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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. If people want to give Whirling Hands more damage and more range, that's fine. I just don't want to see the other powers that are hard hitting single target damage, have their damage reduced in order to turn them into cones or the likes. With the exception of ET not having its original animation, I like the set as it stands, personally.
  2. I honestly don't want to see Energy Melee turn in to an AoE set. I feel like we have enough of those. The fact that Energy Melee is Single Target Hard hitting focused is one of the few reasons that attracts me to the set. We have plenty of AoE-centric sets, please, let's not turn Energy Melee into one of those. Pretty please?
  3. I can see that being a valid point. It's along the lines of calling somebody a Trumptard or the likes. So I can respect that. Good call.
  4. What symbol have people gone to war over? I'm a huge history buff, so if this is true then you have caught my interest and I would like the chance of being educated here, but according to what I have learned, war has always been over pursuit of power, religion, money, land and jealousy. I cannot recall any war even being waged over a symbol...at least not yet. The only symbols that bring any harsh feelings are the Rebel Flag and the swastika, however, no war has been waged over those two symbols. We do have symbols though that according to some, may get upset over...as in perhaps the Star that most use to represent the United States. Although to the best of my recollection, nobody has even gotten upset over it...at least not yet.
  5. Wait, what? I thought hats got rid of the hair?
  6. They probably will complain about it now that you have mentioned it, lol. This is actually quite ridiculous. Once upon a time, people weren't so easily offended.
  7. You know, you have all types of people who see the world with different perspectives. People who believe Racism is just everywhere you look and that everyone must be racist. Then you have the people who are just completely blind to racism and actually think it only exists in people's minds. Then you have the people who can step outside the box and take a logical look at it all and know that racism exists, but it's neither all or none...it's somewhere in between. Then you have some people who are desperate to want the world to know they aren't racist, which just makes them look even more racist when they say and do things that is way out of the way with their attempt to prove they aren't racist. Then you have the people who are completely racist and they want the world to know all about it. Then you have the people who aren't racist, but they don't feel the need to prove anything to anyone. They just live their lives without caring if you think they are racist or if you think they are not racist. it does not matter to them one way or another, because they know what they are, and they don't need anyone's approval to feel good about themselves. All I can say is for 100% fact is this...regardless of how you see the world, you must recognize the insanity of the people in the world right now. Everyone has just completely lost it and are feeding off each other's heightened emotions. You also must recognize that the majority of the people in the world all want the same things...a peaceful and enlightening existence where we all are allowed to live out our lives without fear of others. We all want this world to be a better place for everyone. We just can't seem to agree on how to get there. To address your question, I honestly don't think he/she said anything stupid. He/she just has a different point of view from a different perspective. I do see racism in the world still existing; and then I also see people calling out racism where there was none. This whole flag thing seems to have hit a touchy subject when racism was brought into the conversation shortly after it was mentioned that people might feel offended because their country might not get represented. I think it kind of built up from there and flew off in to left field somewhere. I get the premise of what @ZeeHero was trying to say though, the whole thing with racism and people being offended over a their flag not being represented seems very unfounded. I think this was where the SJW's comment came in, people speaking for others when others have a voice of their own. It's people worrying about things before there is even anything to worry about, people over thinking things instead of finding helpful solutions. I assume this is what @ZeeHero was trying to make a point about. I agree to some extent. I do think people are making a much bigger deal than what it actually is. People are speaking up and taking a stand for countries that may not even have anyone playing this game. We should all relax and just try to be a bit more patient with one another. And if what I said was "stupid" then that's okay, if that's the dumbest thing I have ever said, I think I can live with that. 😄
  8. Not what I meant at all. I was simply using that as a previous example of what can happen when players have open access to powers they want without having to play the AT they don't want. Scrappers for me was such an AT that I did not like, but played one anyway and enjoyed Dark/Dark as a Scrapper because at the time, that was the only way to play that set. I used Red side and how red side became a ghost town after players were allowed to play villains as heroes; as an example to help strengthen my opinion was all. Not that I felt it would push players to play red side. I am guilty of this as well. 😄
  9. Take ET back to its original animation and the set is good. No need to over complicate the set.
  10. If they just gave them more headroom and wider tunnels my giant Tank would appreciate it.
  11. We each have our opinions, I was just giving mine. Trust me, I know I am the minority in my thoughts...but they still remain my thoughts. 🙂
  12. Street Justice started off that way. However, I didn't agree with it being that way. I will say this; the OG Devs have made so many mistakes with this game that it's completely broken and unfixable. Yes, it does. I will touch up a bit on this after responding to your final statement. Because of the OG Devs' they have made playing Red side completely barren. Villains should have never been able to play as Heroes and vice versa. That idea completely negated the whole point of being a Villain. They should have set up some strict rules to switching sides. Requirement 1, being level 50 and have all Red Side Strike Forces completed. Having all Red side Location Badges, having completed all of the co-op zone missions and and badges associated with those zones. They should have made it a challenge, they should have made it to where if players wanted their villains to be heroes, they would need to work to get there. Instead, what we got was level 1 Stalkers looking for teams in Atlas Park, Brutes completely dominating the Tank (until recently) roles, Corruptors being preferred over Defenders because they do more damage and Red side's population being nothing but a waste land with barely anyone playing there. The population went void in no time flat...and this happened before shut down. So we can't blame the current population of HC for that one. Now, back to your second statement. After saying what I have just stated about the state of red side, we not only have villains playing as heroes, leaving no real incentive for players to play red side, we have went and stirred more chaos in to the pot by pretty much granting every AT the same powers, leaving less of an incentive to play those AT's. For an example; I don't particularly like playing Scrappers. Once upon a time I was unable to play Dark Melee unless I played a Scrapper. Dark Melee was my incentive to play Scrappers. Suddenly, instead of giving Stalkers a new primary set that has not been seen yet, the Devs made the lazy decision to port Dark Melee over to Stalkers. Now I have no reason to play Scrappers again, because there is nothing unique about a Scrapper's powersets. They are the same as a Brute/Stalker and now Tank. There are very few powersets that are strictly owned by one class...actually, I can only think of one...and that is Illusions. The OG Devs got lazy, instead of creating more unique powersets, they just ported over existing ones. As it stands now, if you want Super Strength you are going to have to play a Brute or a Tank. That is your only options. And now we want to further add to the problem by giving it to Stalkers and Scrappers too. The damage that has been done to this game has already been done. There is no turning back and no fixing it. I for one would not want to see that same kind of mistake repeated with HomeComing. Thee are my personal reasons that I feel the madness of power porting needs to end...it shouldn't have ever started to begin with IMO.
  13. Why you haten on crooks? Some of the finest fishen hoes are in crooks. Best cat fishen ever. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Crooked+Creek,+KY+41562/@37.4228751,-82.5167898,14z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x88456a403183d579:0xd6fcc72fe7677714!8m2!3d37.4228769!4d-82.4992802
  14. Street Justice is already perfect for Scrappers too. They don't need Super Strength.
  15. Well, I gave my reasons for why I felt things would be better over all for everyone and encouragements to top it off. I think I'll leave it at that and let everyone make up their own minds. 🙂
  16. The idea is to link a percentage of a chance (a higher one than the chance for a very rare drop, since the chance as it currently stands isn't enough for players to justify killing mobs) with raising the aggro cap for a hopefully more productive game play. The issue is that there is no incentive for level 50 players to kill mobs. I mean there is incentive, but clearly it is not enough of an incentive. The idea is to give incentive to A: Raise aggro cap so that more players than just the players who are fine with the aggro cap as is, can once again have fun killing mobs. And B: Make killing mobs worth people's time instead of them skipping them, by both raising the aggro cap AND adding a decent percentage of a chance for a merit to drop. So in this logic, I think it very well does have something to do with the aggro cap. Which kind of was my point. The chance for very rare drops is not high enough for players to justify killing mobs. So we put a worm on the end of the hook by having a higher chance for a merit to drop...a chance high enough that players feel killing mobs is worth it. Clearly right now, players just feel it isn't worth their time. I would like to see that changed at some point in the future. Having aggro would offer rewards if there were rewards to be had.
  17. Because the Heal Mod had not reached Cap yet? Pretty sure Heal mods have no cap. I could be wrong though.
  18. Not related to City of Heroes, but this was some really great PvP in SWTOR, open world. Lots of fun in those days before the nerf bat hit everything and completely removed the tree to custom build.
  19. Oh for sure, the poop strikes are the worst. This is why I am hoping and praying that all Assassin Strike animations will at some point be given the option to be changed to the Spines/Elec/Psionic Assassin's Strike animation. The impaling animation (which is what I call it) fits a Stalker perfectly for me. I have a hard time using any Stalker primary that does not have that animation.
  20. @Greycat You do bring up a point that I think needs to be discussed. You said something along the lines of, "people race to the end and kill Boss X in order to hurry the process of getting the merit rewards at the end." This brings my thoughts to the realm of, perhaps we should give mobs a percentage of a chance to drop a merit. That would then make fighting mobs on the way to bosses worth the effort rather than skipping them. Couple this with increasing the aggro limit to 30 and I think we have a win/win here.
  21. I would say that the argument "I need to protect my team and I can't do that if the team pulls more than my aggro limitations" would apply more to the leveling up experience more than it would end game. As you have pointed out, the end game isn't really players made of cardboard anymore. So in that I concede, however, I do think it would apply and make a much more riskier and funner experience while leveling up to 50. After 50, it probably wouldn't matter one way o the other anymore.
  22. To be fair, people only expected what Jack Emmert told them it was. In fact, this is what Jack told everyone. After watching this and then seeing what Star Trek Online actually was...you can see where the huge disappointment came from. I won't discuss it further though, since as the OP pointed out, this was not the intent of their thread. Save this conversation for another thread perhaps.
  23. Here is the problem with the *No* vote arguments that I am seeing. The standard arguments are; Tanks aggroed entire maps and killed everything in seconds. People don't want to go back to "wait here" times. First, to cover argument number one; Nobody has asked for the old school 200 NPC limitation to be re-implemented. People have however asked for the limit to be increased to 30 NPCs. Second, to cover argument number two; increasing the aggro cap will not bring back the "wait here" days. Increasing the aggro cap to 30 is not enough to warrant this type of game play. To further cover a few points, 30 NPC aggro limitations should be implemented. As it stands now, the game plays like some very cheap B-Rate movie, where NPCs take turns to get their butts kicked, rather than working together to bring down their foes. You get 17 max fighting their hearts out, while the others just stand around with their fingers up their noses, waiting their turn. It's extremely strange and extremely unrealistic, even for a video game based on unrealistic worlds. It's like watching an old Karate movie from the 70's. People were told to "wait here" by a very minority of Tank players. The only Tanks that would say "wait here" were herding Tanks who were designed to do one thing...withstand Smashing/Lethal damage. They were herding Tanks and outside of power leveling through herding Smashing/Lethal damage type NPC's, they were utterly useless. Fire Tanks (who were the primary instigators of this) were extremely squishy outside of Smashing/Lethal damage. I remember people not really wanting Fire Tanks for a Synapse run, because they had zero Psi resist and went down like a sack of potatoes. There were many Tanks in those days, only one of them were really built for herding. I was on many teams in those days that did not herd maps. That was far and few in between. Teams that I was on had no issues kicking Tanks that wanted to herd maps. That being said, 30 NPCs is not worth herding. It would be a waste of time just as it is a waste of time now. It will however make things feel a bit more realistic. Want to know what is the big problem now that has happened instead? Instead of Tanks herding maps, now we have players skipping everything and running straight to the end. This did not happen in the old days because the XP was actually worth it before the aggro cap was decrease. So now, since you can only aggro 17 max, players are just skipping all the mobs and making a straight B-Line to the end of the map to kill the boss and move on. So lowering the aggro cap fixed nothing, it simply gave way to new problems. Also, now Tanks and Brutes have AE to herd all they want to, so there is no need to do this on a team anymore, AE did not exist before. Times have changed, play styles have changed, and the reasons and fears people are expressing for their reasons not to raise the aggro cap to 30 are completely unfounded and simply would not happen in today's mechanics and settings. Raising the aggro cap to 30 simply will not result in the fears that are expressed. The aggro cap IMVSO does indeed need to be raised. Going from 200 to 17 was extreme as hell. It was more of a punishment than it was a justified action. 30 is a perfect number to prevent mobs from just standing around doing nothing while you are whooping up on their buddies. Game play will not change, especially if you as a player do not permit it. I for one, if a Tank started herding on my team, I would remove said Tank from the team. No big deal. This game has every reason to raise the aggro cap IMO.
  24. I'm going to grab my fishing boat, head out to the lake and play my bass guitar.
  25. You're right. Sorry for my injection of my personal views toward real life issues. I honestly did not mean to derail the thread. I just chimed in on what the current conversation had lead in to. I'll stop. 🙂 Promise.
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