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Everything posted by Chuckers

  1. I'll agree that the doors you can't click because someone else clicked it first make me all sorts of stabby. 😉
  2. Pineapples belong on a plate by themselves or in a Dolewhip from Disney World/Disneyland. They do NOT go on pizza... EVER. I have spoken.
  3. AND THEN THE CHRISTMAS WINTER EVENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I love the new missions! However, I have toons that have outleveled them... are they available in Oro??
  5. I know.. sorry for duplicating your information 🙂
  6. Superior, but you still have to do damage to get XP. Unlike Pets that can take out an enemy without your help and you'll still get full XP, if you don't do some portion of damage the confused mob is working on, you won't get any xp.
  7. I have to agree with Steampunkette. Confused mobs are NOT pets. They don't follow you around, they don't aggro enemies even when they attack them, they can't be dismissed, and once the confuse has worn off, they will attack you.
  8. Really? With ALL the P2W stuff, DFB, DIB, and AE farming, people are still to freakin' lazy to level a toon? Thank you for getting rid of these people.
  9. Players have collision issues with NPCs... We're Heroes, dammit!!! They should move out of OUR way.... or Villains and they should RUN out of our way.
  10. OMG! I think I found someone who plays almost like me!!! I move with the wasd keys and fire off all my powers with the number pad!! Numpad1-0 for tray 1, Alt+numpad1-0 for tray two, and ctrl+numpad1-0 for tray three! I like the shift+numpad for team select.. I may have to add that for my controllers/defenders/etc. I've also added numpad+ for target nearest enemy, numpad- for target previous enemy. A very useful bind for all my melee toons is numpad* (multiply) target_enemy_near$$follow. Shift+y is always Fly I've also set w to "+forward$$e flypose3" (This only changes the flypose when I release the W key, so I use it in conjunction with R or I press the W twice.) Shift+J is "super jump$$combat jumping" so I can toggle between the two for my jumpers Also on my jumpers I've got numpad0 bound to "ninja run$$combat jumping" since I want to run in missions and I forget to turn CJ back on when I stop running. I have several binds for talking in the different chats.
  11. I wish they could change the AI so that ranged henchmen would only use brawl when the ENEMY gets within melee range. Especially if you have your henchies in bodyguard mode, they should never leave your side.
  12. Mystic Flight would be great if I could actually slot range into the teleport power like it says when I level. I have respeced out of Mystic Flight on almost every character because the teleportion is not worth the end usage.
  13. I have a crab and my friend has a widow... when we team, we are nigh unstoppable. It's pretty great because all the leadership buffs stack between the two. With my crab, I did have to get a proc (Miracle chance for end, I believe) to help make him not suck wind during a fight.
  14. It was run in live for a little while, but then the data mining showed that the number of names released was minimal and they stopped running it. They have the code for HC, but one of the devs said they are not running it as of this time.
  15. Color tintable chest hair for male characters! Monstrous fur only works with open jackets.
  16. Interesting point, I NEVER read a super hero comic before playing CoX. Growing up, I had a few Archie comic books, but super heroes never interested me. After playing this game, I have bought a couple of super hero comic books and I have totally gotten into all the movies.. I think the only one I have never seen is "Spawn." The funny thing is that Marvel and DC HAVE made money off of this game.. in an indirect way. They've gotten me as a consumer. So, in essence, other people creating clones helped lead me to the real thing. While I don't believe in making clones, and I kinda get upset when I see a Mr. Incredible in a red and yellow costume, I let it go and let them have their fun. If it comes down to something that may shut this game down, I will report them. Until that point, play to your heart's content... just keep in mind that rules may change later on.
  17. I just made a Peacebringer named "And Jelly." I don't know if anyone will get my humor...
  18. I wish Dillo would get his own story arc somewhere in the 20's.
  19. Something else I thought of that I would like to see.. It's a simple QoL feature, but I would love to have a better way of searching badges. The drop down categories need expansion. I'd like to see a drop down choice for TF's, Safeguard/Mayhem, etc. Trying to see if I've done a Mayhem Mission already is kinda tough when I am not exactly sure of the badge name. It's not very intuitive to where certain badges are located.
  20. and then they need to be able to break out into a full blown musical number like in West Side Story.
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