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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Yes. My original question has been addressed. Redressed, Dressed Down, Dressed Up and so on I have a topic (that was moved…) to suggestions and feedback as my only follow up on this Enjoying the chat Thank you everyone
  2. Is that an indictment of server transfers (instead of playing up on a different server), double experience boosters of all types (instead of earning it) or did you just go hyperbolic because of lil ol me?
  3. Kind of like server transfers. You get one token a month to insta 50 a toon. This idea came to me because I generally used AE to level a new concept. Took about three hours. (maybe a tiny bit more, 3 1/2, of "in tunnel time" not counting breaks ) I have not tried under the new system but my ability to not follow the discussion leads me to believe this might be anywhere from 7-21 hours. One thing is for sure, if there is a current fast way ain't nobody gonna say a damn word. The love is gone baby. A lot of people besides me do not care for farming. there is all the new content, mostly at end game. Heck, nearly everything good is end game. Enhancer sets, rewards, missions, task forces, trials. All best at 50, We know how to level. Heck, I spent years lazily levelling the toons before an alt acct farmer sprang up. These dayas I only go into the game out of concept curiosity. if i like I stay for a couple days maybe and run incarnate stuff. But there is no way I am spending a work day or two in a farm for a 50. My days of slow levelling through all old TFs are pretty much burnt down to the wick as well. So, this idea thrown at the wall. Have at thee forum trolleth!
  4. Try a MM in a Really Hard Way Magisterium or a few of the other tougher and more intricate incarnate trials. Maybe if they buff the pet levels (as the pets stand now most are near useless) MMs might see a use.
  5. Well, a certain group got what they wanted. But in the modern world that is not enough. After all, now that you have what you wanted....it is time to humiliate your opponents!
  6. Masterminds were carries in many badge runs for Incarnate Trials BEFORE the new Hard Mode content Now I am supposed to believe they are pulling the same weight as a Blaster. Hmmmm I do not believe you.
  7. you folks know this ain't a reddit forum, right?
  8. Very few AT, powersets and builds can handle the new content. Beam Rifle Blasters, Invul Tankers and no Masterminds, no Brutes, no Dominators is not stepping up the game.
  9. self limiting away from badges, rewards, and playing with the best players. yep, optional. Look, I just posted in Dark Dark Tank in Tank thread. THis thing is a beast. 90% plus resistances in everything except Energy (which is high) before Alpha Incarnate slot. This Tank just Tanked Lord Recluse (solo, team was busy) in a Ms Liberty Master Run. (We failed, suicidal Blaster) But the Tank did fine. I was told by Tank Forum the Tank is not tough enough. This Tank is based as a mirror image of a Dark Dark Brute I ran for 6 months non stop in everything. Which means the Brute has lower resists and survivability. Brute is a buzz saw. Or was. Still in my Roster, but can it take the punishment of the ultra hard mode content that is now the norm? But the Devs are now building to content that is restricted to certain perfect sets and builds. You can tank a Master Ms Liberty? Old news. Can you tank an 899 AE and the new content on FU mode? Then back to MiDs baby.
  10. I never asked for harder content. Get real, I have a number of bitch threads active. NONE of them are about hard mode content. (Although the point in Brute thread about irresistible damage patches is tangential. In my first response above I noted some people want it. I do not, so I am voting with my undead feet. The hard mode content offers rewards (and badges!) and it is where the best players are going. There are only so many PUG Synapses I will run on.
  11. This continued march toward making everything insanely harder is literally why I do not play anymore I am sure others would not play if it was same old stuff I took part in one 800 AE arc for about ten minutes when they first cane out. Now that the game ( badges rewards) center around this type of activity I am retreating to writing Good luck.
  12. It would be much, much, much longer
  13. It partly depends on the Williow you are creating. There are (at least) two from the TV show, not counting vamp Willow. Good witch Willow and destroy the world Dark Willow. Plus the comics no doubt have tons more.
  14. And I thought I was leeching by just knocking on every door for costume badges lol. Really, just standing there in a league afk? Sad. I wish we could see people like that in real life. Oh, wait, those are the idiots that don't go through green lights. nvm.
  15. Immanentize the Eshaton!
  16. My Beam Rifle Temporal is an ST beast I designed for incarnate badge work. It will help a league bring down bosses while all the damage patch mechanics are up. There may be some that are a little more damage but i can promise you there are non easier. Two holds (one from epic pool) so you can hunt Paragon Protectors, Vicky Robots and help in MoM
  17. To put this all in perspective this is a near exact mirror image of a Dark/Dark Brute I ran non stop for over six months. The Brute is a buzzsaw, and survived very very well The high accuracy, to hit debuffs, mezzes and stealth are insanely effective Try it
  18. It was done to completely freak you out
  19. Yeah that was an ice cold shower after the change Crystal Ice
  20. In my opinion you do not understand Dark. Just my opinion. Dark does not have defense debuff resists. Any defense added is a glass shield. The cloak and touch of fear are very useful in the Dark synergy. In short being stealthed and to hit debuff + mezzing trash mobs are enough. Being able to Tank Lord Recluse in a Master run is enough. Dropping a bunch of synergistic powers to cram on defense will never be….enough
  21. The nemesis and family map from the Television in GV was quite popular.
  22. You are the one whining about others disturbing your forum be deigning to communicate in ways you do not approve Karen Songseven
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