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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. The path to success is failure. I started on Brutes and I was horrid. Now i play squishies and I am only bad. I learned the mobs, the maps, the fights, and enough of the under the hood mechanics to grind a little harder. A lot of the 'new crowd" is either very rusty or has never seen a mmorpg like CoH. Some want Tank, Blaster, Healer Trinity. others see CoH veterans doing wild stuff and take an SO outfitted whatever into mobs they are unfamiliar with. "you're gonna need a bigger boat..."
  2. So I just ran on a PUG kill most +4 Market Crash, last mission set to +2. There was a Tank, and a Brute. I was on a Corr. I build for tricks, accuracy, recharge, and DPS. Not defenses, or survival. I was in front of EVERYONE half the time. Because I could. I can stun, Nuke, and make anyone left alive short life miserable. why wait? i died once. And Dark Dark Corr has a combat rez that stuns the bejeezuz outta anyone near them.
  3. ps because souldrain is now spirit drain your eradication set bonuses are gooooooone
  4. sure you will hate my build. this version of mids does not have spirt drain. the 5 empty slots in soul drain fit 5 Bombardment Corruptor (Dark Blast - Dark Miasma) dark3 2024 2.01.mbd
  5. I have been doing housekeeping on my army of alts. Trying to figure out who has what, if they are stripped or built, clean everything up. Also been Alting as I work on best toon (for my undead theme) on new content. While I love my Dark Dark Blaster there is no doubt a Dark Dark Corr is a better team and league toon. In my opinion. So I pulled out a Dark Dark Corr off my page two toons. I respec’d, based on changes Soul Drain to Spirit Drain and my deeper understanding of what I wanted. It was a 30 level vet. All tier 4 incarnated and a few Tier 4 Destinys. But only 500 badges. Sigh. No Accolades. I ran him rebuilt through an ITF. Then a couple i-trials with Oklahoman. I liked the feel. The next day I am cleaning the house, studying German, and randomly putzing with my clean up my alts project. Huh….another Dark Dark 50 Corr on page 5 of alts. WTF? Fully built. 75 vet levels. A little over 1100 badges. So I rebuilt that one, made a power pick change (dropped TP other and picked up Hasten. The build has about +100 rech before Hasten. Lot of big powers with long cooldowns. So, now I have the Lich character I had in my head. (Floating Skull on suit of animated armor). Sickly yellow and black power colors which are just wonderful!!! And only 400 badges or so to go lol… I do not know if I will ever get to all these old 50s. Maybe I should start organizing them by AT and powersets? Why why why did I duplicate Dark Dark Corr?
  6. i threw this together based off a beam/invul i made. not sure if it is right for you. or anyone... Sentinel BEAM Will 1.0.mbd
  7. yeah, hopefully the patch will not screw redsiders of one of the badges they need for accolades. o look, we made it so he only spawns every three days and only if/when someone completes a master LRDF and we give no zone msg, 1st come first served. and there are TWO badges Scrap and his rioters needed. so mult spawns usually. now screwed to hell.
  8. I just rebuilt my Dark Dark Corr. Which in theory is more vulnerable than your Water Dark. Due to Dark Blast having a PBAoE. Water is all ranged. When I rebuilt him I focused on Accuracy and Recharge. He ended up with 15-20% defenses across the board. So… not spectacular. And Dark uses a lot if to hit debuffs. Basically what I like about Corr and keeps pulling me back from Blasters is they are incredibly tactical. I look at what the team is facing. 1) is the team racing in, discussing tactics, or buffing up? 1a) I join in the activity. If racing in I may throw a AoE stun and then Nuke. Or I may hang back and debuff first. Depends. 2) If the team is not racing in I decide whether or not to wait for the team to pull their thumb outta wherever or just tank it myself. Eat a med purple, stun, soul drain, nuke, tar patch, hop out, fear cone, more cones, debuff etc. Really every fight is a chess game as a Corr. Deciding which powers you want to go with and which way to go about it. A Blaster just blasts. So how much defense/armor do you need? Depends on how you play. I preferred investing in a lot of global recharge so my big powers are up and my little powers are a machine gun.
  9. this is for a request i got in game for completionist redside run. contacts CoV red.xlsx
  10. i had to look that one up, but i love it. still working on grammar and basic chat. but German grammar is easy, a few weeks and i'm sure i will be fine....
  11. This would be a lot easier if you were not just standing there…
  12. Okay. Now if you see Snarky following a pedestrian in Atlas I do not want to hear a word about it. It was all Scarlet Shockers idea. So talk to them not me.
  13. I have seen them use police drones. Not sure, now that I think, that I have seen them use anything besides police drones. I guess those things have good attacks. They can obliterate a GM.
  14. I dallied hard with a Ice Dark Corr over last few weeks. 900 badges. And it is good. But…. It is not “me.” I need my Dark vampire theme saturated lol. Sooo…. I dusted off my 1300 badge Dark Dark Blaster. Having learned a lot on my various Corr forays I decided to respec and lean into the pbaoe stun aura with the targeted aoe stun attack to give myself some pbaoe Soul Drain/Nuke room. I thought this was rather clever. Mag 4 stun (2+2). Respect! Dark Dark Soul ftw Jumped on a pug that was going to run a upgraded LGTF. Okay, my second one. First was hanging on a rocking pro team. Well, all but me. This time a few people were honest about not knowing much. I knew enough to not be optimistic. So…. The first run was more like a carry than I realized. And I was sure I was weaker than most if the team. Because they somehow avoided our tactic. Kill most. It did make the trips back from the hospital easier. We found a rhythm. Slow tempo, rumbling bass, voice of doom vocals. I cautioned in the Hami that the last team was specifically not killing all the pylons. I killed two from above and the team decided to start on the mitos. I switched to mitos. There was a couple deaths but so far so good. Then the team started on the pylons…. I am like wtf? Okay, reverse the order. I start helping. They kill all the pylons. Not sure if that was the plan. Then we learned why you do not kill all the pylons…. I had yet to die in the Hami mission , but quickly chalked up three and was on my face ( i think falling through the air after the latest drop ship orbital cannon death) when Hami was dropped. Good times. We slogged on. The last mission we plowed to the last room and triggered the cutscene. There was a lot of death. 💀 I think they should kill the cutscenes and just put the Benny Hill music on. We were victimized errr victorious!!!! And git our two badges and w/e merits and crap. So….I started my daily German studies and glared at my MiDs screen. Hmmm. Pulled up new issue and read…. Okay Dark Dark Dark, forget stun aura. Get 3 conceal powers (stealth, infiltration, and phase shift). (What use is infiltration if you have stealth? Seriously…). And also grabbed a Teleport friend/enemy power. Just the one. If i need to grab a team its the slow way. But i can phase shift to get in/out of hairy stuff and then relocate folks. I lost a few things i liked and wanted to work on the respec, but tightened the build and got things i needed. Also, the Epic Dark armor looks much better with the Dark 2nd PBAoE dam aura (soul noir). Style counts!!! I will stay on this guy a few days at least lol. Need to stress test through some hard content, pick up a few more badges and see how it goes. I am loving the damage I must say. Cannot figure out if the Epic Dark +health/end pbaoe would have helped in LGTF. I am thinking not. Maybe in a regular master run where a Tank has the agro and you can sponge up some safety numbers while enemies are distracted. But that new LGTF is just a raccoon city laser grid hallway.
  15. well, it takes a while. i do not take the flight control power. never room. so you sort of have to memorize coast momentum and turns and just fly it the best you can
  16. you are welcome. one subtlety to focus on is that Dark Pit and Oppressive Gloom stack, giving a Mag 4 Stun. This is huuuuuge.
  17. i use fly or mystic flight, and i have it on 90% time. in combat, missions, wherever.
  18. just send out a message across excelsior this is in its last days. immediately get a tell "is this real, i sent a email and nothing" i type out a response about email glitches and reference this thread post. while i was doing that person is like "oh, he sent it, thanks" lol then they said to thank Yomo. we all thank yomo
  19. to modify this for empathy i would drop the TP pool, and it looks like you want all empath powers? i am unsure. but if so maybe leadership manuevers? or hasten. i bakeds in a lot of acc and global rech, not sure if those are your build goals. then obviously shuffle the slots and enhance empathy correctly.
  20. here is my dark dark dark corr. i have moved into ice/dark/dark now as i prefer a bit of a moat between myself and the madness lol Corruptor - Dark Dark Dark TP v3.01.mxd
  21. Cosmic Council imploded…a year ago? There are still a few people that use the channel. But it is a shell of a once glorious past. Task Force Junkies is sporadic but the players are very good. The day of the update one of them advertised for the new LGTF badges. Now, my lazy butt never goes to beta. I had no idea. I listened in chat and did my job as best I could. There were a number of team wipes. I was so glad in the last mission we had incan. I was beyond lost in there. I felt like a cat at the groomers half the time, just being bounced into a place i did not know and lashing out at giant creatures that were really pissing me off. We got the badges. Two things, 1) they almost always know exactly what is about to happen before you even start to calculate it. 2) most of the stuff they do would have the new crowd of 50s either shivering at the door, or blindly trying to “help” and generally being constant veng bait.
  22. Just ran a abandoned sewer trial. I dont think it was any tougher than it has ever been. It was tough enough. There were 5 of us. Although it seemed at least one person (random, and at least one (me for a min) was dead at any time. Now I joined this pug, led by a 50. And. Not. A. Single. Other. Person. Knew. Anything. It was brutal. But I just kept typing the same stuff out in chat and they mostly did it. Best interchange of the Trial. random teammate. “I just used AoE on a generator.” me. “Ya, dont do dat” random teammate. “Okay dad” Once I had communicated the plan it took three cycles to knock it down. We were only given 3 particle cannons. I think we could have done it in two but the first round a few people freaked at the ambush. I gave more “encouragement” on tactics for round two lol
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