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Everything posted by Blackbird71

  1. @Snarky I seriously hope you checked with Cosmic Council before plastering their base code all over the forums; not every SG likes having their entry codes being made public. As for bases on Everlasting, here's a couple of things to check out: Best Base in Paragon City, v4.0! - Everlasting - Homecoming (homecomingservers.com) Superbase Yellow Pages - Everlasting - Homecoming (homecomingservers.com)
  2. Well, yes, that was the reason on Live. But as you say, it's not applicable here.
  3. How odd that you associate someone offering helpful advice on how to avoid that which annoys you with trying to control someone else's emotions. I'll also add that when you started the thread off by challenging people to "prove [you] wrong" about an opinion, something that literally cannot be proven or disproven, you set an antagonistic tone for the conversation.
  4. An elderly Crab Spider - The Octo-Genarian "Back in my day, we walked from Crimson Cove to Thorn Isle, and we liked it!"
  5. It sounds like you haven't actually played in a while. Pets were updated on HC quite some time ago so that you can move through them, so they shouldn't block doorways or be pushing any PCs anywhere. If you're playing currently and still having these issues, you should make a bug report. Edit to add: I found the patch notes; this was done in Issue 26 Page 5, which went live March 31st 2020. So the issue you're complaining about has been a non-issue for over a year. Patch Notes for March 31st, 2020 - Issue 26, Page 5 - Patch Notes - Homecoming (homecomingservers.com)
  6. Why is it important to lock something that is optional to use anyway? You have full control over which costume pieces you use, and as others have said, you can easily select not to use those until you reach the level/complete the missions previously used to lock them. There is zero reason to enforce any kind of restriction on something that is purely a matter of aesthetic choice.
  7. I wasn't the one who claimed that "fun" was a metric:
  8. The phrase can also be applied to two contradictory thoughts or statements. A metric cannot be measurable (and therefore, is not a metric) if it is not defined. Others have suggested that "fun" and related terms mean different things, contrary to their standard definitions. This means those terms are currently undefined. My whole point was that if you are going to claim that "fun" and "enjoyment" are two separate things, when standard English definitions make them synonyms, then definitions need to be provided for the discussion at hand to continue. Otherwise, claiming they are different is, in fact, splitting hairs. And now I think there has been quite enough hair splitting over the topic of splitting hairs.
  9. One thing that really bothers me about threads like this is the frequent self-contradictions. In order to mean anything at all, a "metric" must be measurable, and in order to be measurable, it must be clearly defined. Yet you insist that your "metric" cannot be defined. The cognitive dissonance here is astounding.
  10. We're not talking about surveys though. In a discussion like this, not defining the key terms upfront is how you end up in endless circles of arguments, as if people are using the same words with different meanings, they will never reach any kind of agreement. In the absence of any such definitions, I have to fall back on standard accepted English language definitions, and according to those, "fun" and "enjoyment" are synonyms, and therefore trying to separate them is splitting some very fine hairs. To claim that it is not requires different definitions.
  11. Then please define the two terms in a manner that distinguishes them, because as far as the English language is concerned, they are synonymous and often used to define each other (Merriam-Webster: fun = "someone or something that provides amusement or enjoyment"). If you're using them to mean two separate things, then those meanings need to be explained and agreed upon upfront in the discussion, otherwise people will continue talking past each other as they adhere to different understandings of the words.
  12. Not my intention; just trying to interpret your original post: And your follow up comment: (boldface in all quotes added for emphasis) If you can't tell if you're having fun because you have to wait and see what the outcome is to decide if what you are doing currently is fun, then It seems to be pretty clear that your enjoyment is dependent on the outcome, and that you're entire effort at fun could be wasted if the outcome doesn't go your way, regardless of the path to get there. That's what I was getting at. If that's not what you were saying, then maybe you should reconsider your previous statements.
  13. So by your standards, statistically only 50% of athletes can enjoy a team game. Sorry, but if you can't enjoy the game for what it is, regardless of the outcome, you shouldn't be playing, and that goes for sports as well as computer games. Yes, a victory is definitely more exciting than a defeat, but if a loss means the game was pointless, then why bother?
  14. Seriously, if your idea of fun is so tenuous that any past enjoyment could be instantly nullified and become retroactively unfun because of some prospective future event, and if that dampens your ability to enjoy the game in the present, then you're in the wrong hobby. Big "payoff" moments are great, but when you're gaming in a medium that could be (and has been) cancelled at any time, then if you can't enjoy the journey for the steps along the way then you will always be disappointed in the end, and you will never have fun, so best not to waste your time now. I'm not trying to be mean or judgmental here; just offering some advice that is hopefully helpful.
  15. Not really. I play games that I find fun. If they stop being fun, I stop playing and find other games. End of story.
  16. I think you need to look up the meaning of a "synonym." With your list, you're either being repetitive or really splitting hairs.
  17. Old enough to not have to answer this question. 😜
  18. Not that I disagree with the sentiment, but what does that have to do with the topic at hand?
  19. Well, you can, they're just different alignment options than hero vs. villain, but I thought getting into the intricacies of the gold side alignments was more than the OP was looking for.
  20. Correct, my notes only apply to standard ATs; not EATs/VEATs. Which is why I noted this:
  21. Brute was solely a villain AT with the launch of CoV, yes, but that was later changed. Now any AT can be hero or villain or anything in between. To clarify what others have said, there are a few ways to handle this: When you create the character, you will be prompted to decide whether or not you will play a tutorial. If you choose yes, you will be given three options. If you choose "Outbreak," you will be a hero. "Breakout" is the villain tutorial. If you choose "Galaxy City," you will reach a point within the tutorial where you are given the choice of "Hero" or "Villain." If you decide not to play a tutorial, instead you will be presented with a prompt to choose "Hero" or "Villain" upon completing character creation. Of course, this is all assuming that at the very beginning of character creation, you selected "City of Heroes: Freedom" and not "Going Rogue." "Going Rogue" is "gold side" and presents a completely different set of alignment options. Either way, once you're in the game, if you decide you don't like your alignment, you can change it either by talking to Null the Gull in Pocket D (fast way) or by doing Tip missions to gradually shift your alignment (slow way).
  22. Sometimes these missions specify a certain zone, and sometimes it's just "Kill X" without any reference to where it has to be done. If no zone is specified, you can actually pick up a radio or other mission against those enemies, and any defeated in the mission will count towards your total.
  23. Nah, he spent all his Inf in the costume creator.
  24. But not everyone survives the fight. That's the difference.
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