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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. i only post on the forums to get people to open up their minds...
  2. almost all Blaster mitigation is small and fleeting. it reminds me of something Jackie Chan said. Hollywood would not let him do Hong Kong stunts. Like using a woden crate to slow a cars momentum while you jump out of the way. the crate slows it just enough, the camera does not see the crate. All Blaster attacks plans have Jackie Chan style safety built in. We roll into a fight with timing and wooden crates saving our butts...
  3. And i “usually” dont. May desire for badges has me waste hours if my life there on various characters. Then i do not get credit for bombs or boss and avoid them for weeks months. I have yet to get the badges on any character.
  4. All MSRs are a horrid waste of time. A boring wall of effects with no meaning. And half the time you do not get badge credits for bombs/boss fight. This is a time sink and never was more than a slide show on live, and sometimes is that now. It is horrid, stupid, and not poorly written. Just barely written at all. It is a stupid fest. Like sitting in freeway traffic going zero mph.
  5. Oh, and since we are asking for things that should go across all Armor Sets can all Armor have good KB Protection. You know. Because...
  6. If you run ALL Redside Strike Forces there is a NEW Accolade Power that acts as a breakfree. It recharges reasonably fast and if you keep a couple extra breakfrees in your tray (i carry 2-4 on Blasters depending on content) you may find yourself just using this in the rare times you are mezzed. Of course I play Blasters very aggressively, so YMMV.
  7. I consulted HC staff. You need to leave yours "uglyass baby poop broccoli paste green" Otherwise it will not work as well. Tut mir leid.
  8. This is a bit tongue in cheek. But may also harbor the solution. trenchcoats and some of the more modern jackets are long in the back and sides. if the Devs pushed these garments to the limits (hopefully feet or mid lower leg) and closed the front it would solve the problem. 90% of this is in game with the CoT long lower garments. (belts I think)
  9. i have this badge on ZERO characters. my closest is 8 or 9 of 10. the issue is twofold. 1) this is one of the most boring (most of) hour in the game. 2) you don't always get credit for the badge. so just a giant time sink FU from the OG devs.
  10. and on defeat they disappear. too often it breaks character for me.
  11. yeah, i wont "pay" for costumes, especially ones that are not really permanent costume parts.
  12. no one ever offers me a spanking, 10 million or zip. you must be hanging in the Pocket D. They do keep repeating "Ukase in da house...."
  13. i love the idea. but... for anything other than flavor (badge hunting, real rewards, etc) it is ....power creep. a good few players can already walk on content. giving them "home free special zones" is just asking for abuse. i have seen people (just once, but still...) TP Nessie of her track and onto islands. (she is just a neck and head...)
  14. i have run a LOT of vampires in tabletop games. including a few Champions system based chronicles. my favorite game master had a "meta verse" of their own. every chronicle was a gem in the brilliant tiara of that meta verse. no matter the system. D&D, Champions, White Wolf, Call f Cthulu, and a few "we'll try this" in that meta verse Vampirism was a "space virus" with a metaphysical component. and an extremely aggressive mutation rate. therefore a "strain of the virus" might act very differently chronicle to chronicle or bloodline to bloodline, or even radically shift character to character. we never explored the actual origin of the virus. but we did have a "Cain", in the champions chronicle world. who was teaching advanced mathematics at Miskatonic University. and was not fond of anyone/anything.
  15. i would push this further. (yes, it is a suggestion i agree with. amazing right?) more costume options give us more creative avenues. i would ask this to include male characters. my wizards struggle with costuming the lower half to look like anything other than hastily thrown together comicon drag, never quite getting "i am a magic origin sorcerer of great power"
  16. Those things are not real vampires. So i arrange for a nice greeting once you join the team of vermin imposter exterminators.
  17. Hmmm. Never heard that version. That would be a mysterious worm….De Vermis Mysteriis…
  18. Oh. NVM. Thought this was about the Vampire virus….
  19. Have you tried zooming out while flying?
  20. so fast enough to run into Thanos' shower, speedbag his nuts, and run out without ever getting wet?
  21. tweens already spend too much time looking at these toons butts....
  22. so. you got a few choices here. move the name. play the character. or log in the character once in a while. or....... you can get everyone else to change the world to suit you.....
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