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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. @Sovera Here is that mod you have asked for. All you need to do is unzip it and drop the Data folder in your CoH folder. Don't worry if you already have a Data folder, it will not delete it. If it asks to replace folders, say no and it will only place the folders needed. Hope this is more soothing to you. You will never hear the screaming sound again...not from you or anyone else. I personally like it, but I understand and this is the very reason that promoted me to make these mods. 🙂 Enjoy! Fire Sword.zip
  2. @Vanden Going to send you a private message. Something is going on here that you might be interested in.
  3. Okay, then it was not your mod, it was the other icon mod. Thanks, man. I'll redownload yours again later!
  4. Update. I fixed it deleting the GUI folder all together.
  5. Hey @Vanden I just downloaded both that one and the other one and got this message upon game crash when launching. File "texture_library/GUI/Icons/Enhancements/E_ICON_AchillesHeel.textureE_ICON_AchillesHeel.textureE_ICON_AchillesHeel.textureE_ICON_AchillesHeel.texture" is misnamed, containing texture named "E_ICON_AchillesHeel"! I have since deleted both mods and I'm still getting the crash along with the same message. Is there any fix to this or will I need to redownload CoH from scratch?
  6. Uploaded all of my mods minus a few personal mods. They *should* all be available for anyone to download. I would like to say, it looks like those mods will get pretty cumbersome after a while, the more mods are uploaded, the more difficult it will be for people to sift through them. So maybe a quality of life column, then a Sounds SFX Column, then a Graphics Column? Just tossing the idea around. I am no coder so I have no idea how easy or difficult that would be...so I leave that up to you, especially since you have done plenty and way more than anyone expects to begin with. P.S. I have directed anyone who frequents my thread to your Mod Tool. I would like to eventually make the complete transition.
  7. It's a long title, but honestly I wanted to make sure I got the point across without feeling like I mislead anyone in to reading this. So basically, as some of you may know, I create SFX mods for the community. Most of them are mods that are open to anyone who wants them free of charge. It's my way of giving back to the community and it's my way of showing my gratitude for those who brought the game back for all of us hard core fans! You are probably saying to yourself, "yeah yeah, shut up and get on with it, dude...I'm not getting any of this time back out of my life reading this!" Okay okay! Settle down, I got you! Really, it's no problem, out with it then! So I have a couple of mods that I have been keeping for myself because...well...honestly, I cannot imagine there being very many people who would even care about them enough to justify making them available for all. What these two mods do is that one of them gives back Spines Stalkers and Dark Stalkers that Classic Spook sound upon hitting your target with Assassin's Strike. For some reason, after i9 or so, the Original Devs removed that sound effect and tied it in to the Placate instead of the Assassin's Strike....which to me was just....why? It was perfect right where it was! I suppose a Dev disagreed and they moved it anyway. So I simply...fixed...what they unfixed? Shame on me, I know...but you know me! So, I am curious if anyone would be interested in this mod. If so, I will happily make it available to the community, if not, no big deal, I made the mod for my personal use anyway...but if enough people are interested, I will gladly make it readily available! Second mod is rather simple, and chances are nobody but me has ever even thought about it...Bone Smasher. I never understood why all the other Energy Melee powers had that snap burst in your face sound effect, but Bone Smasher got the short end of the stick there. It hits harder that the two powers before it, yet sounds like it hits like a puppy instead. So...well...you know me...I "fixed" that and now it sounds like it smashes just as hard as the other powers! So, if any one of these two SFX Mods are something you guys and gals would be interested in, let me know on this thread! If it looks like enough people would be interested in them, I'll come off the personal goodies and will share like I have Reece's Pieces!
  8. There have been many threads on this...short answer, Devs are trying to figure out a way to balance it *if* they decide to implement it...and yes, I was one of the people who made a post on this and argued until I was blue in the face in favor of the idea. 😄
  9. I had one on live during the Ninjas Herding days.
  10. Nobody believed hackers could infiltrate the game in those days...until I recorded one. Enjoy! Or...rather...sorry you can never unsee this once you have seen it, lol.
  11. I went with Dark/Elec Scrapper and then built for Defense to Melee and high Resist to all. Dark is great because it activates quickly and then Shadow Maul is a Speedster like power. Great concept character and great survival/DPS.
  12. I got it, hence the Dual Blades mod being finished. I just PLed a scrapper to level 12 picked up the ability and used that before deleting the scrapper, heh. Thanks anyway, man.
  13. Heya folks, want to keep this short and simple, but the new Dual Blades Lightsaber SFX mod is up and ready. Check out my Solaverse's SFX Mods thread in the Tools forums for more info!
  14. I'll tackle this once I finish working with The Philotic Knight and his Modder Program. So it's next on my list. Hang in there. 🙂
  15. PART 2 Katana/Ninja Blade and *THE NEW* Dual Blade Lightsaber SFX Mod! (Detailed Explanation) Note: There is a new method to adding this mod that simplifies things for mods that require multiple destinations. Please follow the new instructions! As per request, this is a Mod that completely changes Katana, Dual Blades and Ninja Blade's SFX and turns them in to living and breathing Lightsabers straight out of Star Wars! For any Star Wars fans out there who are using the Energy Blade skins for their weapons, this will be right up your alley! These sounds have been put in video format so that you may "try it before you buy it" type deal and can be viewed at the bottom of this thread! 🙂 Instructions (Destructions?) First, unzip the file beneath the instructions and open the Lightsaber2 folder. Find your City of Heroes folder and open it up. (New Instructions) Once you have the City of Heroes Folder open, click and drag the Data Folder inside the Lightsaber2 Folder and drop it in your CoH Folder. If prompted to replace files, click yes. The rest will happen on its own. (Suggestion to help make your life easier!) Go to this website CoH Modder Tool and download the CoH Modder tool Within the Modder tool are numerous mods and mroe mods are added almost daily. This tool will load and unload specific mods at will, extremely useful! @The Philotic Knight has made this possible and a special thank you to him! (If you do not have a Data Folder) If you do not have a Data Folder, no worries, dropping the data folder from the Lightsaber2 mod will automatically create one and all sub folders within. Enjoy! Zip file below. Enjoy! Lightsaber2.zip
  16. Okay, I have it finished, but I need to adjust volumes of both that set and the Katana set. The volume is a bit too high and need some adjustments before I release the Mod. Also, starting with this mod I am looking to incorporate the program that @The Philotic Knight made so taht people can load and unload the mod so that they only hear the sound effects when playing that particular character. Since a lot of mobs use the same sound effects, it sounds funny watching Rikti pull out their sword/axe and you hear a lightsaber ignite. So especially with this mod, I think it would be best if people can load and unload this particular mod rather than sifting through two different folders and manually loading and unloading them which can be a headache, especially since it's difficult to tell the difference between the Katana and Dual Blades mods as they have similar file names...some of which are shared between the two. P.S. I need somebody who has a Scrapper who has the AoE, Typhoone's Edge and Confront so I can test to make srue that my mods cover those SFX. I am on Excelsior server, any help would be great. Look me up @Solarverse if you are willing to help.
  17. Yeah, if you catch them in mid animation you can prevent PFF...there is like a 1.5 (not an exact number) second window from the time they start the animation to the time PFF activates that if timed right, you can interrupt their PFF and put them to sleep. All the same, I would be tickled pink if Flash Freeze worked more like Static Field. I would literally do the jig. 😄
  18. You are absolutely correct. Static Field was the power I was speaking of. Glad you caught that.
  19. Back in the early days before that command was created, we used to be able to use a bind that would grant us the ability to have clear backgrounds in our chat bubbles. When they created that command for the bases, somehow it interfered with the chat bubble commands and now we can no longer create those chat bubbles. Since you guys are looking in to getting rid of them, can you also make it so we can get those chat bubbles back?
  20. The only way I can even see Flash Freeze being any good in this game on a Troller, Dom or any other AT, is by placing the Superior Frozen Blast Proc in it, which is just another Immob Proc. Sure, it's good for dropping Force Field Bubbles on those pesky CoT Bosses, but those bosses are no more once you pass a certain level and are traded out for other Boss types. In today's game, a one time sleep is pretty useless IMO, but has such a nice SFX and animation, I hate seeing it go to waste. I can see it being good solo...very good solo, but for teams, not so much. With all the AoE going around, the one time sleep is pretty pointless. Synaptic Overload on the other hand works very differently; not only does it put them to sleep, but it also puts them back to sleep if they take damage. I can see Flash Freeze being a very useful tool in today's game-play if it were changed to be more like Synaptic Overload. In its current state, I find it to be a very outdated mechanic that could benefit from today's mechanics of Synaptic Overload. Just tossing that out there and seeing what kind of bites it pulls in.
  21. Nope, not all. Just the first couple. Still working on it, will probably have it ready by the end of next weekend.
  22. Hahaha, all these people thinking powers. How about I take a shot at it. NPC costume parts for players. 😉
  23. No, they were not changed on any of the classes because they do not share that "wobble" sound effect that the other powers have. That SFX Mod was created because a player had requested that I find something different to replace the "wobble" SFX for the single target powers. So no, you did it right and you are not missing any files. 🙂
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