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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Your lack of knowledge of the game is near complete. There are so many good stories. Run Timothy Raymonds arc in Nerva (redside) to learn something about the Lost. But there is more than that… So many villain groups have huge lore. Not all. I just started a soldier of arachnos crab. Surprisingly little back story. They are arachnos swat headed up by Mako. That is the whole lore. I am like…thats it? I never even liked fish face…. Like, maybe BS and using suit tech to…. Sigh. I could so write better than some if these plot lines. But the Lost plot? Deep, wide, worth exploring. The Freaks and Trolls, while not as deep as Lost, are very entwined in a lot of plot Blueside. The Carnies? Wow, so many twists. And on, and on, and….
  2. I use Discord very little. But it is just for CoH. I used it a bit for WoW years ago, but i was horrid at the game. I reached a peak with Discord when Cosmic Council was on nightly and had weekly incarnate badge trials. Now a lone leader from CC runs one weekly event. I am trying to bully him into running every night and organizing huge events on weekends. So far no luck.
  3. I am making my first Crab in forever. I love that they changed animations so the soldier attacks use arms now. My Crab is fully ranged and AoE centric. Because thats what I like and it is hard to get them to do much else. I have not really built it in Mids yet. I have poked around. This will be using 5 of the Bombardment sets. Some may be Frankenslotted, but at least two Bombx5 so I get a +25% range on everything. I will be pushing at least some global recharge goals. Not going for perma dom numbers, but the slow recharge on the Dull Pain power and Ghetto Nuke call out for a fast clock. I doubt I can get ranged defense, or even seriously up my resistance beyond the not bad but not great level Crabs seem to sit on, especially when I am prioritizing the above goals. I see shoveling out range damage maniacally to be both a job and a defense. It is so awesome the nuke has a taunt, and i have venom grenade to blow through resists. Now to assembly line the F-ers. Lastly, in my confused mind I would have swore Crabs had a strange half cape that came up to their backpack/mid back but I cannot find that anywhere. Is the old vampire mixing up memories of a by gone time?
  4. I took up the weekly challenge to run a Redsider (of course!) I chose the quirky Crab Spider. I see that they added alternate animations most "Arachnos Soldier" power picks to have arm animations. To confirm, now the backpack does all that? Crabs have no defense debuff resistance and get a decent amount of Res if you pick everything. I have no idea where to go with them. What are the build goals with a Crab. (Not a Crabbermind, dislike pets) Do i just grab a bit more defense, some ranged defense where I can and sit at medium range blasting like a mad crab? (my personal goal...)
  5. There have been so many threads. My simplest solution would be to allow multiple SGs for each character. Which is Comic Book Cannon!!! How Many Supergroups has Wolverine been in? Many Simultaneously!!!
  6. you can email them to yourself... or start an alternate account. this will allow you to make a farmer to self PL, and also provides flexibility when transferring awkward amounts of things.
  7. Stupid Transactions Are Really Trendy
  8. It is not about reason…. Do I need a reason to kidnap Paragon Citizens to hand over to the Vahzilok? Sure, Dmitri Krylov wants me to do it. But I am not sure “reason” enters into it. Reside is a way of being. Just did Mercy with a meetings (and missions) from Alan Dresslock, Kalinda, Operative Kuzmin. My Arachnos peeps. Also did the first arc from Dr Graves. Then headed to Port Oakes to meet with Mr Bocor. Finished his stuff. Level 10 Next is Brick Johnson. And I think the Radio. And Mr Graves second arc. Then off to Cap. Although I plan to mostly do Arachnos contacts (and some badge contacts as fillers). Not a completionist run. Just leveling a Arachnos Operative through official contacts. The reason. Why, if there is one, it would be that great guy on the monitors in Grandville. Real motivational speaker!
  9. i have the most success buying level 15-30 cheap recipes. this is the level range of all good enhancers on the market 10-30, 15-? 30-50 etc. also, the lower the level the cheaper to craft. pref yellow uncommon so do not need rare salvage. usually, check first. Then craft. And start the converter grind. I almost always sell finished products as things like kismet proc, Steadfast Prot proc, Perf Shift proc, LOTF proc. i guess those are all globals, but you get the idea. post on market for about 80% of current sales price. By the scores. Volume baby. All it takes is grinding the buying/crafting/converting assembly line like a monkey on crack.
  10. it is a learning curve. i played on live, not from the beginning, but for years. then i found HC about a year after it went public. today i rebuilt a dark dark dom i had not touched in over a year. now, i played perma doms on live. but not a lot, i just had some. same here. well, i make my build in mids, open the thing up to respec. i swear, the build that was on there looked horrid to me. i am sure it was perma dom, but that is about it. now, my new build may look like trash to some people. no defenses at all. but i just ran it in a market crash, a speed aeon, a kill most +4 itf, and a baf. i like it. just keep playing and learning. also, i think yomo is still giving away 100 million to anyone that ask. his thread is in general on the first page or two...
  11. Depending on your primary secondary sets a Brute can be built to be nearly as Tanky as a Tank. But even Tanks are not good to go out of the box. Hyperstrike has Invulnerability down to a science. I have done a lot of work taking Dark Armor into a interesting niche spot. Farmers make a while build that toughens versus the one damage type they farm then everything else enhances speed aoe dps. There is a lot of art to a good build. One of my favorite parts of the game.
  12. If you have not done a TF before even simple ones will be confusing. My first run on the new 1star LGTF felt like going down a mountain in a barrel. It was only hours after it dropped, but evidently the team leads knew it from Beta. It was speed lol. I recently joined a PUG abandoned sewers trial and the team (including lead) had never done it before. I explained about getting cannons. But then they tried to speed the bottom room lol . I had to explain the clear everything, then clear generators, then simul kill generator target head strategy. I prefer speed. Just did a Faathim yesterday in under 90 min. Which was fast….for that. Would have been faster if a few members of the team stopped splitting off “to speed things up” then getting overwhelmed. For the whole 90 minutes lol.
  13. Snarky

    Ice Cold Ice

    I was perusing possible projects and realized I had never made an Ice Cold Troller. Not a shock, I do not run Trollers. But I do play Ice a bit. And it is very control oriented even on a Blaster. I do have an Incarnated Ice/Cold Corr. So I set about putting one together on Mids, focusing on global recharge, +range (got +25% from 5x2 Bombardment), and +mez from splitting the AT sets 5 ways. When I finished the horrible reality of the thing was there in it’s totality. Almost no damage, no heal, and one Hard AoE hold. Only one hard ST hold. I’ve got a Dark Blaster with 3 ST holds…
  14. Sometimes a Blaster just KNOWS he can Tank. You have to believe
  15. Close? Like it matters? I regularly run Posi 1s. I almost always say in team chat “Please do bot go near City Hall steps until team is ready”. This seems to either have no effect or trigger a deep desire to get inside….
  16. We are doomed the world is dead. Wait, found the coffee. We’re good.
  17. Oh, it is not just me that likes the Corruptor. You have to look at CoH history. Redside was separate, and designed to never mix with Blue. A chance to rebuild the game from the ground up. Brutes were very good. Meant to be meaner Scrappers, they were nerfed…more than once… to fit into the mixed stable. MMs were meant to be the Tanks. But no Redsider had the patience, and Brutes made L Jenkins look like a tourist. Corruptors got the best of both worlds, much like Brutes. But…they have (so far) slithered past the nerf mallet. Due to their very respectable damage, mixed with buff/debuff/healing Corruptors are considered an S class Archetype. The ability to provide so many aspects of the game competently in one package is quite sought after on high end teams. Name any respectable team or league leader in the game. Name three! Give them each a League roster of 24 toons, random ATs. (No Corruptors) This hypothetical league will race against other leagues. Big rewards to the winner. Cookies and bragging rights. Now, pick ANY toon on the league and ask if the leader will trade that for a Corruptor. To each League leader. Now, one at a time, ask them each 23 more times. I suspect you will see three Leagues with between 22-24 Corruptors each. Maybe a Tank or two hear and there. The damn things are that good. 👍
  18. And…. Just pulled a 46 dark dark troller tgat had been parked forever….. and 50d it lol
  19. As I look at building this for ITF teams and Incarnate leagues… How good/necessary are the pets? I really just want to get my cooldowns on the big AoEs down right???
  20. In Germany it is considered rude and bad luck to celebrate anniversary and birthdays early. So let us wait…
  21. i have great organizational skills. it is all right here. uh, except for the stuff in the next three rooms...
  22. this. if i hang back and fear, debuff, and harass the mobs the team are on they feel awesomeness. i just choose to go out on the tip and do that for the mobs i work. some trollers doms and fenders all they do is make the team feel invincible.
  23. usually pre 30, sometimes pre 40, the only "god mode" possibles are tanks and brutes. and even then it can be iffy depending on armors and mobs
  24. Is Grand Finale a new special type of...
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