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Everything posted by Underfyre

  1. Probably not until they "fix" Sentinels, which by the current patch schedule, will be in roughly 20 years.
  2. Nah, Water is great for aoe, kind of on the lower end for single target, but that's okay. Ninja is a good defense set. You'll do fine. What you do see is hundreds of posts on **/Bio because the AT is lacking in damage and Bio will minorly shore that up.
  3. It is a Water build, paired with a positional defense build. I'm sure you can mash something together with that information.
  4. And do you feel the price we pay is a fair price? Doesn't seem like you do since you refuse to touch the AT.
  5. I'd love to see that as a "rotation"
  6. I mean, you can use slug, but it will produce lower damage than a proc'd out Buckshot. But it also uses less endurance? So if you're having endurance issues holding up a Buckshot > Incinerate > Mind Probe > Dominate rotation, swap in Slug and see if it helps.
  7. Athletic Regulation isn't wholly necessary. You can also consider skipping Parasitic Leach. For your final (single target) rotation you should really only be using Buckshot and Incinerator with your epic attacks. So Disorienting Shot and Slug are entirely skippable. The rest are good for filling out your AOE rotation.
  8. Bio has the offense boost at the cost of a minor loss in defense. SR has bigger defense numbers at the cost of having basically baseline offense. You know, baseline but with 20% recharge, which does have its ramifications on offense. In the end, the recharge boost pales in comparison to what a 7.5% to hit/25% damage boost with a proc will provide.
  9. I'd rather see a trio of pylon runs, and a trio of Trapdoor runs. That way we can get a feel for it's single target capabilities, and its aoe abilities.
  10. To be fair, people asking for hitters on a FF are trash farmers to begin with, so saying how good you are as a hitter isn't saying much.
  11. Earsplitter has a Domination effect of mag 1 instead of mag 3 like Strident Echo, is this on purpose?
  12. I bet they might if the whole team inherited the procs/heals from it.
  13. I mean, is he wearing a red shirt? If yes, I'd go with a resist set and not build defenses, so he dies easy. If not, I'd probably go with Energy, thematically.
  14. So here's the situation. On paper, yes, it seems like you would be getting a few stacks of -9.6% res going. In practice, you will be using 3 primary (Shout, Screech, and Shriek on occasion to activate Opportunity) abilities, so it's going to average out to 12.5% in the best conditions since your epic attacks will simply yield better results than your primary. That said, Sonic is a middle of the pack kind of set. Sentinel Bio doesn't have a -res component.
  15. I'm a big fan of ATs having exclusive sets. If a set is going to be proliferated, it needs to be replaced with a new exclusive set.
  16. I have it factored into my Dom spreadsheet that I'll probably never release, if that helps. If just do a quick and dirty edit to remove the damage for Envenomed Blades, it's worth 9dps whereas something like Embrace of Fire (85%) is worth a slightly better 16dps. Electric (68%) gets a 14dps boost, and since we're working down the line of varying build up percentages, Radiation (42.5%) gets a 13.99dps boost, and Dark (34%) gets a 10.88dps boost. So I'd say it wholly depends on which set you're comparing against, since they all have different levels of build up. But yeah, it's absolutely the lowest.
  17. So.. just popping in to tell you guys you're reading CoD wrong. You're reading the data for pvp. Read this at work today where I couldn't help you guys, and it was going to bother me if I didn't. The data for critters is: 8.759*(0.16*minmax(power.base>rechargetime, 0, 20) + 0.36)/power.base>areafactor It ignores activation time entirely and also considers area factor.
  18. Honestly, matching the Blaster damage modifier would just be a gesture. Blaster inherent, plus larger caps, plus their stronger secondary modifier are a pretty potent combination that just boosting the range modifier for a Sentinel wouldn't overcome. Anyone shouting you down either doesn't play their Blaster right or just has no concept of how the game works.
  19. Don't forget about lower target caps.
  20. Soooo.... not a ton of nitpicks on my end. I'm apprehensive about 5 slotting Tactics, but I guess you had the slots and needed the recharge? I would probably put them in Fast Healing to 6 slot Preventive Medicine for its recharge bonus instead. You have two 15% and three 9% bonuses towards Accuracy, then Kismet for +6% To Hit, and the base 10% To Hit from Tactics. I assure you that you have more than enough to cap hit chance in most circumstances. At +4, with no accuracy slotted into powers you will be at 92.58%. Another 5% accuracy will have you capped ay 95%. The Repel in Blazing Blast can't be mitigated, not even with the KB>KD. Because it's a repel, not a KD. Just put a damage proc there. Blaze will eek out more benefit from the epic set than Blazing Blast, I'd swap the slotting. If you had already set the character, I wouldn't say it would be worth changing the slotting, but you probably haven't done that yet.
  21. As oldskool said, Sunsette has been out of the game a spell. You'd be better off just replicating the build yourself and the image provided will be enough for you to do that. With these things you mostly need to know what set bonuses are involved more than you need to know which specific enhancements from the set were used. Unless someone used some really wonky slotting, which she did not.
  22. Honestly, even if it gave a 5% boost I'd on the fence with it being a click power. Unless Ice could easily get to 45% without the power, then I'd view it a little more favorably as an endurance filler that also has the bonus of pushing me over 45%.
  23. If you get a bead on Ice Armor, stop by and let everyone know. Nobody else is a fan. I haven't even tried it.
  24. Explore here, fifth post down.
  25. My only question is how absolutely critical was it to eek out that last 1.25% defense to get Negative over 45% that you 6-slotted Gaussians into Aim? I'd probably consider dumping those slots into Power Bolt to mule Winter's Bite so you can proc out Dominate.
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