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Everything posted by TheAdjustor

  1. 1. Fury, bruising, assasination as minigames ? well if it's a minigame for you why not. You obviously haven't played an IOed out scrapper lately seeing as they all have their own little minigame going with crit procs. 2. Glad you have an opinion. Unfortunately opinions are like rear ends, everyone has one. What counts is numbers and you don't have any of your own. You are using pylon thread data and complaining look what these people can do. 3. No what you mean is other people who have been doing pylon testing have results that you don't like. There's plenty of ways to test, simplest would be to run a +4x8 farm map and see what your clear time is. Then tell us how your TW/BIO tweaked build does, preferably with a video and export of the build. Oh then again actually doing the tests and comparisons that are needed to properly make a case would be work.
  2. Street Justice, Staff , Dual Blades and Momentum all called. They want to know if you are willing to share what you are smoking.
  3. Only if you have a very narrow view of what can and should be adjusted. This is pretty obviously a troll thread, It has no data except pylon times as done by people other than those calling for a nerf and what's more from what I have seen most of the people calling for a nerf don't even understand or don't wish to come clean about why pylon times are a bad measure. The arguments are just flat out poor and the very title is meant to provoke. So yes there is some need for adjustment
  4. You know there was a reason nerf herding wasn't permitted on the live forums.
  5. I am sorry I didn't see his post, but even so you are still creating a straw man. The topic is letting support characters benefit from the buffs they give others not giving them melee armor sets, not if they should be given melee armor sets or some sort of equivalent.
  6. I am sorry but that's a strawman and a distraction. Nobody has asked for anything of the kind. What has been been said is that buffers should get benefits to themselves similar to what they give the rest of the team. What's more you deliberately gloss over the other half of the equation that ranged powersets with the exception of very few edge cases (flying enemies, for example) are objectively inferior.
  7. That would be a question of armors vs defense buffs. Lets look at that. Super Reflexes(scrapper) vs Force Field(corruptor). SR (scrapper) Status Protection: Mag 10+ vs KB,Stun,Sleep, Hold, Immob plus KB Resistance Recharge Time Bonus: Achieves 43.4% def to all positions with just SOs. (can softcap if you take concealment as well) Scaling Damage Resistance 63% Defense Debuff Resistance FF (corruptor) Status protection: 10+ Hold Stun Immob Falls just short of softcapping with SOs No Debuff Resistance It's pretty clear forcefield on a corruptor would be close but weaker than SR on a scrapper but that's half the story. The scrapper's primary does considerably more damage than the corruptors. Comparing Say Claws vs Archery( both fast S/L sets with minimal secondary effects) it's a laugh. The corruptor isn't in the same league as the scrapper and that's before even considering self buffing which just makes things worse. So the question is really should support characters be gimped on both offense and personal defense or should they be at least able to have personal defense ?
  8. Brings up that big gap in sets in the Castle era, where debuff oriented sets would have almost all their powers available to them solo while a buffer would lose half their abilities without a team . If you look at time or nature though(both post castle sets) the powers are pretty much all available and useful solo and overall both are very comparable to older top end sets. Controllers at least have the pets though.
  9. Well I tried doing the pylon test with my Claws/EA brute a couple weeks back, the DPS was rather miserable. Claws on a brute is not very proc friendly and it was a build that was geared toward AOE damage (shockwave had KB->KD pproc) every set bonus that could patch a hole in my defense was pursued, recharge was ruthlessly pursued to get energize near permanent. As a side effect I noticed I hadn't had to even use energize while fighting the pylon, what's more after the challenge I let my character do the "read paper" emote next to the pylon till he got the AFK notice. I may sound something of an elitist here but from what I see +4 seems to be the new norm. While I can't say I am particularly fond of this, I much prefer going for speed TFs as it actually takes teamwork and some planning not having a bunch of tanky toons in the team, +4 does seem to be where things are. There is a certain validity to it when you consider incarnate content.
  10. I actually have an Archery/TA that's incarnated out and has a reasonable build. The damage just isn't there. I am not sure but I doubt even fire can break 300 dps all at range.
  11. So nice to see this thread here. I remember back on live starting a similar thread on live. Let me make a comment to those that feel they like difficulty associated with not being able to do this. DON'T If you want the challenge of not having full benefit of your characters abilities don't use them. It's a very easy thing to see especially with the benefit of time that the original devs gimped entire ATs in a goal to get players to pound their heads against a wall trying to get them into the average zone. Let's take the example of FF/Blank defender. Solo they lose about half the benefit of their primary and on teams they are dependent on whoever is holding aggro to actually hold aggro. It's garbage. This is hardly the only example, what I would not give for a blaster secondary that is DAMAGE AT RANGE, not pretend to be a melee toon to do good damage.
  12. You probably want to try and coordinate with Plumpkln he was the force behind doing classic Hami on Indom.
  13. Well it's certainly bad for the concept of pylon testing but it's pretty good for the idea of DPS testing with a survivable build. Far too many of the builds that have been posting great numbers have been minimally survivable and very S/L focused. While they may not have been purposefully optimized for killing pylons, the builds fall well within that space.
  14. Nailed it. Already seeing Hami Raids just not happening, suspect it will get worse. Most of the people going on about how a hami is done in half an hour aren't considering the time to set up the raid. Getting 50 people into the hive and organized into teams and up to speed takes time, especially since the raids aren't being publicly advertised anymore.
  15. Probably less than triple but double with more serious diminishing returns sounds about right.
  16. How much accuracy did you have and did you try the build against +4 opponents (with and without the level shift)
  17. Fastest ways to earn merits is a separate thread and issue. If you want to go down that can of worms though there's at least three different topics. How long does it take to convert merits and unload on the market vs whatever his patience strategy takes for added profit vs how much you can earn doing anything else.. It's a given that you have the merit wealth otherwise the discussion is pointless as you can't convert what you don't have into cash.
  18. Depends on what you are building for. I like to softcap range so I put both sets in slow recharging AOEs. That way you maximize the proc's effect and get ranged defense from places you normally can't. So like most things in this game you need to ask what your goal is so you can properly answer the question.
  19. Yes bad damage. I was pretty certain I had conveyed that blaster's like all the damage focused ATs did their best damage in melee. Oh well my failure to convey the concept.
  20. If you want to do any damage you have to play in melee, the only exception are pairings with tactical arrow which since it doesn't give you any damage doesn't matter.
  21. Currently damage is Stalker>Scrapper>Blaster>brute And I don't feel comfortable ordering in the rest of the ATs because of outlier effects and difficulty coming up with meaningful metrics.
  22. Thank you very much I was just about to post my build with the problem. Timing is everything as they say.
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