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Everything posted by Blackbird71

  1. Is there a reason why Everlasting and Torchbearer are getting less of a boost than Reunion and Indomitable? It seems kind of like a raw deal for those who play on those two servers.
  2. Conversely I have experienced that those who eschew any sort of rules of behavior and reduce everything to "don't be a jerk" are those most likely to be jerks and to be in need of such rules. In my life I've only known one person who was an exception to that, which is vastly outweighed by the number of experiences proving the point.
  3. I'm aware, thanks. Having the Tier 7 at level 24 vs. 18 as primary can still make a big difference on low-level Ouro arcs.
  4. The funny thing is that, at least up through the 20s, my experience has been that the corruptor is more survivable and does fewer hospital runs. I credit this to superior firepower through earlier access to higher-tier attacks being able to burn down enemies faster. I imagine this will change as I get powers more slotted out and build up res and def, but it does concern me for those times I know I'll be exemplared down to lower levels and don't have access to as many attacks on the defender. Anyway, thanks for the input!
  5. All that I get as the basics; I'm more looking for whether there are specific reasons one AT would be better than the other for the particular powerset.
  6. Corrosive Enzymes seems to be a part of nearly every Nature Affinity build I can find. In practice though, I'm questioning its value. Granted, I've only been testing sub-level 30 so far as I'm trying out some builds, but generally speaking I find that Enzymes at best saves me one attack power activation, and more often than not is just a break even for the number of actions needed to take a foe down. Even if it consistently reduced my actions per enemy by one, I have to ask whether that's worth taking up a valuable power slot? Maybe if it wasn't just a single-target effect it would be more useful, but as is, isn't it better to just make one more attack instead of using this power? I can see where it is probably more effective against EBs/AVs than rank-and-file minions and lieutenants, but again it's hard for me to justify a power with such a niche use condition. I feel I've got to be missing something here, so if you disagree, please help me out. What makes this power a must-have on your NA builds?
  7. I'm looking to make a character with Nature Affinity (most likely paired with rad blast), and am trying to decide between Defender and Corruptor. Are there pros and cons to going either way? A few points: I'll likely be soloing most of the way from 1-50 (the "slow" way). After 50 is when I'd do more group content; TFs, MSRs, etc. A lot of my post-50 group content will involve exemplaring down to lower levels (Ouro arcs, etc.) Any input is appreciated; thanks!
  8. So, in saying this is a "quantum jump," you're saying this is the smallest increase possible that can still be called a jump?
  9. It's also the one cosmetic reward that may be most desired by many RPers and casuals. It's something that has been requested for some time, and locking it behind such content is disappointing to say the least. As you've been around these forums for some time and seem to poke into everything, I expect you know that, and ignoring it seems a bit disingenuous. Besides, I thought you and I had an agreement not to respond to each other's posts? (you're blocking direct messages)
  10. A drop a day. So then, only about three years to get the mini costume. I'm so glad they made it reasonable and achievable for casual players.
  11. I just want to know whose bright idea it was to add a new reward and call it "PAP;" the mental association is... disturbing. Clearly no female input on that one! https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/pap-smear/about/pac-20394841
  12. The additional problem here is when changes are significant enough to change how a character plays, in terms of how a power or powers work and the tactics and strategy needed to make use of them. These are things that are learned, both in terms of mindset and muscle memory, as a character is played from 1-50 and new powers are acquired gradually. Suddenly shifting everything at 50 when all powers and changes are acquired at once can be difficult to adapt to. At least for me, it often encourages recreating the character from scratch instead of just respecing, for the sake of learning the changed powers and adapting to the updates. But this is usually such a daunting and discouraging task that I end up just shelving the character instead. If you change a power that happens to be a cornerstone of a particular build, it can completely change how the build plays, so in this every functional change to what powers do can have dramatic consequences. This is exactly why the cottage rule existed for the Live devs, to avoid causing unnecessary player frustration with having to change builds and relearn characters.
  13. (boldface added for emphasis) I cannot overstate how much I agree with these sentiments.
  14. I don't farm, period. I don't have anything against those who do; it just doesn't interest me. But your insinuation is off the mark. As I said, my primary activity is playing 1-50 content (I tend to lose interest in characters once they get into incarnates). A respec doesn't have to be "required" for changes to be significant enough that I feel an undue burden/need of relearning/adjusting to the changes in order to continue playing as I have been playing. This is strictly my own experience I am relating here; your experience may differ. Likewise though, your opinions on what is or isn't required does not alter or invalidate my subjective experience.
  15. Mostly it's the accumulation (and frequency) of powers changes. Sometimes it's a single change (as just one example, the tac arrow changes a while back killed one of my favorite characters for me). In short, the Cottage Rule should be reinstated and adhered to. There's a reason the original dev team had this rule; departures from it are increasingly frustrating and turn people like me away from the game. Not necessarily because the changes in isolation are bad, but because the cumulative effect is wearying.
  16. This wasn't directed at me, but I'll throw in my unsolicited 0.02 INF anyway. What I want is to NOT have to constantly re-learn how to play the game. If every few months I have to start over, learning how powersets work, change powers and builds, change slotting, etc., just to keep doing what I've been doing (playing 1-50 content), then it gets annoyingly and frustratingly tedious. I hate having to spend time researching/adjusting/testing/creating builds just to be able to play the game, and would much rather spend my limited free time actually playing. I don't want anything that requires me to do "chores" before being able to play. I understand that there are things in the game that need tweaks and adjustments to fix long-standing problems, but I feel that HC has gone overboard in making changes for change's sake. I've shelved many of my long-played characters just because it would take too much work for me to update and relearn them after many of the i27 changes. Most recently I've taken a bit of a break from CoH: HC, in large part due to this frustration, and have barely logged in over the past few months. I popped in to look at the Page 4 changes, and frankly I'm finding little of interest to me. And maybe you don't care; maybe I'm not the target audience for HC, and if that's the case then so be it. But the question was asked so I thought I would answer. I have no problem with the additions of new high end or "hard mode" content (I likely won't ever play it myself, but its existence doesn't bother me), but please, please, please keep changes to the fundamental nuts and bolts of gameplay to the absolute minimum.
  17. I skimmed the thread and did a text search of the pages and didn't find anything on this, so apologies if it's already been mentioned and I missed it. Since the eatfood emote has been set to show the same prop for everyone, would it now be possible to separate this emote out into eatfood1, eatfood2, etc., allowing players to choose what food they are eating? It's a minor thing, but would be a help to some RP.
  18. This might help: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/29441-character-slots-screen-moving-characters-around/?tab=comments#comment-369213
  19. I absolutely love your haunted house; it was great last year and even better this year! You've put a lot of work into making a fun event for the CoH community, and it is really appreciated! A couple of questions: 1. I'm assuming that the Everlasting event times are Eastern time zone like the other servers (it wasn't noted on the poster)? 2. The other three servers all say Eastern Standard Time (EST). Daylight Savings Time runs through Nov 7th, so most of the U.S. in the Eastern time zone is on Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) until then. Can I assume this is what was meant? I know it may seem really nitpicky, but I only mention it because the bot we use for calendaring stuff always shifts the event times if we enter EST when it's really EDT, and I wouldn't want people to show up an hour late (or after the event ended).
  20. In my case, I long ago changed my global chat handle to something unrelated to my first character's name, so I don't know that referencing it would still trigger a call to that character. Plus, while the days offline for that first character is always recent, it doesn't necessarily match up with my most recent character logged in on that account, so I don't think it's just logging into any character that would reset the days offline for that first character.
  21. I have one character who consistently shows a low "days offline" count; currently at 15 days (which is about the highest I've seen it) even though I haven't logged into it in months. This character is not in an SG, and never has been, so promotions, etc. would not affect them. The only thing I can think of that sets this character apart is that I am 95% certain it was the first character I made on that account.
  22. The best place on the forums to look for an SG is in the individual shard subforums. Everlasting has a dedicated thread for this: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/1346-sgvg-recruitment-board/ The HC Discord also has dedicated SG recruitment channels for each shard. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/26-city-of-heroes-homecoming-discord-server/
  23. How is this a question? Wrist-mounted weaponry has been a staple of sci-fi and related genres for decades.
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