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Everything posted by Chuckers

  1. EVERYTHING!!!! TOMORROW!!!! 🤣 I just want to be able to play. I would like to see more content, not just end content.. The Wharf looks like a great co-op zone.
  2. Thanks.. I find it interesting the GDF doesn't work when it is the same hold applied multiple times. Maybe it should?
  3. When I get my sing, I'll find out.. it says no matter who casts it... Although the sing isn't actually a who.. more of a what...
  4. I had a question about Impact! for Gravity Controllers and I was told that in Issue 22 it was added: Impact! introduced: Enemies attacked with Lift or Propel will have bonus damage applied if the enemy has been recently held by Gravity Distortion (regardless of who cast Gravity Distortion). Last night, I got my controller the Gravity Distortion Field power.. which is Gravity Distortion multi hit. When I used it and the followed up with Lift and Propel on an enemy, I did not get an Impact! bonus. Is this working as intended or should I get it for the AOE as well as the single target?
  5. Do you know if this is supposed to be for BOTH Distortion powers? It works on the single target Gravity Distortion. But last night I got Gravity Distortion Field (aoe hold) and when I propel-ed a statue at one of the held targets, I didn't get an Impact! bonus. I want to report this as a bug if it truly is one.
  6. I loved the year they froze all the water in Paragon... That will never again... but it was SO much fun for those of us who didn't have characters stuck under the ice in Perez 🙂 I remember using my NRG blaster to play hockey with the hydra 🙂
  7. Wasn't Sonic the power set that so many people complained about the animations and sounds that they changed almost everything during the power's beta?
  8. Thank you all! I hadn't played a Grav controller in a LONG time!
  9. I have a grav/dark controller and I am seeing "IMPACT!" flash above enemies heads when I damage them. I do not remember seeing this before and I have questions. It seems to only happen when the enemies is both held AND immobilized, is that a correct assumption? Is IMPACT! specific to Grav controllers? I don't remember seeing it on my ILL/Kin, but I haven't actually looked for it. Is this something new to Homecoming or was it in Live also? Thanks in advance 🙂
  10. Hey, I don't care if negotiations take 10 years, as long as the they keep going, I can keep playing.. it's when they stop, that I'll get concerned 😉
  11. Actually, you do kill people... If you've played some arcs in Preatoria, there is at least one mission where you kill a contact and that contact is removed from your map. The devs had just started with the 'player instanced' zones when CoX was shut down. I believe there would have been more of them if the game had been kept alive. If you want bad, run Weston Phipps arcs in Grandville. In the Mayhem missions, you can 'kill' citizens. In fact, there is a badge for killing 1000 civilians.
  12. Well, everyone else on the team laughed... 🤣
  13. And there was the time we were in an office, the tank herded about 100 enemies and went into a side room by accident.. The enemies all clogged the doorway and he couldn't get out. He ran out of end, his toggles dropped and he died. The end.
  14. At least you can't die from a fall with full health... like you could early in the game.
  15. Unfortunately, when I get transmogrified into a monkey, I seem to only have time to fart once before I return to normal. I think the recharge on that power needs to be shortened ALOT! If I am going to be able to fart in the game, I want to produce gaseous clouds ALL OVER THE PLACE!
  16. I made the mistake of installing it in /downloads because I thought it was going to pointedly ask me for a directory for the install. I moved everything from the install to c:\coh and changed the directory in tequila and it all works fine.
  17. On rare occasions, the chant becomes "notamonkey, notamonkey, notamonkey... f@ck"
  18. No, I only say it while on Discord and I haven't teamed using Discord with anyone who doesn't know me 🙂
  19. That's why I always chant "notamonkey, notamonkey, notamonkey" when I activate the power... it seems to work 98% of the time.
  20. Isn't that kinda dumb when you can email yourself inf?
  21. I petitioned this as a bug and was asked to post it here. So, I am 🙂 At the end of Preator Duncan's Arc in Dark Astoria, you are given the opportunity to do her personal story mission. (As you do with several contacts there.) When you do these personal missions, you run the mission as the person who gave it to you. In this case, my character was to become Preator Duncan. When I entered the mission, I still looked like my character from the back and I had my Phantom with me.. which was odd because ll of my powers were greyed out (as they should be.. it's non-combat). When I finished the mission, I turned the camera to look at my character head on. I noticed that my character had Preator Duncan's face, body, and costume. It also had my character's pencil skirt, butterfly wings, and aura. The costume for the arc needs to be fixed to not have any of the player character pieces showing. (This is not a game breaking issue, just a cosmetic fix.)
  22. I didn't know it wasn't doing any damage.. I just thought it was a crap power I needed to respec out of....
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