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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Most of us set the timer so everyone knows how we are flowing. Half the gamers are OCD and the other half are WTF
  2. It would not differ. My whole point, which I evidently was not good at communicating, was that it would be farmed like everything else.
  3. I thought if the attached to target unalived it dropped to the ground and was still available for party time 💥
  4. NO. Because it would immediately start the “gaming” of parameters and creation of a new type of farm. That is not even debatable. I mean, you can debate it. Or you can look at every single bit of electronic gaming ever done. It WILL be farmed. I would like to see exceptional AE writers given leeway to write longer arcs that are available through regular contacts outside AE. But no special rewards. Standard missions, a story arc, the standard merit reward at the end. More or less the same as all the old contacts. Except newer, fresher, and perhaps with more depth and ties to lore.
  5. Lol, since i have yet to implement my proposed strategy of cleaning you cannot be talking about me. Also, i play with a giant wall mounted TV as a monitor. Above my desk. So I always have a map open and tend to have situational awareness. Common sense, maybe not. But I am watching where my teammates are.
  6. you went resist heavy. i softcapped ranged defense, because... Corruptor (Ice Blast - Dark Miasma) 2024 v2.01.mbd
  7. so... grab some insp, to tank her. purples/oranges. then grab a few blasters to sweet talk her....
  8. by request in game Tank Invul SS Hyperstrike MO Durable.mbd
  9. One does not simply start a Penelope Yin Task Force….
  10. The issue Brutes will always have (in my opinion) in these one on one fights is they are just outclassed. Brutes have very good armor and very good damage. They leverage this to win every fight, most easily. This EB has better armor and better damage. so. I would suggest loading up your email with large purple orange and red inspirations. Then your trays. You have to be better again. When your inspiration run out refill from email. Use the envenomed dagger. Heck, use the p2w buff pet. She will kill it, that is one attack not aimed at you
  11. The AR devices Blaster is quite the oddball. I have loved it forever. Glad that HC has been working on the sets. Great job. AR, u like most sets, has no Aim power. But that is fixed by Devices. But Devices has no Buildup. Well, not like other Blaster secondary do anyways. The Targeting Drone in Devices has an oddball buildup that I am finding out few people know about. Basically, if you are not “in combat”. Attacking, attacked, clicking a glowie (the same stuff that breaks stealth) you get an orange circle around targeting drone power button. This lets you know you are at +dam and ready for a “First Strike”. Great for Snipe or the ranged Tier 9 Full Auto. Can also be used with BFG…errr LRM
  12. This was an exceptionally fun outing with a quality group. Unfortunately that means I do not have any Posi 1 horror stories. The group uses Discord and breaks into as many groups needed based on who shows up. Great players and fast moving.
  13. HOTFIX -- No Restart Powers Fixed an issue where players afflicted with the Mutation: Devolution effect from the Secondary Mutation power could get stuck as a monkey for 33 minutes and 20 seconds if they crossed to a different zone before the effect wore off.
  14. As a contact. Giving a Level 35-50 co-op Strike Force from Striga. (Everyone should fight this menace!) That attacks the Council for their stupid vampyre fake vampire machines. Because the Council is starting to make people fear vampires again…. Which ruins centuries of work from real vampires making them fake and even lovable!
  15. I do not madly GM hunt but i have killed a LOT of them since the patch drop. 1 recipe. Without exact number ( cause i have not counted) i would guess this is closer to 1%.
  16. Also, have you looked at Hyperstrike and his work on Invulnerability? Top botch, some of it set up for 4star Aeon (the MO Durable builds). It would benefit you to peek at his work and het ideas
  17. I have been trying to get teams to not get the last hero. But now that you said it this way… I will be telling future teams, BEFORE I set mission, that we are not saving heroes. We are cleaning door. Some will not listen, ever. But if i can get a chunk of the team to help (and a few P2W stun grenades..) we should be able to solve most of the issue
  18. That bodega in Talos is connected to the Family. I would not eat anything they make in that kitchen…
  19. then i am with everyone else.... it is advertised as golden....but i think it's maybe a dufferent mineral....
  20. again, what if the 10% drop is per monster, not per person attacking? then you gotta split that 10% by everyone attacking...
  21. It is supposed to be a ranged power that does a Confuse and applies a tohit debuff. Where is all this other stuff even coming from???
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