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Everything posted by Psylenz0511

  1. The SG is on hero side but I think SGs can invite villains to the SGs now.
  2. If I were designing an 8 man defender superteam, I would want: A Forcefielder for maximum defense early on, near defense cap when level 25 enhancements are slottable. A Dark Defender, which synergizes so well with max defense. It also has debuffs to incoming damage potential and damage resistance of foes, and Howling Twilight, the stun that also rezzes A Storm Defender; with the knockback to knockdown IOs available some of the annoyance factor in storm is lessened. A Kinetic defender; you know the buffs, but the -damage debuffs are too often overlooked. A Traps defender; great buffs, even better debuffs with big -regen The last 3 slots could be filled equally well by Cold, TA, Empathy, Thermal, Nature's Affinity, Poison, Sonic, and Radiation. ... we are going to need a league to fit all the goodness in
  3. If we ran at 2PM or 3PM on Sunday EST (New York Time) wouldn't that be 8 or 9PM GMT? I would love to make a transatlantic teamup happen
  4. Personally, I would go Sonic/FF for the -resistance
  5. There are numerous defender sets which do well in close, melee or what I call kinetic range. Kinetic range the foes can't reach out and smack you but you are still in range of kinetic buffs and debuffs. Forcefielders do well in close range, the dispersion bubble adds a nice layer of defense to the melee fighters. Traps can pretty much go where they please as long as the forcefield generator is defending and protecting from mezzes Radiation finds the safest place up close to the debuff anchors since not only the anchor but nearby foes are debuffed. Choking cloud requires melee range to hold/debuff the largest number of foes. Electric affinity is a set I play in close kinetic range to whatever the tank or brute is smacking. Being close to the tank or brute you can easily select them for the initial and higher buffs. This is made possible by the protection of Faraday Cage, which protects from mezzes and resists incoming damage. Kinetics I play live in melee, just a few steps behind the meat shield on the team. As long as my kin gets the transfusion heal and transference endurance replenishment I am close enough. After the poison defender gets its debuff aura, the best place to debuff is in the middle of a crowd. Having teammate buffs and a taunting melee teammate make life easier for a poison, but the poison set is very deadly to foes on a poison defender. Nature affinity is a set I like to play in close as well. I personally believe the lifegiving spores buffs and entangling aura benefit the centrally positioned and melee teammates the most. In summary, there are plenty of options to play a defender in close range to your teammates with melee attacks.
  6. Hi, folks, I am still alive after 2 Covid testings (both negative) and tax season at the CPA office. I am ready for more CoH gaming. I would like to do a superteam, just let me know what server what day. The SG on Everlasting is still there. I also made an SG and a base for the corruptors if there were interest in an all corruptor supergroup/team
  7. I was glad to find that somebody else built an Electric/Shield brute. I am saddened there is no discussion on the merits of the build. I am going the combat jump > super jump > spring attack for the third target aoe charging attack on my minotaur/brute named Thunderbull. Totally not min/maxed, but I like it for thematic reasons.
  8. I don't understand the hate for jolting chain. It's an aoe knockdown and it's effective mitigation
  9. I used to have all the resistance types of foes in my head. IIRC vahz burn good, but cryo rounds are sub-par on the undead. I usually used chem rounds on tough foes like Rikti, Malta, and Arachnos. I like that -dmg. Mix it up and experiment, some foes don't resist cryo well for instance.
  10. Less Popular? Try a trick arrow defender. I always thought they were hell to solo, but on teams they really set the table with their sturdy debuffs
  11. No, the separate powers stack. I was asking which individual abilities do not stack on themselves from the same caster. Such as: I cannot stack absorb shields on themselves.
  12. I slot my rad/rad defender on Live more heavily for recharge in AM, LR, EMPulse. I wanted LR up as fast as possible for boss fights and the steady supply of -regen. I also took hasten. I played my defender in melee range using the EF and RI to make a safe space. I also took teleportation to TP into groups and hit EM Pulse before they knew what hit them. Choking Cloud was also an important part of my debuffing arsenal
  13. You need to take one of the first two abilities in Scorpion epic powers to unlock Scorpion Shield, unless they changed that, too
  14. QFT, some blasters even get so far away they don't get the chain effect. Darwin will sort out those blasters. I like to think of 3 different distances: melee distance, squishies might not like that AV foot stomp, step back a bit; second - kinetic distance - the sweet spot, all the buffs, few of the PBAoE dmg and well within attack distance; the third is long ranged, as in don't you like Faraday Cage/Dispersion Bubble/Fulcrum Shift? Kinetic (Faraday/Dispersion) Distance for the win!
  15. At first glance it seems it would work because Thermal isn't a really click intensive set and you could put your effort into building disintegration
  16. Thank you for the replies. On another topic, in the mastermind forums they gave the indication that you do not need a defeated ally to use defibrillate. Is it like Howling Twilight in that regard?
  17. I totally get this about hasten. Sure, you have power recharging faster, but how many more activations per minute do you get from it? There is a liimit on click based abilities based on activation time! Recharge is overkill with the Electrical affinity abilities.
  18. Late to the party, again. It is my understanding in game that some of the Circuits do NOT stack. Word of mouth is that empowering and insulating circuits do not stack. Are there other abilities that do not stack? Do they not stack period or just not stack from the same caster? Thank you for any replies.
  19. I am looking for a guide. Reading through many sources, I found one of the EA abilities does not stack. I would like to know the ins and outs of the specifics of each ability, especially the tier 9. Thanks in advance. (I am guessing the ability that gives an absorb shield also does not stack from the same source.)
  20. You have quite selection. Of the three: empathy, thermal, or kinetic. I would go thermal. The shields along with thermal heals and the debuffs including -regen make this a potent power set. If you felt more open to cold, I would choose that over thermal, the big difference being sleet. Sleet/Freezing Rain is a monster ability. Adrenaline Boost is a pretty big deal for Empathy. In the upper levels you can really make a difference in boss fights. Kinetics has an often overlooked damage mitigator besides the transfusion heals. Siphon power and fulcrum shift reduce the potential damage of incoming attacks. Transfusion is +heal -dmg and -regen although the -regen is admittedly small. Siphon speed is a good debuff, too. Siphon speed's -speed is an irresistible debuff. Think about that when you are chasing Diabolique all over that outdoor map.
  21. Hi all we are just getting started. The idea of an all-defender/corruptor team hasn't really gained a lot of members yet. I started an all corruptor SG "Everlasting Corruption" Join the global channel "Buffed Up" or send me a tell to @Psylenz
  22. The Super group was formed 12/17/2019. We set up a global channel "Buffed Up". We haven't really set up any ground rules yet. There is a spartan base with teleporters, crafting tables, and a merit ATM with also rez circles. The SG is all defender, Everlasting Defenders. I am leaning to an all Corruptor SG in coalition with the defenders. That would be a sweet way to retain the identity of both groups and teaming through coalition and the global channels.
  23. I want this to happen so bad. Last night I was on a P:ositron, random group, 4 defenders, 2 corruptors, 1 controller and a stalker that was nearly invincible. Let's shoot for a group in KR at Blue Steel 7PM Tuesday 12/17 EST on Everlasting
  24. I attempted to download the dll files myself and I got a new error The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application
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