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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. well, maybe that is the issue. I am doing "full arcs" but they are the All Atlas Mission ones. Level 7, maybe not long enough? I am completing the ouro badge challenges on the, 'enemies buffed' etc
  2. i am doing all the low level stuff, and have never needed to pug it in the past
  3. I got the Adjuster badge for 10 flashback missions. i am stuck with credit for 14 flashback missions now. no matter how many i do it does not add any flashback missions. any ideas?
  4. Since seismic is ranged i would go the right side of intuition. At the T4 level you are looking at +33% damage and +20 range. then i try to fit in 4-5 of the Bombardment (2+ pieces) and maybe PvP Snipe 2+ pc. Max 5 total of both combined. Each two piece set of these gives +5% range. Range is your friend. Remember, most AoE and ranged attacks coming at you have limited range. With an Earth Blaster you can stand off like a Battleship and hammer an enemy that cannot reach you. This really lightens the need to build massive survivability.
  5. Well… good luck lol. Knowing the fights is the key. Read the wiki careful. Hostless Nictus, boss fight changes, and final battle are really big. But it is less changes than a starred LGTF
  6. I do not even know what their global is. Here is something about me. I only check globals of people (and only 1/3 time) who send me private messages. Might be an old comrade! Another thing… I never , ever, put anyone on ignore. That would mean you have said something that truly offended me. I am a very old evil creature. Try your best. Good luck with that. I have reported truly foul individuals to GM in this game, and a lot more in WoW. Here for putting ads in General chat for real world stuff. In WoW too often for people predators targeting minors. But ignore someone? Why? I prefer to know what is happening around me. And lastly I will always ASK to be put on ignore. Seriously. If someone even brings up putting someone on ignore in a global channel I will almost always say “me too, put me on ignore!” 1) it is damn funny. 2) if you are the type of buttercup to be easily offended then just block me now. I will not need to listen to you cry and whine later.
  7. call me over analytical. or a dam nut. But maybe somebody like this, their block list is full. So now they are outsourcing their stupidity.
  8. Thank you. i am not "horrible" but will gladly admit to being somewhere mediocre to "not really great" lol. I have seen great. i have played (mostly chased) behind great. they can do a full ITF in the time it takes me to zone into each mission. They know every trick, every powers details, how to get under maps, teleport through walls (legally!) and a hundred other tricks. They know the fights, the best strategies. it is insane to watch. i ain't that.
  9. I have regular teams Fri, Sat, and Sun. I do not lead them, and do whatever they are running. I enjoy it greatly. Fri and Sun are Justice Superteamers. They have Discord and are great for anybody of any level. Ukase and the shadow of Cosmic Council is Saturdays. Also open to new peoples. Wait... are you inviting me to your team?
  10. they were literally gone by the time i noticed their post. i did start this screed off with "just do it, leave me the F alone" but yeah, i could have added a lot more Snark. damn tired from eating floor dust i think lol.
  11. I was using it as a rez quite often. Like when i went away from the rom platform, off the bridge and down to the river gully to rez a teammate. In fact during the hard fights it was doing double duty, everytime it was up it rezzed and debuffed lol
  12. Spoilers, we finished it. And as you might have guessed, I kind of wished I never joined it. Evidently, the leader was not happy with my performance either, they picked me and another soul out of the team lineup after completion to inform us we have been "Blacklisted" They did not say why. Not sure why they mentioned it. Just do it, leave me the F alone. So, on to the story. A 2 star ITF was in LFG, with the standard rigamarole about knowing what you are doing, toon with barrier yada yada. "1 hour earn a hundred million" was the pitch. I joined. Recruiting took a while. The team level looked good. The "lowest" were 50s with vet levels in the mid teens. The team composition was not great, in my humble opinion. Two stalkers, a Brute, a Stone/FireTank, a Fender, 2 Corr, and a MM. Maybe one of the Corr was actually a Blaster. But that was just about the team. I was on my main, a Dark Dark Corr with just over a hundred vet levels, running a T4 Barrier for this. I have done 1 and 2 star ITFs before, a handful of times total. We load in. Okay, the team leader said an hour. It was obvious from the first hallway that was just a lie. This team was determined to kill anyone that looked at them sideways, no matter how far away that glance came from. Sigh, okay. Kill Most 2 star ITF. I buckled in and we ground on. Now during the first mission I did ask 2-3 times "are we killing those too?" "Is this a kill most?" then i dropped it. It was grindy, but we were getting through. We did tend to stay together. First bit of trouble was the giant robot twins. We dropped the first like we had a plan. Then had a ten minute death fest completing the rest of that mission. We get to the Rom fight. I have no idea. Two teammates split off, jumped down the bridge, and were fighting in the river a few hundred feet below. I went and rezzed one of them and came back. the remaining team had split in two. Someone asked the plan. Now, i should point out, the team leader had made a very few comments. The whole TF. Not many at all. What they said was not wrong, but it was not detailed. They had said nothing about this fight. I say 1) team comes together 2) clean around platform 3) kill beamy nictus 4) kill rom This is not what happened. So after a team wipe or two we sort of mostly did the above steps, sort of in order. And after many many deaths we killed Rom the required number of times. And he went to his room. again, we completed this. The room fight was a shitshow. There were at least two times i thought we would not. Both with me coming back from hospital. Then the message "Snarky and teammate Z you are blacklisted." And gone. It took well over an hour. Not sure how long, I would guess 2 or more. 168 deaths I think. Fair share of those mine. A good handful were me swooping in to rez someone only to get curb stomped. I still have no idea why the person did not like my play. Not that I am good. I am not. So maybe that was it, just not a great player. I do not play "as a healer" even though dark has a great heal. I will sometimes, in a static formation, try to stay tight and spam PBAOE heal. But to me the heal is a debuff regen, and I try to stay in DPS and to hit debuff mode. same with Rez, it is a Regen debuff for AVs, not a "Snarkys your medic" power. Although i will try to help if it makes sense. I play far range, with a heavy +range build and a lot of cones. I swoop in to Nuke and then I am gone, hit and run. I keep debuffs on the main target or main mass. I am not fast, not particularly attentive, and not exceptionally responsive. I mostly know the fights, my strategies, and the way I think it will work out and i grind through that. Maybe the team leader wanted me to stand next to Tank and spam heal. They never told me to. So I will never know. I did learn a bit from this. I will, in the future, only join starred content from Task Force Junkies, or people who are known to me. I will not do starred content on a team that has mediocre composition. No matter how many people say "any AT can do any job" I was actually okay, if a bit tired with the entire thing. It was grindy, but we succeeded. But to have some rando call me out at the end? Just done with the entire "New Freedumb" culture on Excelsior. Gonna limit my PUGs to stuff I can laugh about after. This was way too much like work. With a silent yet petulant boss handing out final reviews lol. Yep, just done.
  13. wouldnt matter, you can rename 50s
  14. You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave.
  15. Okay. Well first i rarely run a posi 1/2 in someone elses team unless i have not had enough coffee or i like the very specific advertisement. Because posi needs to be at +0 and a lot of idiots do not get that. In fact i run everything below 50 at +0. Badges, merits, and the easy cheesy experience. No need to move a mountain because someone told you there is an extra $10 under it somewhere. ITF at +4. Maybe some LGTF at +4 if i know the peeps. But Posi at +anything? Noooooo. Then when you see the stupid happen a few inspirations and some temp hand grenades make a big difference
  16. Honestly the Posi 1 usually goes well. When we have “problem teammates” i can almost always tell. I save inspiration and have temps that solve all but the most ridiculous situations. Posting on these crazy times is just locker room banter to blow off steam.
  17. what the hell,,,,? i googled trying to find vampire bucket challenge. no luck, obvs. then ice bucket challenge. most are just dumping a bucket on themselves, yawn. this captured how i feel when another posi goes sideways and nothing i can do. kind of like this thread lol.
  18. I have been on many a DFB. Almost always 4 on any alt for the buffs. They tend to go smooth. Then the bucket of ice water to the face that is Positron One…
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