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Everything posted by Michiyo

  1. Please post bugs from the current beta in the Beta Bug Reports section https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/54-open-beta-bug-reports/ Thank you!
  2. I'd suggest posting in the main topic in the future, I didn't even notice this post until it was linked to me. The error you're getting implies you might be missing the SQLite Interop DLLs, you should have a x86, and x64 folder in the directory you extracted the main program in, if either of them is missing I'd recommend redownloading the zip and checking again. If those files ARE there, the program is written in .net against .NET Framework 4.6.1 If you have that or newer you should be fine.
  3. The "Game Path" is the BASE directory of the install, not where the game executable is.
  4. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/account/ You need to make a game account as well as your forum account.
  5. AFAIK The Crey Database shutdown not long after live. If you're looking for something with Player Created character data: https://fbsa.homecoming.wiki/wiki/Main_Page is what most folks are using now.
  6. You're not by chance logging into the same account twice, right?
  7. This is pretty well documented on the wiki here: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/What's_new_in_Homecoming_for_Returning_Players And our patch notes are documented here: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Patch_Notes
  8. Nice, just don't forget to do "Add to Launcher" and select the launcher you use to launch the game, mods won't work without the modified asset path that adds. Enjoy!
  9. What path are you putting in when you launch the installer? This should be the root of your Homecoming install, the default is c:\games\Homecoming, but may be different if you installed to a different location.
  10. Awesome! It sounds like when you tried to do the Mids import you told it to save to the wrong directory. The Mids export should be directly to the BASE folder of your Homecoming install, c:\games\Homecoming by default, it shouldn't go into any of the subfolders.
  11. That specific error means there is a "data" directory in the wrong location, check "bin\win64\beta", or "bin\win32\beta" folders for a "data" directory, and delete it if it exists.
  12. Have you made a game account? https://forums.homecomingservers.com/account/
  13. The mod that causes this error is disabled in the installer, I have no idea how you've managed to install it... but remove the 5th column texture mod. I'd also appreciate it if you could send a support bundle, under tools. user your forum username so I can find you easier.
  14. I helped another user with the same issue on Discord. I'd recommend rebooting your PC and trying to reinstall, if that fails go to the location you set for the install, by default C:\Games\Homecoming, then into bin and finally win64, and run launcher.exe from there (assuming it exists). If that works just make your own shortcut on your desktop to the launcher.exe in this folder.
  15. Oof wow, I posted that in November, and here it is January... End of year / start of year are always super busy for me, sorry for the delays... I have 6 projects this weekend that have to finish before Monday, so it's unlikely I'll have time to work on this for a bit. 😞
  16. You'll either need to manually add -assetpath assets\mods to your launch params for the Diag client, or do Add to Launcher -> HCLauncher again to add it to all profiles.
  17. Global channels have a 2500 member limit.
  18. Not sure why you couldn't scroll down in the installed mods list, I'll see if I can reproduce it. You have a number of mods installed, but not enough to cause issues I wouldn't think. Glad you were able to resolve it though.
  19. The installed mod list should have a scroll bar, does it not?
  20. You have the Halloween and Winter map packs installed as well, try uninstalling those and see if it makes any difference?
  21. In the mod installer click Tools, then Upload Support Bundle, enter your forum username, and I'll take a look.
  22. This version of the mod is very outdated, best to use this thread: Or use my mod installer: For easier installing.
  23. I'd be more than happy to host this for you, but the code on github still seems incomplete. Shoot me a message if you'd like to go over this.
  24. The link in the header Account -> Game account leads here https://forums.homecomingservers.com/gameaccount/ Does this work for you?
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