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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Snarky

    AI build

    Creating a build is closer to an art than a science. First, you have to learn the basics and the standard techniques “paint a flower”. Then you have to learn intricacies, color, depth, position, focus. Then you start to break rules to create the concept you want. Not arguing that we are all Picassos but it is not as simple as ordering a burrito and having a guy drop beans and salsa on a tortilla.
  2. I am not sure of the experience matchup, but Redside is the best storytelling imo. Kalinda, to Mongoose Oper Kuzmin, Fire wire, Lt Harris Mr Bocor to Radio Dr Percy to Marshall Brass to Oper Wellman. Then on to Sharkhead at 20 those are fun, rough and tumble learn the ropes of arachnos and life in rogue isles arcs. the Radio is epic.
  3. Set Comparison Invention Set Type Levels # Enhs Bonus Blaster's Wrath Blaster Archetype 10-50 3 7.5% Superior Blaster's Wrath Blaster Archetype 50-50 3 10% Malice of the Corruptor Corruptor Archetype 10-50 3 7.5% Superior Malice of the Corruptor Corruptor Archetype 50-50 3 10% Defender's Bastion Defender Archetype 10-50 3 7.5% Superior Defender's Bastion Defender Archetype 50-50 3 10% Panacea Healing 10-50 5 7.5% Gladiator's Net Holds 10-50 3 10% Bombardment Ranged AoE Damage 30-50 2 5% Javelin Volley Ranged AoE Damage 10-50 2 7.5% Gladiator's Javelin Ranged Damage 10-50 2 7.5% Opportunity Strikes Sentinel Archetype 10-50 2 7.5% Sentinel's Ward Sentinel Archetype 10-50 3 7.5% Superior Opportunity Strikes Sentinel Archetype 50-50 2 10% Superior Sentinel's Ward Sentinel Archetype 50-50 3 10% Experienced Marksman Sniper Attacks 10-50 2 5% Warp Teleport 15-50 4 7.5% Most of the PvP sets are +range only in PvP I believe Marksman is the only exception. So other than AT specific sets you have bombardment, marksman, warp and that is it. A max of 32.5% from non AT sources. Plus Incarnate Alpha and AT sets Damn, I just realized you could get 5 x 10% bonuses by frankenslotting sentinel. with 32.5% from other sets is 82.5%, then get +20% from incarnate alpha. slightly over +100% range.... of course they start out at half range and gimped damage, so you are still just getting to blaster range with that strategy
  4. If a dark blaster like above is starting a cone volley your way, it kind of does not matter how angry you get. you are not going to hit nothing
  5. the bombardment +5% is great, but most builds cannot slot 5 sets. However the Snipe has a set that is the same 5%, so can usually get 5x5% there. Most of the other I/O sets that offer +range are ATOs. to maximize you may need to split an ATO set. and get the bonus twice. There is a TP set that offer +7.5% range, but you have to take TP, and it is a 4 slot... The Alpha is Intuition, radial i believe. +33% damage, some other good stuff, and +20% range. That will be going onto this, not included in the posted build. I almost never show incarnate choices on a build. So that would end up +65% range total. which even makes a 40 ft cone start to be decent! an 80ft cone? yowza.
  6. Here is the build I originally got from Hyperstrike when I found HC. This beast is still in my garage, I ran it for 6 months non stop. oh, one change. in dull pain have the new hami heal/rech... Snarky - Brute (Super Strength).mxd
  7. I very rarely solo AVs. Maybe 2-3 times ever. The first, always memorable, was the Tree in redside respec trial. I could not get anyone to join. I dropped every pet temp i had and used envenomed dagger. Look, if you want to solo AVs there are not only P2W “start” vendor pets but a bunch that can be gotten from story arcs. Refresh through ouro. Then there is the Heavy from Vanguard, bought in RWZ with vanguard merits. Finally there is a Warburg Nuke unlock that gives you a temp pet. Repeat for next AV.
  8. A few percentage points will not matter until you start doing 1-2-4 star content. If you are staying “eyeball true” to a Hyperstrike build you are on the right track. Have fun.
  9. I am running a mediocre fire fire blaster mostly lately. It just devours spawns …
  10. whoever coded those NPCs.... well, at least they have a job at Boeing doing quality control now.
  11. sigh, no one runs them anymore. And your best Corr are debuffers. I look around on my fire blaster and with luck find a Brute that will take agro some of the time. Most of the time they cannot find the objectives. So, i stealth in, lead with a Nuke, kill or be killed, Rise of the Pheonix and move on.
  12. +4/X8 solo enemies buffed no inspirations. Enjoy yourself!
  13. Okay. I thought about it. I could make a floating skull that was a Fortunata. at a 100o years old, as a skull, gender sort of ceases to matter. So, I open up MiDs and looked at Fortunata. And, without spending 40 hours 50ing and running this thing it looks to suffer the same issues as Crab. In effect, I could make my genderless skull a Mind/Psi Dom and run circles around the Fortunata. Because VEATs and HEATs are shot in the foot from the starting line.
  14. I put this massively frankenslotted build together to push the +range to it's max. This (to me) gives fluidity in combat and the ability to use strategy to survive rather than standing close to the hurt and using def/res/heal to deal with the issue. It also pushes the 4 cones out to absurdity, including the all important Fear cone. Recharge was a secondary goal. Corr Dark Dark all range 1.01.mbd
  15. It is easy to be seduced by something in MiDs only to play it in game and think WTF? and vice versa. Some things that like trash in MiDs actually play great. It can be a fun house mirror. I was just thinking as I look at ways to rebuild the Dark Dark Corr I should see if Res or +Health are options I could lean into. My Dark Dark Brute lives by the motto "if you cannot kill me with your best shot i will be at full health for your second." Dark Dark Corr has two very powerful heals, so if not faceplanted likewise can be at full health very quickly.
  16. Yes. And, by definition you are ralking every AV in the game. Some of them… oof. It is a rock paper scissors game. At a certain point you will rnd up in the tough end of that triangle. And….. just for fun, some TF/SF have multiple AVs. At least two trials have complex mechanics teams struggle to accomplish. Although these may scale down for solo, the AV issue looms huge.
  17. This. We should do this. I get why they are there. Just finished a X TF after Y minutes and need to go to the B room. Drop ouro, zone and get out of the game rig. And your toon…standing at the ouro entrance. As you Zone in have a temp power KB to self 45 mag. 1 min delay, cancels when you move 20 feet. Otherwise…have a nice flight, we will see you in the pool. Bonus points for having them land with random innertube….
  18. You are giving me ideas. I am rebuilding my Dark Dark Corr as one of my mains. Maybe I should lean into res and +heath… He has two huge heals….
  19. Hmmm. Solo…. To solo the game on standard settings +1/x1 with Default Bosses solo but no AV solo you can take just about anything. And take what you enjoy. If you are comfortable I would recommend something with AoE. There is a lot of kill-alls in the game. Then you casually drop “solo AVs”. Okay, now that is an entirely different topic. If you believe what I said above then really throw out the “do everything in the game” (because anything can) and retitle “what can solo AVs”. Because I am not sure everything can. Maybe this is just me but I am thinking you have more really big things you want the toon to be able to do buried in “as much of the content as possible” that maybe you should specifically let us know what you want this thing to do….
  20. I did the crab thing. 50d it and (to me) it looks ill suited for CoH content. Maybe in a team of Crabs it would be different, but it is very structured to be mediocrity in a hard shell. Probably politically incorrect of me but I think of widows as female. They are all female in the game. I never run female toons. So, this week I bow out of the challenge. Good luck to all the new widows!
  21. I can only guess. The two roadblocks that would be easy to see are 1) time/organization commitment to do it 2) significant negative blowback from the last run at it.
  22. heh. i plan to announce it way before the last mission, like after first, then again on the next to last mission, then as we enter, with a goal of 50-75% following me... wish me luck
  23. Most of us set the timer so everyone knows how we are flowing. Half the gamers are OCD and the other half are WTF
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