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City Council
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Everything posted by Michiyo

  1. You've told the mod installer, that your city of heroes install is in C:\Games\Homecoming, but your install is actually in D:\CityOfHeroes. When you add the assetpath in Tequila, you're telling your game to look in a folder that doesn't exist, because you've told the installer to put it's data in the wrong directory. I'd suggest totally deleting the installer, re-download, when you run it for the first time point it to D:\CityOfHeroes, then install Vidiots.
  2. No, you won't have to reinstall. That warning is just to let you know that you've installed 2 mods with conflicting file edits. No actual file overwrites are done.
  3. A lot of times this comes up it's some strange permissions issue on the game folder. Half the folder is owned by one user, the other half by another. The support bundle will confirm what the issue is usually.
  4. Can you please use the "Upload Support Bundle" under tools, and use your forum username?
  5. The bulk of this mod is already there: https://mods.cityofheroes.dev/mod/202 This has everything from the 2nd post, except for a couple of things, looks like mainly the stuff that effects the Time powersets.
  6. Those files are not in the Vidiot packages installed via my tool. As you can see there is no PLAYERS folder under texture library. Their is a nude mod available in the tool, but it's clearly called out as such.
  7. It sounds like you may still have data overrides in your client directory. When you launch the Mod Installer, do you see a warning stating that it found # files in your data directory?
  8. Those would have been these: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Stores_Inventory. Penny Preston https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Penny_Preston was the "Kid" you're referring to.
  9. All of the TOV sounds appear to be in sound\ogg\Enemies sonichit2 is in sound\ogg\Powers Let me know if that's helpful.
  10. I spun up a copy of their code from their last commit on their Git repo here: https://suggestions.cityofheroes.dev/ This may be fragile, and I'll try to restart it if I catch it crashed.
  11. The sounds are very much client side. The server is unable to stream assets to the client. I'll see if I can dig them out when I have time.
  12. Top bar, Account -> Game Account Or just https://forums.homecomingservers.com/gameaccount/
  13. Does this link work? https://forums.homecomingservers.com/events/2023/8/
  14. Have you tried any other mods via the mod installer? I just removed and reinstalled vidiots and it downloaded the full pigg correctly. Could you open the mod installer, click Tools, then Upload Support Bundle and enter your forum name in the dialog? NVM, I found the issue, working on a fix. This is fixed.
  15. Wikis are no longer in read-only mode, happily living on their new server. Had a small hiccup with a backup eating all of the available disk space but added another 100GB, and configured backups to live on my fileserver instead of locally (because a backup stored on the same server isn't a backup...)
  16. It's back up, in read only mode. I managed to get the old server back up, but I'm trying to migrate to a new machine.
  17. Both of those exact pages exist on the Homecoming wiki https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Hero_Story_Arcs https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Villain_Story_Arcs And both of them have edits from post live updating information on them.
  18. You may want to use https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Main_Page As Paragon Wiki will not be updated as changes are made here on Homecoming. HCWiki is kept updated to changes here.
  19. The same thing happens in... Founders Falls? I think, and elsewhere.
  20. That is unfortunately the way the system works. The dots call for instance "City_04_01", and villains append a "V_" to the front of that, then the game looks up "V_City_04_01" and says OH that's "XYZ"... Would require rewriting how the entire map and alignment system for maps works.
  21. Do what the post above suggests, reboot modem, router, PC. /netgraph 1 in game will show you a graphic of the current network stats, you want a solid short green "lawn" any huge spikes, or Red / Yellow (outside of just logging in, or zoning) are a sign of connectivity issues. and 9 times out of 10, those are an issue between your computer and the server, not the server itself.
  22. The only thing I can think of is some odd permissions issue. I don't recommend installing in the game's directory, unzip the zip in your Downloads directory as a test, and run the exe from there, and see if that makes any difference. If you're in the HC Discord you can also ping me @Michiyo there.
  23. How old are we talking here? This should run with no issue on Windows 7+ I've not tested on anything older.
  24. I've added these pages to the DeletionRequest category via the https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Template:DeletionRequest template. I'll work on automating the task for page deletions, but for now I'll handle these.
  25. https://homecoming.wiki/ Reports a 100% uptime for the last 24 hours.
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