly can't get passed the current animation enough to be able to enjoy Ice as a primary.
  2. Greycat is correct. There is history there. A long and bitter history. Don't take it personal, @Fortuneteller, it was not aimed at trashing your thread or even trying to derail your thread. For what it's worth, it is a cool ship.
  3. To be fair, those people live in a City of Heroes. Pretty sure as soon as they get out from their vehicle, there is a hero always near to carry them to the front door. This would explain why handicapped parking spaces are not really a big deal in that city.
  4. Man, I am on that page right with you there, my man! 😄
  5. I guess I can see where you are coming from. I guess it's just not my cup of tea. I typically try and find builds that don't require their T9's. That would explain why I feel as though Ice wouldn't work for me. I don't like what Chilling Embrace does on a Stalker and since I skip T9's, Ice Bastion has little value for me on a personal level. So I get ya now, was just curious is all.
  6. Reminds me of DFB, when somebody insisted I cease and desist using Snow Storm during the second boss fight because it, "kills the minions." I informed them that the information on Snow Storm (which I already knew from experience, but players like this do not care about your umpteen years of experience, what they care about are hard provable facts) gives zero numbers for damage or damage types. They kept insisting that it does indeed do damage and if I use it we will not get the badge. This deeply frustrated me because now I am being asked to stop using something that will benefit the team and it was all based off somebody's misinformation that they believed to be fact. So instead of continuing to argue about it, I turned it off and left it be until after the mission was over. After which, I asked her if she would like to help me test it that way we both know for 100% fact (even though I already knew for a fact) and that we can both be sure. She agreed to help me test it. In the end, she realized that it did in fact do zero damage and I was able to help educate her without directly challenging her. In other words, sometimes you just have to use tact instead of hitting them head on. I was able to avoid the argument and educate her without embarrassing her in front of the rest of the team by taking it to tells and testing after the team had broken up. Am I always this cool? No, there has been a couple of times when I was not in the mood and told them to stfu and get with the program...but I do try to be the better person in most situations, lol.
  7. Why even take it then? Wouldn't it just make more sense to go with Energy Aura?
  8. I clarify as a helpful tip in a situation like that. But like you, I typically roll my eyes at outright bad information and leave it be.
  9. Super Strength and Energy Melee, you are absolutely correct. Does not stop me from wanting it though. 😄
  10. I hear ya there, man. Like, God forbid if anyone actually dies in a team mission, or even worse, if it's a team wipe. Heads would roll, lol.
  11. This seems to be growing in popularity. Not the first time I have seen this request. If I remember correctly, everyone was on board with it, it's all up to the Devs at this point.
  12. I want the power set in your avatar to be implemented into the game. That is all.
  13. Working as intended. It is resistible since the patch is avoidable. To resist it, avoid it.
  14. I'm considering ET pre nerf and taking in to the possibility that it will be changed back to its original form.
  15. Why does that look like a meme?
  16. You are taking a pretty hard stance to this, given this game's history (or rather player's history) I can kind of see where it's coming from. However, I did not say every Flag consisted of straight lines...I did emphasize on the word "most." Secondly, straight lines can be moved in any which direction. Maybe even with a drag tool those lines can be bent to help create curvature. If a flag can not be perfectly produced, I am sure people can be creative enough to come up with something close. For an example, I have a character named, Captain Cornwall. Have you seen the flag for Cornwall? I improvised as best I could, but with a tool such as the one mentioned, I could get a lot closer. If I had such a tool available, I could make this costume be a much more closer resemblance to the actual flag. As far as controlling people, the same rules would apply as they do to names. And somebody running around with a penis on their chest, I honestly can't say would get very far without players reporting that player.
  17. Not according to this. They mean to completely dismantle the police department and build a "Security Force" based on feedback from the community. https://www.yahoo.com/news/minneapolis-city-council-announces-plans-150000587.html
  18. Perhaps the best reason behind this is because we don't lock people up without sufficient evidence to justify putting a person behind bars. A video of the indecent leaves little questions and although a video is not always a truthful device (since it can be taken out of context and started after the facts have taken place that lead up to the scene) it is enough evidence to press charges and put an individual behind bars.
  19. I would like to add, the officers responsible for Breonna Taylor's death have been fired, not put on leave, but fired. The Louisville Police broke in to the wrong house, and the officer responsible for providing the incorrect address and information is not going to just walk...they are going to hang that individual. This was not a race related incident. This was a policy incident that should have never been allowed to begin with. This is not the first time police had broken in to the wrong person's home. That last time something like this made the news was when it happened to a white man and his wife. The man thought he was being invaded by criminals and produced a shotgun, in which got him killed by the police. This happens far too often and the laws need to change. This has nothing to do with race and everything to do with policy. Exactly, this was not so much race related, but rather policy related. Police breaking in with a no warrant invasion is the core of the problem with this particular case. Laws need to be reviewed and rewritten so that this type of situation never happens again.
  20. And two times now you would be wrong. There is clearly a defensive tone in this thread and to be honest, I seem to be the only person here who has not given their opinion one way or another, but have rather tried keeping this thread and people's attitudes toward one another at a respectful tone. Also, again, "because you are white" is not an argument that holds any credence. It is an argument by authority that indicates that if you are whtie, you do not have the authority to voice your opinion. Being white is not a disqualification, yet some posters are saying things that indicate otherwise. Even better, what the poster that was accused of being white said, turned out to be very much true. I have interpreted correctly on both statements and defense to those corrections has proven it.
  21. Not to mention, this day and age, finding an unbiased source is near impossible. Even media who claim they are unbiased are clearly biased to one side or the other.
  22. I have an even better question than that...how could you possibly perceive that statement as anything otherwise in reference to the quote it was made under?
  23. Why do you say that with a vilifying tone? Are people who are white not allowed to contribute to the discussion? Are people who are white not allowed to disagree? Is somebody being white a negative thing? I'm curious what you intended to convey with this statement.
  24. Very nice break down of what is true. Thank you. Hopefully this statement does not escape people's eye.
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